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add a rule for case analysis
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the previous rules for constructing proofs that minesweeper moves are valid
weren't strong enough to express all valid moves. for example, on the board
*6 1
if the tiles marked with `*`s are mines, all of the tiles adjacent to the `1`
but not the `6` will be safe. however, before, this could not be proven, since
we do not know the exact positions of all the mines or safe tiles adjacent to
either the `6` or `1`, and that was necessary information to make any judgment.
the new rule captures the reasoning that the `1`'s neighbors not adjacent to the
`6` will always be safe, since they can be shown to be safe for any way of
picking which of the `6`'s unknown neighbors is the mine,
  • Loading branch information
dianne committed Jan 2, 2019
1 parent 49aac56 commit 4a3955c
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Showing 3 changed files with 59 additions and 8 deletions.
31 changes: 30 additions & 1 deletion Minesweeper/Board.agda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,10 +1,16 @@
module Minesweeper.Board where

open import Data.Vec as Vec using (Vec)
import Data.Vec.Properties as VecProp
open import Data.Fin using (_≟_)
open import Data.Product
open import Data.Product.Relation.Pointwise.NonDependent using (≡×≡⇒≡)
open import Function
open import Relation.Nullary
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality
open ≡-Reasoning

open import Minesweeper.Coords
open import Minesweeper.Coords hiding (_≟_)

Board : Set Bounds Set
Board A (w , h) = Vec (Vec A w) h
Expand All @@ -17,3 +23,26 @@ grid [ (x , y) ]≔ value = grid Vec.[ y ]≔ (Vec.lookup y grid Vec.[ x ]≔ va

_Neighboring_on_ : {A bounds} (A Set) Coords bounds Board A bounds Set
P Neighboring coords on grid = Σ[ neighbor ∈ Neighbor coords ] P (lookup (proj₁ neighbor) grid)

lookup∘update : {A bounds} (coords : Coords bounds) (grid : Board A bounds) value
lookup coords (grid [ coords ]≔ value) ≡ value
lookup∘update (x , y) grid value = begin
lookup (x , y) (grid [ x , y ]≔ value)
Vec.lookup x (Vec.lookup y (grid Vec.[ y ]≔ (Vec.lookup y grid Vec.[ x ]≔ value)))
≡⟨ cong (Vec.lookup x) (VecProp.lookup∘update y grid (Vec.lookup y grid Vec.[ x ]≔ value)) ⟩
Vec.lookup x (Vec.lookup y grid Vec.[ x ]≔ value)
≡⟨ VecProp.lookup∘update x (Vec.lookup y grid) value ⟩
value ∎

lookup∘update′ : {A bounds} {coords₁ coords₂ : Coords bounds} coords₁ ≢ coords₂ (grid : Board A bounds) value
lookup coords₁ (grid [ coords₂ ]≔ value) ≡ lookup coords₁ grid
lookup∘update′ {coords₁ = x₁ , y₁} {x₂ , y₂} coords₁≢coords₂ grid value with y₁ ≟ y₂
... | no y₁≢y₂ = cong (Vec.lookup x₁) (VecProp.lookup∘update′ y₁≢y₂ grid (Vec.lookup y₂ grid Vec.[ x₂ ]≔ value))
... | yes refl = begin
lookup (x₁ , y₁) (grid [ x₂ , y₁ ]≔ value)
≡⟨ cong (Vec.lookup x₁) (VecProp.lookup∘update y₁ grid (Vec.lookup y₁ grid Vec.[ x₂ ]≔ value)) ⟩
Vec.lookup x₁ (Vec.lookup y₁ grid Vec.[ x₂ ]≔ value)
≡⟨ VecProp.lookup∘update′ (coords₁≢coords₂ ∘ flip (curry ≡×≡⇒≡) refl) (Vec.lookup y₁ grid) value ⟩
Vec.lookup x₁ (Vec.lookup y₁ grid) ∎
11 changes: 8 additions & 3 deletions Minesweeper/Coords.agda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,10 +1,11 @@
module Minesweeper.Coords where

open import Data.Nat
open import Data.Nat renaming (_≟_ to _ℕ≟_)
open import Data.Integer using (∣_∣; _⊖_)
open import Data.Integer.Properties using (∣m⊖n∣≡∣n⊖m∣)
open import Data.Product
open import Data.Fin hiding (_≟_)
open import Data.Product.Relation.Pointwise.NonDependent using (≡?×≡?⇒≡?)
open import Data.Fin renaming (_≟_ to _Fin≟_)
open import Relation.Binary using (Decidable)
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality

Expand All @@ -20,7 +21,7 @@ Adjacent : ∀ {bounds} (coords₁ coords₂ : Coords bounds) → Set
Adjacent (x₁ , y₁) (x₂ , y₂) = ∣ toℕ x₁ ⊖ toℕ x₂ ∣ ⊔ ∣ toℕ y₁ ⊖ toℕ y₂ ∣ ≡ 1

adjacent? : {bounds} Decidable (Adjacent {bounds})
adjacent? (x₁ , y₁) (x₂ , y₂) = ∣ toℕ x₁ ⊖ toℕ x₂ ∣ ⊔ ∣ toℕ y₁ ⊖ toℕ y₂ ∣ ≟ 1
adjacent? (x₁ , y₁) (x₂ , y₂) = ∣ toℕ x₁ ⊖ toℕ x₂ ∣ ⊔ ∣ toℕ y₁ ⊖ toℕ y₂ ∣ 1

Neighbor : {bounds} (coords : Coords bounds) Set
Neighbor coords = Σ[ neighbor ∈ _ ] Adjacent coords neighbor
Expand All @@ -40,3 +41,7 @@ Adjacent-sym (x₁ , y₁) (x₂ , y₂) coords₁-coords₂-Adj = begin

neighbor-sym : {bounds} {coords : Coords bounds} (neighbor : Neighbor coords) Neighbor (proj₁ neighbor)
neighbor-sym {coords = coords} (neighbor , adjacency) = coords , Adjacent-sym coords neighbor adjacency

_≟_ : {bounds} Decidable (_≡_ {A = Coords bounds})
_≟_ = ≡?×≡?⇒≡? _Fin≟_ _Fin≟_
25 changes: 21 additions & 4 deletions Minesweeper/Reasoning.agda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -20,8 +20,8 @@ open import Function.Inverse as Inverse using (_↔_)

open import Data.Fin using (Fin)
open import Minesweeper.Enumeration as Enum using (Enumeration)
open import Minesweeper.Coords
open import Minesweeper.Board
open import Minesweeper.Coords as Coords using (Coords ; Neighbor ; neighbors)
open import Minesweeper.Board as Board using (Board ; _Neighboring_on_ ; lookup ; _[_]≔_)
open import Minesweeper.Rules
open import Minesweeper.Moves

Expand All @@ -45,6 +45,12 @@ data _[_]↝★_ {bounds} grid coords where
-- known tiles already have a proven identity
known★ : tile guess lookup coords grid ≡ known tile guess ⚐✓ tile grid [ coords ]↝★ guess

-- case analysis: in a filled board the tile at `testCoords` will either be safe or a mine, so if we can
-- prove that our `guess` holds for the tile at `coords` regardless of which of those it is, then it will always hold.
cases★ : testCoords guess
( tile (grid [ testCoords ]≔ known tile) [ coords ]↝★ guess)
grid [ coords ]↝★ guess

-- a tile is safe if an adjacent safe tile already has as many adjacent mines as it can
safe★ : neighborMineCount
(safeNeighbor : (known (safe neighborMineCount) ≡_) Neighboring coords on grid)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -79,13 +85,24 @@ Neighbors★-alreadyFull : ∀ {bounds} (grid : Board Tile bounds) grid′ coord
... | tile↝▣tile′ with lookup coords grid | lookup coords grid′
★⇒✓ grid coords (known★ tile guess refl guess⚐✓tile) grid′ grid↝⊞grid′ grid′✓ | ↝▣known .tile | .(known tile) | .tile = guess⚐✓tile

