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this also reorders the definitions in Reasoning.agda a bit for clarity
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dianne committed Apr 25, 2019
1 parent d7c9d3f commit d10cf3a
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Showing 5 changed files with 113 additions and 92 deletions.
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions Minesweeper/Board.agda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -18,6 +18,9 @@ open ≡-Reasoning
open import Minesweeper.Enumeration as Enum using (Enumeration)
open import Minesweeper.Coords hiding (_≟_)

-- Boards are 2D grids of tiles. they're parameterized over a type of tile, which we'll either instantiate with
-- `KnownTile` (when all tiles' identities are known) or `Tile` (when the board may have some unknown tiles).
-- for more about tiles, see Rules.agda and Moves.agda
Board : Set Bounds Set
Board A (w , h) = Vec (Vec A w) h

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2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions Minesweeper/Coords.agda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -17,9 +17,11 @@ open import Function

open import Minesweeper.Enumeration as Enum using (Enumeration)

-- Bounds are board boundaries/dimensions
Bounds : Set
Bounds = ℕ × ℕ

-- Coords are coordinates on a board of a given size, used as a way to point to a specific tile.
Coords : Bounds Set
Coords (w , h) = Fin w × Fin h

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16 changes: 12 additions & 4 deletions Minesweeper/Moves.agda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
-- a hopefully-self-evident description of valid minesweeper moves
-- and several lemmas about it
-- this module is dedicated to definitions and lemmas regarding partially known boards. importantly, we want to reason about when
-- an unknown tile will, when revealed, always be a mine or a safe tile. I refer to assigning guesses like that as "moves" and
-- call them "valid" when they will always hold, in reference to the actions of marking tiles as mines or revealing safe tiles
-- when playing minesweeper.

module Minesweeper.Moves where

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -31,11 +33,13 @@ open import Minesweeper.Coords as Coords
open import Minesweeper.Board
open import Minesweeper.Rules

-- Tile represents the tiles of a board that may have a mix of known and unknown tiles, like those in a game of minesweeper
data Tile : Set where
known : KnownTile Tile
unknown : Tile

-- tile filling: an unknown tile can be filled with anything
-- tile filling: to relate filled and partial boards, we can fill in the tiles of a partial board to make a full board.
-- known tiles can only be "filled" with themselves, whereas unknown tiles can be filled with anything.
data _↝▣_ : Tile KnownTile Set where
↝▣known : s known s ↝▣ s
↝▣unknown : s unknown ↝▣ s
Expand All @@ -45,7 +49,11 @@ _↝⊞_ : ∀ {bounds} → Board Tile bounds → Board KnownTile bounds → Set
_↝⊞_ = Pointwise _↝▣_

-- move validity: a guess as to a tile's identity on a board is valid when it holds in every rule-respecting way to fill the board's unfilled tiles
-- move validity: a guess as to a tile's identity on a board is valid when it holds in every rule-respecting way to fill the board's unfilled tiles.
-- here, "rule-respecting" means that we're only considering the filled boards where the numbers on the safe tiles match with the number of mines
-- adjacent to them. see Rules.agda for more details
-- in a game of minesweeper, a guess that a tile is safe or a mine being valid means that it definitely will be that. an invalid guess can still by
-- chance be right in a specific game you're playing, but there is some way of assigning the unknown tiles where you will be wrong.
_[_]↝✓_ : {bounds} Board Tile bounds Coords bounds Guess Set
grid [ coords ]↝✓ guess = grid′
grid ↝⊞ grid′
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170 changes: 86 additions & 84 deletions Minesweeper/Reasoning.agda
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@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
-- the goal of this module is to present inductive tools for reasoning about minesweeper, similar to the axioms ProofSweeper provides,
-- and prove them sound and complete with respect to our formulation of minesweeper.
-- here, inspired by proofsweeper, we present inductive rules for describing valid minesweeper moves, and prove them
-- equivalent to the direct definition of move validity in Moves.agda. then, as a corollary, at the end of this module,
-- we prove that some principles closer to the rules used in proofsweeper also also sound.

module Minesweeper.Reasoning where

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -63,6 +64,7 @@ data _[_]↝★_ {bounds} grid coords where
exfalso★ : guess Contradiction grid grid [ coords ]↝★ guess

-- let's do soundness first!
-- roughly, this says that if you use the rules given by _[_]↝★_ to determine whether a tile is safe or a mine,
-- it will indeed be that, for every possible way the unknown board tiles could be "filled in"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -105,8 +107,89 @@ data _[_]↝★_ {bounds} grid coords where

