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well-founded induction on partially filled boards
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this is the first step to proving our rules complete!
it shows that by repeatedly performing case analysis on a board,
we'll eventually consider every tile.
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dianne committed Jan 13, 2019
1 parent f4de2b3 commit eab3e42
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15 changes: 15 additions & 0 deletions Minesweeper/Board.agda
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Expand Up @@ -2,11 +2,14 @@ module Minesweeper.Board where

open import Data.Vec as Vec using (Vec)
import Data.Vec.Properties as VecProp
import Data.Vec.Relation.Pointwise.Inductive as VecIndPointwise
import Data.Vec.Relation.Pointwise.Extensional as VecExtPointwise
open import Data.Fin using (_≟_)
open import Data.Product
open import Data.Product.Relation.Pointwise.NonDependent using (≡×≡⇒≡)
open import Function
open import Relation.Nullary
open import Relation.Binary
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality
open ≡-Reasoning

Expand All @@ -25,6 +28,18 @@ _Neighboring_on_ : ∀ {A bounds} → (A → Set) → Coords bounds → Board A
P Neighboring coords on grid = Σ[ neighbor ∈ Neighbor coords ] P (lookup (proj₁ neighbor) grid)

Pointwise : {ℓ A B} (_∼_ : REL A B ℓ) {bounds} REL (Board A bounds) (Board B bounds) _
Pointwise _∼_ grid₁ grid₂ = coords lookup coords grid₁ ∼ lookup coords grid₂

Pointwise⇒VecPointwise : {ℓ A B} {_∼_ : REL A B ℓ} {bounds} {grid₁ : Board A bounds} {grid₂ : Board B bounds}
Pointwise _∼_ grid₁ grid₂
VecIndPointwise.Pointwise (VecIndPointwise.Pointwise _∼_) grid₁ grid₂
Pointwise⇒VecPointwise ₁∼₂ =
VecExtPointwise.extensional⇒inductive (VecExtPointwise.ext λ y
VecExtPointwise.extensional⇒inductive (VecExtPointwise.ext λ x
₁∼₂ (x , y) ) )

lookup∘update : {A bounds} (coords : Coords bounds) (grid : Board A bounds) value
lookup coords (grid [ coords ]≔ value) ≡ value
lookup∘update (x , y) grid value = begin
Expand Down
96 changes: 95 additions & 1 deletion Minesweeper/Moves.agda
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Expand Up @@ -3,7 +3,20 @@
module Minesweeper.Moves where

open import Data.Empty
open import Data.Product
open import Data.Vec as Vec using (Vec; []; _∷_; _++_)
open import Data.Vec.Relation.Pointwise.Inductive as VecPointwise using ([]; _∷_)
open import Data.Nat hiding (_>_; _≥_)
import Data.Nat.Properties as ℕProp
open import Data.Fin as Fin using (Fin; zero; suc)
open import Relation.Nullary
open import Relation.Unary renaming (Decidable to Decidable₁)
open import Relation.Binary renaming (Decidable to Decidable₂)
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality
open import Relation.Binary.Construct.Closure.Reflexive as Refl renaming (Refl to ReflexiveClosure)
open import Induction
open import Induction.WellFounded as WF
open import Induction.Nat using (<-wellFounded)

open import Minesweeper.Coords
open import Minesweeper.Board
Expand All @@ -20,7 +33,7 @@ data _↝▣_ : Tile → KnownTile → Set where

-- board filling: can a fully filled board be reached by filling in the unknown tiles of a partial board?
_↝⊞_ : {bounds} Board Tile bounds Board KnownTile bounds Set
holey ↝⊞ filled = coords lookup coords holey ↝▣ lookup coords filled
_↝⊞_ = Pointwise _↝▣_

-- move validity: a guess as to a tile's identity on a board is valid when it holds in every rule-respecting way to fill the board's unfilled tiles
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -53,3 +66,84 @@ invert⚐ safe⚐ = mine⚐
¬-⚐✓-invert {mine⚐} {safe n} ¬guess⚐✓tile = ⚐✓safe n
¬-⚐✓-invert {safe⚐} {mine} ¬guess⚐✓tile = ⚐✓mine
¬-⚐✓-invert {safe⚐} {safe n} ¬guess⚐✓tile = ⊥-elim (¬guess⚐✓tile (⚐✓safe n))

unknown? : Decidable₁ (unknown ≡_)
unknown? (known s) = no λ ()
unknown? unknown = yes refl

-- specificity: a partially filled board is more specific than another if it agrees on all known tiles
-- and has strictly more tiles known. this is helpful in writing inductive proofs as it is well-founded:
-- boards are finite, so by filling one in step-by-step, eventually you'll have filled the whole board
data _≻_ : Tile Tile Set where
known≻unknown : {s} known s ≻ unknown

