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split specialized mine/safe rules out
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they're not needed for the rules to be complete, so I've separated out the
proofs that they're sound into their own definitions.
I haven't paid too much attention to making it look nice, since I'm rewriting
those parts anyway, but this change needed to come first.
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dianne committed Feb 14, 2019
1 parent 588a21f commit 4251b10
Showing 1 changed file with 77 additions and 80 deletions.
157 changes: 77 additions & 80 deletions Minesweeper/Reasoning.agda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -27,22 +27,9 @@ open import Minesweeper.Board as Board using (Board ; _Neighboring_on_ ; lookup
open import Minesweeper.Rules
open import Minesweeper.Moves

-- our inductive family for minesweeper proofs! based on ProofSweeper but using our own machinery
-- and not intended for hand-writing at all
-- our inductive family for minesweeper proofs!
data _[_]↝★_ {bounds} (grid : Board Tile bounds) (coords : Coords bounds) : Guess Set
record Contradiction {bounds} (grid : Board Tile bounds) : Set
record Neighbors★ {bounds} (grid : Board Tile bounds) (neighbor : Coords bounds) (exclude : Coords bounds) (guess : Guess) : Set
Many_neighboring★_on_excluding_ : {bounds} Guess Coords bounds Board Tile bounds Coords bounds Set

record Neighbors★ {bounds} grid neighbor exclude guess where
list : List (Neighbor neighbor)
unique : {elem} (ix₁ ix₂ : elem ∈ list) ix₁ ≡ ix₂
guess-valid★ : All (λ elem grid [ proj₁ elem ]↝★ guess) list
exclusion : All (λ elem exclude ≢ proj₁ elem) list

Many_neighboring★_on_excluding_ guess neighbor grid exclude = Neighbors★ grid neighbor exclude guess

-- noticing contradictions lets us narrow our resoning by dismissing impossible board states.
-- here we define a contradiction as the existence of a known safe tile whose neighbors we can identify
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -70,34 +57,12 @@ data _[_]↝★_ {bounds} grid coords where
-- ex falso quodlibet: a board with a contradiction in it has no way of being filled in, so it doesn't matter what we say about it.
exfalso★ : guess Contradiction grid grid [ coords ]↝★ guess

-- a tile is safe if an adjacent safe tile already has as many adjacent mines as it can
safe★ : neighborMineCount
(safeNeighbor : (known (safe neighborMineCount) ≡_) Neighboring coords on grid)
(neighborMines : Many mine⚐ neighboring★ proj₁ (proj₁ safeNeighbor) on grid excluding coords)
List.length (Neighbors★.list neighborMines) ≡ neighborMineCount
grid [ coords ]↝★ safe⚐

-- a tile is a mine if an adjacent safe tile already has as many adjacent safe tiles as it can
mine★ : neighborMineCount
(safeNeighbor : (known (safe neighborMineCount) ≡_) Neighboring coords on grid)
(neighborSafes : Many safe⚐ neighboring★ proj₁ (proj₁ safeNeighbor) on grid excluding coords)
List.length (Neighbors★.list neighborSafes) + neighborMineCount ≡ List.length (Enumeration.list (neighbors (proj₁ (proj₁ safeNeighbor))))
grid [ coords ]↝★ mine⚐

-- let's do soundness first!
-- roughly, this says that if you use the rules given by _[_]↝★_ to determine whether a tile is safe or a mine,
-- it will indeed be that, for every possible way the unknown board tiles could be "filled in"
★⇒✓ : {bounds guess} (grid : Board Tile bounds) coords grid [ coords ]↝★ guess grid [ coords ]↝✓ guess

-- our core lemma: if a list of neighboring mines or safe tiles agrees in length with the complete list of such neighboring tiles in a filled board,
-- then any neighbor not in that list must be of the opposite tile type
Neighbors★-alreadyFull : {bounds} (grid : Board Tile bounds) grid′ coords (other : Neighbor coords) guess (neighbors : Many guess neighboring★ coords on grid excluding proj₁ other)
(every : Enumeration ((guess ⚐✓_) Neighboring coords on grid′))
grid ↝⊞ grid′ grid′ ✓
List.length (Neighbors★.list neighbors) ≡ List.length (Enumeration.list every)
invert⚐ guess ⚐✓ lookup (proj₁ other) grid′