-- _[_]↝★_ is complete with respect to _[_]↝✓_ !
-- roughly, this says that, given a partially filled board, and any tile on it that is either always safe or always a mine,
-- we can construct a proof that it always has that identity using only the rules given by _[_]↝★_
✓⇒★ : {bounds} (grid : Board Tile bounds) coords guess grid [ coords ]↝✓ guess grid [ coords ]↝★ guess

-- we proceed by induction on how "filled in" `grid` is. see the definition of _>_ in Minesweeper.Moves for more details
✓⇒★ {bounds} = >-rec _ ✓⇒★′ where
✓⇒★′ : (grid : Board Tile bounds)
( filled filled > grid coords guess filled [ coords ]↝✓ guess filled [ coords ]↝★ guess)
coords guess grid [ coords ]↝✓ guess grid [ coords ]↝★ guess

-- through case analysis, we can exhaustively consider every possible choice until we've filled the entire board
✓⇒★′ grid ✓⇒★-rec coords guess coords↝✓guess with holey⊎filled grid

-- if there's an unfilled tile left, we can apply the `cases★` rule to consider all possible ways of filling it
✓⇒★′ grid ✓⇒★-rec coords guess coords↝✓guess | inj₁ (unfilledCoords , unfilledCoords-unknown) =
cases★ unfilledCoords guess
λ tile ✓⇒★-rec
(grid [ unfilledCoords ]≔ known tile)
(fill-> unfilledCoords grid tile unfilledCoords-unknown)
λ fullyFilled filled↝⊞fullyFilled fullyFilled✓ coords↝✓guess
(≥-↝⊞-trans (>⇒≥ (fill-> unfilledCoords grid tile unfilledCoords-unknown)) filled↝⊞fullyFilled)

-- otherwise, `grid` is entirely filled. our assumption `coords↝✓guess` that `grid [ coords ]↝✓ guess` guarantees that
-- if there are no contradictions in `grid`, then we can find `guess` at `coords`.
✓⇒★′ grid ✓⇒★-rec coords guess coords↝✓guess | inj₂ grid-filled with unwrap grid-filled ✓?

-- in the case that `guess` can be found on `grid` at `coords`, we can use the `known★` rule
✓⇒★′ grid ✓⇒★-rec coords guess coords↝✓guess | inj₂ grid-filled | yes grid′✓ with coords↝✓guess (unwrap grid-filled) (↝⊞-unwrap grid-filled) grid′✓
... | guess⚐✓tile rewrite lookup∘unwrap grid-filled coords =
known★ (proj₁ (grid-filled coords)) guess (proj₂ (grid-filled coords)) guess⚐✓tile

-- otherwise, there must be a contradiction somewhere on `grid`, so we can use the `exfalso★` rule
✓⇒★′ grid ✓⇒★-rec coords guess coords↝✓guess | inj₂ grid-filled | no ¬grid′✓ with identify-contradiction (unwrap grid-filled) ¬grid′✓
... | badCoords , ¬grid′[badCoords]✓ rewrite lookup∘unwrap grid-filled badCoords with grid-filled badCoords

-- the contradiction can't be at a mine, since only safe tiles are considered when determining if a board is consistent
... | mine , badCoords↦badTile = ⊥-elim (¬grid′[badCoords]✓ tt)

-- at a safe tile reporting `n` neighboring mines, our assumption that there's a contradiction at that tile gives us that
-- there is *no* `Enumeration` of its neighboring mines with cardinality `n`. we can use this to build a `Contradiction`
-- in order to apply the `exfalso★` rule.
... | safe n , badCoords↦badTile =
exfalso★ guess record
{ coords = badCoords
; supposedMineCount = n
; coords-mineCount = badCoords↦badTile
; neighborGuesses = neighborGuesses
; neighborsKnown★ = λ i
(proj₁ (neighbors-filled i))
(neighborGuesses i)
(proj₂ (neighbors-filled i))
(tileType-⚐✓ _)
; disparity = n≢mineCount }
neighbors : Fin (Coords.neighborCount badCoords) Coords bounds
neighbors = proj₁ ∘ ( (Enumeration.lookup (Coords.neighbors badCoords)) ⟨$⟩_)

neighbors-filled : i ∃[ tile ] (lookup (neighbors i) grid ≡ known tile)
neighbors-filled = grid-filled ∘ neighbors

neighborGuesses : Fin (Coords.neighborCount badCoords) Guess
neighborGuesses = tileType ∘ proj₁ ∘ neighbors-filled

mineCounts-agree : Enum.count (mine⚐ ≟⚐_) neighborGuesses ≡ cardinality (neighboringMines (unwrap grid-filled) badCoords)
mineCounts-agree = Enum.count-≡ _ _ _ _ (guesses-agree ∘ neighbors) where
guesses-agree : coords mine⚐ ≡ tileType (proj₁ (grid-filled coords)) ⇔ mine⚐ ⚐✓ lookup coords (unwrap grid-filled)
guesses-agree coords rewrite lookup∘unwrap grid-filled coords with proj₁ (grid-filled coords)
... | mine = equivalence (const ⚐✓mine) (const refl)
... | safe _ = equivalence (λ ()) (λ ())

n≢mineCount : n ≢ Enum.count (mine⚐ ≟⚐_) neighborGuesses
n≢mineCount = ¬grid′[badCoords]✓ ∘ (neighboringMines (unwrap grid-filled) badCoords ,_) ∘ flip trans mineCounts-agree

