8x PLL Clock Multiplier IP on the Google-Skywater 130nm node.
Tested through spice simulations on skywater 130nm tt corner at room termperature
Generates 8x Multiplied Clock
Frequency Obtained for 5Mhz input: 40MHz
Frequency Obtained for 12.5Mhz input: 100MHz
Duty Cycle obtained: 46% at 40MHz and 40.6% at 100MHz
Lock-in starts at ~80us for 100MHz and ~120us for 40Mhz
3rd-Order Loop Filter used [c1, c2, c3, r1, r2, r3]: 355fF, 350fF, 345fF, 490, 490, 490.
Frequency Obtained for 5Mhz input: 40MHz
Frequency Obtained for 12.5Mhz input: 100MHz
Duty Cycle obtained: 52.7% at 40MHz and 50% at 100MHz
Lock-in starts at ~22us for 100MHz and ~37us for 40Mhz
3rd-Order Loop Filter used [c1, c2, c3, r1, r2, r3]: 295fF, 300fF, 305fF, 490, 490, 490.
- Google-SkyWater 130nm PDK
- Specifications
- Pre-Layout Simulations
- Layout
- Post-Layout Simulations
- EDA tools used
- References
- Instructions
- Future Scope
- Acknowledgements
- Contact
This PLL circuit is built on the Google-Skywater 130nm node. It is a mature 180nm-130nm hybrid technology originally developed internally by Cypress Semiconductor. The SkyWater Open Source PDK is a collaboration between Google and SkyWater Technology Foundry to provide a fully open source Process Design Kit and related resources, which can be used to create manufacturable designs at SkyWater’s facility.
Parameter | Description | min | typ | max | Unit | Conditions |
VDD | Digital Supply | - | 1.8 | - | V | T = 27C |
FCLKREF | Reference | 5 | - | 12.5 | MHz | T = 27C |
FCLKOUT | Output Clock | 40 | - | 100 | MHz | PLL Mode, T = 27C |
FCLKOUT | Output Clock | - | - | - | MHz | VCO Mode, T = 27C |
JRMS | Jitter (rms) | - | - | - | ps | PLL_Mode |
DC | Duty Cycle | 52.7 | - | 50 | % | T = 27C |
TSET | Settling Time | ~37 | - | ~22 | us | T = 27C |
CL | Load Capacitance | - | - | - | fF | T = 27C |
IDD | Supply Current | - | - | - | fF | T = 27C |
Red: Reference Clock
Blue: Output Clock Divided by 8
Yellow: Down Signal
Brown: Up Signal
Pink (at top): ChargePump output
Blue constantly overlapping Red indicating locked state
100Mhz Output:
Blue constantly overlapping Red indicating lock
Red: Clock 2
Blue: Clock 1
Orange: Up Signal
Green: Down Signal
Red: Clock 2
Blue: Clock 1
Orange: Up Signal
Green: Down Signal
Red: Charge Pump Output Voltage
Red: Charge Pump Output Voltage
Red: Charge Pump Output Voltage
Leakage: 40uV increase every 1us
Red: Output Clock
Blue: Input Clock
*These above circuits were custom selected to improve stability and reduce area/power consumption.
Area: 29.92um square
Area: 49.09um square
Area: 12.12um square
Area: 132.29um square
Area: 57.73um square
Area: 496.03um square
Red: Reference Clock
Blue: Output Clock Divided by 8
Yellow: Down Signal
Brown: Up Signal
Pink (at top): ChargePump output
40Mhz Output:
Blue constantly overlapping Red indicating locked state
100Mhz Output:
Blue constantly overlapping Red indicating locked state
Red: Clock 1
Blue: Clock 2
Orange: Up Signal
Green: Down Signal
Red: Clock1 2
Blue: Clock 2
Orange: Up Signal
Green: Down Signal
Orange: Charge Pump Output Voltage
Red: Up Signal
Blue: Down Signal
Orange: Charge Pump Output Voltage
Red: Up Signal
Blue: Down Signal
Orange: Charge Pump Output Voltage
Red: Up Signal
Blue: Down Signal
Leakage: < 0.05V in 100us
Red: Input Clock
Blue: Output Clock
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[2] X. Liu and A. N. Willson, "A pA-leakage CMOS charge pump for low-supply PLLs," 2010 53rd IEEE International Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems, Seattle, WA, 2010, pp. 1037-1040, doi: 10.1109/MWSCAS.2010.5548821.
[3] Suman, Shruti & Sharma, Krishna. (2018). An Improved Performance Ring VCO: Analysis and Design. Ciência e Técnica Vitivinícola. 33. 254-0223.
[4] Karbalaei Mohammad Ali, M., Hashemipour, O. A simple and high performance charge pump based on the self-cascode transistor. Analog Integr Circ Sig Process 100, 633–638 (2019). doi: 10.1007/s10470-019-01478-y
[5] Y. -. Choi and D. -. Han, "Gain-Boosting Charge Pump for Current Matching in Phase-Locked Loop," in IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs, vol. 53, no. 10, pp. 1022-1025, Oct. 2006, doi: 10.1109/TCSII.2006.882122.
[6] Agrawal, Abhishek and Nikhil Saxena. “Comparative Analysis of High Speed FBB TSPC and E-TSPC Frequency Divider at 32 nm CMOS process,” International Journal of Trend in Research and Development (2017), Volume 4(1), ISSN: 2394-9333.
- Get magic v8.3.82 or above from here
- Place the tech file sky130.tech in the folder where you'll be using magic
- Open magic using the command:
magic -T sky130
- Get ngspice from here or for ubuntu users, just use this command:
sudo apt-get install ngspice
- Place the sky130nm.lib file and the Sky130_Primitives folder in the location where you'll be running ngspice
- Run the simulation:
ngspice circuitname.cir
- Incorporation of Trimmer Codes.
- Incorporation of PVT compensation circuit.
- I thank Mr. Kunal Ghosh co-founder VSD, for providing me the opportunity to work on this wonderful project
- Lakshmi S (Author), MS ECE, Georgia Institute of Technology - [email protected]
- Kunal Ghosh, Co-founder, VSD Corp. Pvt. Ltd. - [email protected]