-- when the tile we're looking at is already known, it will stay the same in all ways of completing the board.
-- so as long as our guess agrees with its current state, it's valid
★⇒✓ grid coords (known★ tile guess coords↦tile guess⚐✓tile) grid′ grid↝⊞grid′ grid′✓ = subst (guess ⚐✓_) (known-↝▣⇒≡ coords↦tile (grid↝⊞grid′ coords)) guess⚐✓tile
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -139,52 +104,30 @@ Neighbors★-alreadyFull : ∀ {bounds} (grid : Board Tile bounds) grid′ coord
... | mines′ , supposedMineCount≡length-mines′ =
trans supposedMineCount≡length-mines′ (Enum.enumeration-length-uniform mines′ (neighboringMines grid′ testCoords))

-- a tile being safe★ means it has an adjacent safe tile with as many adjacent mines as it can have, so by `Neighbors★-alreadyFull` it must be safe
★⇒✓ grid coords (safe★ neighborMineCount ((safeNeighbor , safeNeighbor-Adj) , safeNeighbor-safe) neighborMines neighborMines-length) grid′ grid↝⊞grid′ grid′✓
with known-safe-✓ safeNeighbor grid grid′ (sym safeNeighbor-safe) grid↝⊞grid′ grid′✓
... | mineEnumeration , neighborMineCount≡enumLength =
Neighbors★-alreadyFull grid grid′ safeNeighbor (coords , Coords.Adjacent-sym coords safeNeighbor safeNeighbor-Adj) mine⚐ neighborMines mineEnumeration grid↝⊞grid′ grid′✓ enoughMines
enoughMines : List.length (Neighbors★.list neighborMines) ≡ List.length (Enumeration.list mineEnumeration)
enoughMines = trans neighborMines-length neighborMineCount≡enumLength

-- a tile being a mine★ means it has an adjacent safe tile with as many adjacent safe tiles as it can have, so by `Neighbors★-alreadyFull` it must be a mine
★⇒✓ grid coords (mine★ neighborMineCount ((safeNeighbor , safeNeighbor-Adj) , safeNeighbor-safe) neighborSafes neighborSafes-length) grid′ grid↝⊞grid′ grid′✓
with known-safe-✓ safeNeighbor grid grid′ (sym safeNeighbor-safe) grid↝⊞grid′ grid′✓
... | mineEnumeration , neighborMineCount≡enumLength =
Neighbors★-alreadyFull grid grid′ safeNeighbor (coords , Coords.Adjacent-sym coords safeNeighbor safeNeighbor-Adj) safe⚐ neighborSafes safeEnumeration grid↝⊞grid′ grid′✓ enoughSafes
-- since the number of safe neighbors a tile has is defined by how many are left when you take away the mines,
-- we need to do a bit of arithmetic--splitting all of safeNeighbor's neighbors into safe tiles and mines--to see that our list really has all of them
splitNeighbors : Enumeration ((safe⚐ ⚐✓_) Neighboring safeNeighbor on grid′) × Enumeration ((mine⚐ ⚐✓_) Neighboring safeNeighbor on grid′)
splitNeighbors = Enum.partition ⚐✓-irrelevance ⚐✓-irrelevance (tileType ∘ flip lookup grid′ ∘ proj₁) guessesDisjoint (neighbors safeNeighbor)

safeEnumeration : Enumeration ((safe⚐ ⚐✓_) Neighboring safeNeighbor on grid′)
safeEnumeration = proj₁ splitNeighbors

enoughSafes : List.length (Neighbors★.list neighborSafes) ≡ List.length (Enumeration.list safeEnumeration)
enoughSafes = +-cancelʳ-≡ (List.length (Neighbors★.list neighborSafes)) (List.length (Enumeration.list safeEnumeration)) length-splitNeighbors where
open ≡-Reasoning
length-splitNeighbors : List.length (Neighbors★.list neighborSafes) + neighborMineCount ≡ List.length (Enumeration.list safeEnumeration) + neighborMineCount
length-splitNeighbors = begin
List.length (Neighbors★.list neighborSafes) + neighborMineCount
≡⟨ neighborSafes-length ⟩
List.length (Enumeration.list (neighbors safeNeighbor))
≡⟨ Enum.length-partition ⚐✓-irrelevance ⚐✓-irrelevance (tileType ∘ flip lookup grid′ ∘ proj₁) guessesDisjoint (neighbors safeNeighbor) ⟩
List.length (Enumeration.list safeEnumeration) + List.length (Enumeration.list (proj₂ splitNeighbors))
≡⟨ cong (List.length (Enumeration.list safeEnumeration) +_) (Enum.enumeration-length-uniform (proj₂ splitNeighbors) mineEnumeration) ⟩
List.length (Enumeration.list safeEnumeration) + List.length (Enumeration.list mineEnumeration)
≡⟨ cong (List.length (Enumeration.list safeEnumeration) +_) (sym neighborMineCount≡enumLength) ⟩
List.length (Enumeration.list safeEnumeration) + neighborMineCount ∎