_≽_ : Rel Tile _
_≽_ = ReflexiveClosure _≻_

_≥_ : {bounds} Rel (Board Tile bounds) _
_≥_ = Pointwise _≽_

record _>_ {bounds} (filled : Board Tile bounds) (holey : Board Tile bounds) : Set where
>⇒≥ : filled ≥ holey
>-strict : ∃[ coords ] (lookup coords filled ≻ lookup coords holey)

open _>_ public

>-Rec : {ℓ bounds} RecStruct (Board Tile bounds) ℓ ℓ
>-Rec = WfRec _>_

-- more specific boards have fewer unknown tiles. then since _<_ on ℕ is well-founded, so is _>_ on Boards
countUnknowns : {bounds} Board Tile bounds
countUnknowns grid = Vec.count unknown? (Vec.concat grid)

countUnknowns-strict-monotone : {bounds} _>_ {bounds} =[ countUnknowns ]⇒ _<_
countUnknowns-strict-monotone filled>holey = uncurry countUnknowns-strict-monotone′ (>-strict filled>holey) (Pointwise⇒VecPointwise (>⇒≥ filled>holey)) where
count-++ : {m n} (xs : Vec Tile m) (ys : Vec Tile n) Vec.count unknown? (xs Vec.++ ys) ≡ Vec.count unknown? xs + Vec.count unknown? ys
count-++ [] ys = refl
count-++ (known _ ∷ xs) ys = count-++ xs ys
count-++ (unknown ∷ xs) ys = cong suc (count-++ xs ys)

countUnknowns♭-monotone : {m} VecPointwise.Pointwise _≽_ {m = m} =[ Vec.count unknown? ]⇒ _≤_
countUnknowns♭-monotone [] = z≤n
countUnknowns♭-monotone ([ known≻unknown ] ∷ ts≽us) = ℕProp.≤-step (countUnknowns♭-monotone ts≽us)
countUnknowns♭-monotone (refl {known _} ∷ ts≽us) = countUnknowns♭-monotone ts≽us
countUnknowns♭-monotone (refl {unknown} ∷ ts≽us) = s≤s (countUnknowns♭-monotone ts≽us)

countUnknowns♭-strict-monotone : {n} {filled holey : Vec Tile n} ix Vec.lookup ix filled ≻ Vec.lookup ix holey
VecPointwise.Pointwise _≽_ filled holey Vec.count unknown? filled < Vec.count unknown? holey
countUnknowns♭-strict-monotone zero known≻unknown (_ ∷ ts≽us) = s≤s (countUnknowns♭-monotone ts≽us)
countUnknowns♭-strict-monotone (suc i) ti≻ui ([ known≻unknown ] ∷ ts≽us) = ℕProp.≤-step (countUnknowns♭-strict-monotone i ti≻ui ts≽us)
countUnknowns♭-strict-monotone (suc i) ti≻ui (refl {known _} ∷ ts≽us) = countUnknowns♭-strict-monotone i ti≻ui ts≽us
countUnknowns♭-strict-monotone (suc i) ti≻ui (refl {unknown} ∷ ts≽us) = s≤s (countUnknowns♭-strict-monotone i ti≻ui ts≽us)

countUnknowns-strict-monotone′ : {bounds} {filled holey : Board Tile bounds} coords lookup coords filled ≻ lookup coords holey
VecPointwise.Pointwise (VecPointwise.Pointwise _≽_) filled holey countUnknowns filled < countUnknowns holey
countUnknowns-strict-monotone′ {_} {ts ∷ tss} {us ∷ uss} (x , zero) ti≻ui (ts≽us ∷ tss≽uss) = begin
suc (countUnknowns (ts ∷ tss)) ≡⟨ cong suc (count-++ ts (Vec.concat tss)) ⟩

suc (Vec.count unknown? ts + Vec.count unknown? (Vec.concat tss)) ≤⟨ ℕProp.+-mono-<-≤ (countUnknowns♭-strict-monotone x ti≻ui ts≽us)
(countUnknowns♭-monotone (VecPointwise.concat⁺ tss≽uss)) ⟩
Vec.count unknown? us + Vec.count unknown? (Vec.concat uss) ≡⟨ sym (count-++ us (Vec.concat uss)) ⟩

countUnknowns (us ∷ uss) ∎
where open ℕProp.≤-Reasoning
countUnknowns-strict-monotone′ {_} {ts ∷ tss} {us ∷ uss} (x , suc y) ti≻ui (ts≽us ∷ tss≽uss) = begin
suc (countUnknowns (ts ∷ tss)) ≡⟨ cong suc (count-++ ts (Vec.concat tss)) ⟩

suc (Vec.count unknown? ts + Vec.count unknown? (Vec.concat tss)) ≤⟨ ℕProp.+-mono-≤-< (countUnknowns♭-monotone ts≽us)
(countUnknowns-strict-monotone′ (x , y) ti≻ui tss≽uss) ⟩
Vec.count unknown? us + Vec.count unknown? (Vec.concat uss) ≡⟨ sym (count-++ us (Vec.concat uss)) ⟩

countUnknowns (us ∷ uss) ∎
where open ℕProp.≤-Reasoning

>-wellFounded : {bounds} WellFounded (_>_ {bounds})
>-wellFounded = WF.Subrelation.wellFounded countUnknowns-strict-monotone (WF.Inverse-image.wellFounded countUnknowns <-wellFounded)

module _ {ℓ bounds} where
open WF.All (>-wellFounded {bounds}) ℓ public
renaming ( wfRecBuilder to >-recBuilder
; wfRec to >-rec )

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