-- for a proof by cases★ on the final board, only the case that applies to our actual final board `grid′` applies
★⇒✓ grid coords (cases★ testCoords guess cases) grid′ grid↝⊞grid′ grid′✓ = ★⇒✓ _ _ (cases (lookup testCoords grid′)) grid′ gridWithTest↝⊞grid′ grid′✓ where
-- proofs by case analysis include information gained from which case is being inspected in the `grid`.
-- in the relevant case, our updated `grid` still can complete to `grid′`:
gridWithTest↝⊞grid′ : (grid [ testCoords ]≔ known (lookup testCoords grid′)) ↝⊞ grid′
gridWithTest↝⊞grid′ coords′ with coords′ Coords.≟ testCoords
-- at the test coordinates, it updates to be the known tile at those coordinates on `grid′`, which is present on `grid′`
... | yes refl rewrite Board.lookup∘update coords′ grid (known (lookup coords′ grid′)) = ↝▣known (lookup coords′ grid′)
-- and elsewhere it is the same as in `grid`, which is compatible with `grid′` by our assumption `grid↝⊞grid′` that `grid` and `grid′` are compatible
... | no coords′≢testCoords rewrite Board.lookup∘update′ coords′≢testCoords grid (known (lookup testCoords grid′)) = grid↝⊞grid′ coords′

-- a tile being safe★ means it has an adjacent safe tile with as many adjacent mines as it can have, so by `Neighbors★-alreadyFull` it must be safe
★⇒✓ grid coords (safe★ neighborMineCount ((safeNeighbor , safeNeighbor-Adj) , safeNeighbor-safe) neighborMines neighborMines-length) grid′ grid↝⊞grid′ grid′✓
with grid↝⊞grid′ safeNeighbor | grid′✓ safeNeighbor
... | safe↝⊞safe | safeNeighbor✓ with lookup safeNeighbor grid | lookup safeNeighbor grid′
★⇒✓ grid coords (safe★ neighborMineCount ((safeNeighbor , safeNeighbor-Adj) , refl) neighborMines neighborMines-length) grid′ grid↝⊞grid′ grid′✓
| ↝▣known .(safe _) | mineEnumeration , neighborMineCount≡enumLength | .(known (safe _)) | .(safe _) =
Neighbors★-alreadyFull grid grid′ safeNeighbor (coords , Adjacent-sym coords safeNeighbor safeNeighbor-Adj) mine⚐ neighborMines mineEnumeration grid↝⊞grid′ grid′✓ enoughMines
Neighbors★-alreadyFull grid grid′ safeNeighbor (coords , Coords.Adjacent-sym coords safeNeighbor safeNeighbor-Adj) mine⚐ neighborMines mineEnumeration grid↝⊞grid′ grid′✓ enoughMines
enoughMines : List.length (Neighbors★.list neighborMines) ≡ List.length (Enumeration.list mineEnumeration)
enoughMines = trans neighborMines-length neighborMineCount≡enumLength
Expand All @@ -96,7 +113,7 @@ Neighbors★-alreadyFull : ∀ {bounds} (grid : Board Tile bounds) grid′ coord
... | safe↝⊞safe | safeNeighbor✓ with lookup safeNeighbor grid | lookup safeNeighbor grid′
★⇒✓ grid coords (mine★ neighborMineCount ((safeNeighbor , safeNeighbor-Adj) , refl) neighborSafes neighborSafes-length) grid′ grid↝⊞grid′ grid′✓
| ↝▣known .(safe _) | mineEnumeration , neighborMineCount≡enumLength | .(known (safe _)) | .(safe _) =
Neighbors★-alreadyFull grid grid′ safeNeighbor (coords , Adjacent-sym coords safeNeighbor safeNeighbor-Adj) safe⚐ neighborSafes safeEnumeration grid↝⊞grid′ grid′✓ enoughSafes
Neighbors★-alreadyFull grid grid′ safeNeighbor (coords , Coords.Adjacent-sym coords safeNeighbor safeNeighbor-Adj) safe⚐ neighborSafes safeEnumeration grid↝⊞grid′ grid′✓ enoughSafes
-- since the number of safe neighbors a tile has is defined by how many are left when you take away the mines,
-- we need to do a bit of arithmetic--splitting all of safeNeighbor's neighbors into safe tiles and mines--to see that our list really has all of them
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