-- now we'll also show that some familiar reasoning principles used in proofsweeper are sound
-- (and thus as a corrollary of the completeness of `_[_]↝★_`, they can be expressed in terms of those rules).
-- (and thus as a corrollary of the completeness of `_[_]↝★_`, they can be expressed in terms of our inductive rules).
-- specifically, we want to capture that if you have a known safe tile that already has as many adjacent safe
-- tiles or mines as it can, then any other tile neighboring it must be of the other sort. for representing
-- that conveniently, here's the following record: a given number of unique neighbors of a tile, all either
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -209,84 +292,3 @@ otherNeighborIsMine grid neighborMineCount otherNeighbor ((safeCoords , safeCoor
cardinality safeEnumeration + cardinality mineEnumeration ∸ cardinality mineEnumeration ≡⟨ m+n∸n≡m (cardinality safeEnumeration) (cardinality mineEnumeration) ⟩
cardinality safeEnumeration ∎
where open ≡-Reasoning

-- _[_]↝★_ is complete with respect to _[_]↝✓_ !
-- roughly, this says that, given a partially filled board, and any tile on it that is either always safe or always a mine,
-- we can construct a proof that it always has that identity using only the rules given by _[_]↝★_
✓⇒★ : {bounds} (grid : Board Tile bounds) coords guess grid [ coords ]↝✓ guess grid [ coords ]↝★ guess

-- we proceed by induction on how "filled in" `grid` is. see the definition of _>_ in Minesweeper.Moves for more details
✓⇒★ {bounds} = >-rec _ ✓⇒★′ where
✓⇒★′ : (grid : Board Tile bounds)
( filled filled > grid coords guess filled [ coords ]↝✓ guess filled [ coords ]↝★ guess)
coords guess grid [ coords ]↝✓ guess grid [ coords ]↝★ guess

-- through case analysis, we can exhaustively consider every possible choice until we've filled the entire board
✓⇒★′ grid ✓⇒★-rec coords guess coords↝✓guess with holey⊎filled grid

-- if there's an unfilled tile left, we can apply the `cases★` rule to consider all possible ways of filling it
✓⇒★′ grid ✓⇒★-rec coords guess coords↝✓guess | inj₁ (unfilledCoords , unfilledCoords-unknown) =
cases★ unfilledCoords guess
λ tile ✓⇒★-rec
(grid [ unfilledCoords ]≔ known tile)
(fill-> unfilledCoords grid tile unfilledCoords-unknown)
λ fullyFilled filled↝⊞fullyFilled fullyFilled✓ coords↝✓guess
(≥-↝⊞-trans (>⇒≥ (fill-> unfilledCoords grid tile unfilledCoords-unknown)) filled↝⊞fullyFilled)

-- otherwise, `grid` is entirely filled. our assumption `coords↝✓guess` that `grid [ coords ]↝✓ guess` guarantees that
-- if there are no contradictions in `grid`, then we can find `guess` at `coords`.
✓⇒★′ grid ✓⇒★-rec coords guess coords↝✓guess | inj₂ grid-filled with unwrap grid-filled ✓?

-- in the case that `guess` can be found on `grid` at `coords`, we can use the `known★` rule
✓⇒★′ grid ✓⇒★-rec coords guess coords↝✓guess | inj₂ grid-filled | yes grid′✓ with coords↝✓guess (unwrap grid-filled) (↝⊞-unwrap grid-filled) grid′✓
... | guess⚐✓tile rewrite lookup∘unwrap grid-filled coords =
known★ (proj₁ (grid-filled coords)) guess (proj₂ (grid-filled coords)) guess⚐✓tile

-- otherwise, there must be a contradiction somewhere on `grid`, so we can use the `exfalso★` rule
✓⇒★′ grid ✓⇒★-rec coords guess coords↝✓guess | inj₂ grid-filled | no ¬grid′✓ with identify-contradiction (unwrap grid-filled) ¬grid′✓
... | badCoords , ¬grid′[badCoords]✓ rewrite lookup∘unwrap grid-filled badCoords with grid-filled badCoords

