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partition for Enumeration
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this is useful for reasoning about how the total nnumber of neighbors a tile has
is the number of safe neighbors it has plus the number of mines neighboring it
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dianne committed Dec 29, 2018
1 parent dc62799 commit 8e298d6
Showing 1 changed file with 25 additions and 8 deletions.
33 changes: 25 additions & 8 deletions Minesweeper/Enumeration.agda
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Expand Up @@ -263,21 +263,21 @@ enum₁ ⊗ enum₂ = record

module Filter {A : Set} {P : A Set} (P-irrelevant : Irrelevant₁ P) (P? : Decidable₁ P) where
module Filter {A : Set} {P : A Set} (P? : Decidable₁ P) where
discardNo : {a} Dec (P a) Maybe (Σ A P)
discardNo {a = a} (yes p) = just (a , p)
discardNo (no ¬p) = nothing

Σfilter : List A List (Σ A P)
Σfilter = List.mapMaybe (discardNo ∘ P?)

Σfilter-∈ : {xs x} x ∈ xs (Px : P x) (x , Px) ∈ Σfilter xs
Σfilter-∈ {x ∷ xs} (here refl) Px with P? x
Σfilter-∈ : {xs x} x ∈ xs Irrelevant₁ P (Px : P x) (x , Px) ∈ Σfilter xs
Σfilter-∈ {x ∷ xs} (here refl) P-irrelevant Px with P? x
... | yes Px′ rewrite P-irrelevant Px Px′ = here refl
... | no ¬Px = contradiction Px ¬Px
Σfilter-∈ {y ∷ xs} (there x∈xs) Px with P? y
... | yes _ = there (Σfilter-∈ x∈xs Px)
... | no _ = Σfilter-∈ x∈xs Px
Σfilter-∈ {y ∷ xs} (there x∈xs) P-irrelevant Px with P? y
... | yes _ = there (Σfilter-∈ x∈xs P-irrelevant Px)
... | no _ = Σfilter-∈ x∈xs P-irrelevant Px

Σfilter-∋ : {xs x} (Px : P x) (x , Px) ∈ Σfilter xs x ∈ xs
Σfilter-∋ {[]} Px ()
Expand All @@ -298,9 +298,26 @@ private
filter : {A : Set} {P : A Set} Irrelevant₁ P Decidable₁ P Enumeration A Enumeration (Σ A P)
filter P-irrelevant P? enum = record
{ list = Σfilter (list enum)
; complete = λ { (x , Px) Σfilter-∈ (complete enum x) Px }
; complete = λ { (x , Px) Σfilter-∈ (complete enum x) P-irrelevant Px }
; entries-unique = λ ix₁ ix₂ Σfilter-∋-injective _ _ _ (entries-unique enum (Σfilter-∋ _ ix₁) (Σfilter-∋ _ ix₂)) }
where open Filter P-irrelevant P?
where open Filter P?

-- in order to reason about how the total number of neighbors a tile has equals the sum of its safe neighbors and mine-containing neighbors,
-- we can `partition` its neighbors into separate enumerations of safe neighbors and mines
partition : {A} {P Q : A Set} Irrelevant₁ P Irrelevant₁ Q ( x P x ⊎ Q x) ( {x} P x ¬ Q x)
Enumeration A Enumeration (Σ A P) × Enumeration (Σ A Q)
partition P-irrelevant Q-irrelevant which? PQ-disjoint enum = filter P-irrelevant ([ yes , no ∘ flip PQ-disjoint ]′ ∘ which?) enum , filter Q-irrelevant ([ no ∘ PQ-disjoint , yes ]′ ∘ which?) enum

length-partition : {A} {P Q : A Set} (P-irrelevant : Irrelevant₁ P) (Q-irrelevant : Irrelevant₁ Q) (which? : x P x ⊎ Q x) (PQ-disjoint : {x} P x ¬ Q x) enum
List.length (list enum) ≡ List.length (list (Σ.proj₁ (partition P-irrelevant Q-irrelevant which? PQ-disjoint enum)))
ℕ.+ List.length (list (Σ.proj₂ (partition P-irrelevant Q-irrelevant which? PQ-disjoint enum)))
length-partition P-irrelevant Q-irrelevant which? PQ-disjoint enum = length-Σfilter (list enum) where
length-Σfilter : xs List.length xs ≡ List.length (Filter.Σfilter ([ yes , no ∘ flip PQ-disjoint ]′ ∘ which?) xs) ℕ.+ List.length (Filter.Σfilter ([ no ∘ PQ-disjoint , yes ]′ ∘ which?) xs)
length-Σfilter [] = refl
length-Σfilter (x ∷ xs) with which? x
... | inj₁ Px = cong suc (length-Σfilter xs)
... | inj₂ Qx = trans (cong suc (length-Σfilter xs)) (sym (ℕProp.+-suc _ _))

-- if we have two types, a pair of inverse functions between them, and Enumeration for one, we can get an Enumeration of the same length for the other
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