-- the contradiction can't be at a mine, since only safe tiles are considered when determining if a board is consistent
... | mine , badCoords↦badTile = ⊥-elim (¬grid′[badCoords]✓ tt)

-- at a safe tile reporting `n` neighboring mines, our assumption that there's a contradiction at that tile gives us that
-- there is *no* `Enumeration` of its neighboring mines with cardinality `n`. we can use this to build a `Contradiction`
-- in order to apply the `exfalso★` rule.
... | safe n , badCoords↦badTile =
exfalso★ guess record
{ coords = badCoords
; supposedMineCount = n
; coords-mineCount = badCoords↦badTile
; neighborGuesses = neighborGuesses
; neighborsKnown★ = λ i
(proj₁ (neighbors-filled i))
(neighborGuesses i)
(proj₂ (neighbors-filled i))
(tileType-⚐✓ _)
; disparity = n≢mineCount }
neighbors : Fin (Coords.neighborCount badCoords) Coords bounds
neighbors = proj₁ ∘ ( (Enumeration.lookup (Coords.neighbors badCoords)) ⟨$⟩_)

neighbors-filled : i ∃[ tile ] (lookup (neighbors i) grid ≡ known tile)
neighbors-filled = grid-filled ∘ neighbors

neighborGuesses : Fin (Coords.neighborCount badCoords) Guess
neighborGuesses = tileType ∘ proj₁ ∘ neighbors-filled

mineCounts-agree : Enum.count (mine⚐ ≟⚐_) neighborGuesses ≡ cardinality (neighboringMines (unwrap grid-filled) badCoords)
mineCounts-agree = Enum.count-≡ _ _ _ _ (guesses-agree ∘ neighbors) where
guesses-agree : coords mine⚐ ≡ tileType (proj₁ (grid-filled coords)) ⇔ mine⚐ ⚐✓ lookup coords (unwrap grid-filled)
guesses-agree coords rewrite lookup∘unwrap grid-filled coords with proj₁ (grid-filled coords)
... | mine = equivalence (const ⚐✓mine) (const refl)
... | safe _ = equivalence (λ ()) (λ ())

n≢mineCount : n ≢ Enum.count (mine⚐ ≟⚐_) neighborGuesses
n≢mineCount = ¬grid′[badCoords]✓ ∘ (neighboringMines (unwrap grid-filled) badCoords ,_) ∘ flip trans mineCounts-agree
14 changes: 10 additions & 4 deletions Minesweeper/Rules.agda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
-- the rules of filled minesweeper boards: do the numbers tell the truth?
-- here we describe the "rules" of minesweeper,
-- or what it means for the tiles of an entirely known board to be consistent with each other

module Minesweeper.Rules where

Expand All @@ -16,10 +17,15 @@ open import Minesweeper.Coords
open import Minesweeper.Board
open import Minesweeper.Enumeration as Enum using (Enumeration)

-- KnownTile represents the tiles of a completely filled board:
-- they're all either mines, or safe tiles labeled with how many mines there are adjacent to them
data KnownTile : Set where
mine : KnownTile
safe : KnownTile

-- Guess represents the type of a tile. the name is due to how they're used to reason about the identities of unknown tiles,
-- since a `safe⚐` guess could correspond to a safe tile `safe n` for any `n`. following the name, the "⚐" mnemonic is meant
-- to evoke placing flags over unknown tiles with mines in Windows minesweeper to mark them as such.
data Guess : Set where
mine⚐ : Guess
safe⚐ : Guess
Expand All @@ -30,14 +36,14 @@ data _⚐✓_ : Guess → KnownTile → Set where
⚐✓safe : n safe⚐ ⚐✓ safe n

-- a numbered tile is good if the number on it matches the number of mines adjacent to it.
-- since all Enumerations of a type have the same length, it's sufficient to provide only one as evidence
-- consistency: `grid [ coords ]✓` means that if `grid` has a safe tile at `coords`, then the number on it agrees with the number of mines adjacent to it.
-- since only safe tiles are checked in this way, coordinates with mines are always regarded as valid, regardless of if they have adjacent inconsistent safe tiles.
_[_]✓ : {bounds} Board KnownTile bounds Coords bounds Set
_[_]✓ {bounds} grid coords with lookup coords grid
... | mine =
... | safe n = Σ[ neighboringMines ∈ Enumeration ((mine⚐ ⚐✓_) Neighboring coords on grid) ] n ≡ Enumeration.cardinality neighboringMines

-- a board is good if all positions on it are good
-- a board `grid` is consistent (written `grid ✓`) if every tile on it is consistent with its neighbors
_✓ : {bounds} Board KnownTile bounds Set
_✓ {bounds} grid = coords grid [ coords ]✓

Expand Down

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