Neighbors★-alreadyFull grid grid′ coords other guess neighbors★ every grid↝⊞grid′ grid′✓ lengths-agree = ¬-⚐✓-invert ¬other↦guess where
-- now we'll also show that some familiar reasoning principles used in proofsweeper are sound
-- (and thus as a corrollary of the completeness of `_[_]↝★_`, they can be expressed in terms of those rules).
-- our core lemma: if a list of mines or safe tiles neighboring some coordinates agrees in length with the
-- complete list of such neighboring tiles in a filled board, then any other neighbor not in that list
-- must be of the opposite tile type
neighborsAlreadyFull : {bounds} (grid : Board Tile bounds) grid′ coords (other : Neighbor coords) guess
(every : Enumeration ((guess ⚐✓_) Neighboring coords on grid′))
(neighbors : List (Neighbor coords))
( {neighbor} (ix₁ ix₂ : neighbor ∈ neighbors) ix₁ ≡ ix₂)
All (λ neighbor grid [ proj₁ neighbor ]↝✓ guess) neighbors
All (λ neighbor proj₁ other ≢ proj₁ neighbor) neighbors
grid ↝⊞ grid′ grid′ ✓
List.length neighbors ≡ List.length (Enumeration.list every)
invert⚐ guess ⚐✓ lookup (proj₁ other) grid′
neighborsAlreadyFull grid grid′ coords other guess every neighbors neighbors-unique neighbors↝✓guess other∉neighbors grid↝⊞grid′ grid′✓ lengths-agree = ¬-⚐✓-invert ¬other↦guess where
-- to see that `neighbors` is the complete list of `coords`' neighbors of type `guess`, we first need to inductively verify✓ that `guess` indeed holds for them.
neighbors★⇒✓ : {neighbors : List (Neighbor coords)} All (λ elem grid [ proj₁ elem ]↝ guess) neighbors List ((guess ⚐✓_) Neighboring coords on grid′)
neighbors★⇒✓ : {neighbors : List (Neighbor coords)} All (λ elem grid [ proj₁ elem ]↝ guess) neighbors List ((guess ⚐✓_) Neighboring coords on grid′)
neighbors★⇒✓ {_} [] = []
neighbors★⇒✓ {neighbor ∷ _} (neighbor-valid★ ∷ neighbors-valid★) = (neighbor , ★⇒✓ _ _ neighbor-valid★ _ grid↝⊞grid′ grid′✓) ∷ neighbors★⇒✓ neighbors-valid★
neighbors★⇒✓ {neighbor ∷ _} (neighbor↝✓guess ∷ neighbors↝✓guess) = (neighbor , neighbor↝✓guess grid′ grid↝⊞grid′ grid′✓) ∷ neighbors★⇒✓ neighbors↝✓guess

neighbors✓ : List (Σ[ neighbor ∈ Neighbor coords ] (guess ⚐✓ lookup (proj₁ neighbor) grid′))
neighbors✓ = neighbors★⇒✓ (Neighbors★.guess-valid★ neighbors★)
neighbors✓ = neighbors★⇒✓ neighbors↝✓guess

-- `neighbors✓` has unique entries since `neighbors` does. we need a couple helpers first to see the connection, though
∈-neighbors★⇒✓⁻ : {neighbors neighbor neighbor✓} neighbors-valid★
Expand All @@ -204,7 +147,7 @@ Neighbors★-alreadyFull grid grid′ coords other guess neighbors★ every grid
∈-neighbors★⇒✓⁻-injective (_ ∷ neighbors-valid★) (there ix₁) (there ix₂) ★⇒✓⁻₁≡★⇒✓⁻₂ = cong there (∈-neighbors★⇒✓⁻-injective neighbors-valid★ ix₁ ix₂ (there-injective ★⇒✓⁻₁≡★⇒✓⁻₂))

neighbors✓-unique : {neighbor✓} (ix₁ ix₂ : neighbor✓ ∈ neighbors✓) ix₁ ≡ ix₂
neighbors✓-unique ix₁ ix₂ = ∈-neighbors★⇒✓⁻-injective _ ix₁ ix₂ (Neighbors★.unique neighbors (∈-neighbors★⇒✓⁻ _ ix₁) (∈-neighbors★⇒✓⁻ _ ix₂))
neighbors✓-unique ix₁ ix₂ = ∈-neighbors★⇒✓⁻-injective _ ix₁ ix₂ (neighbors-unique (∈-neighbors★⇒✓⁻ _ ix₁) (∈-neighbors★⇒✓⁻ _ ix₂))

-- `neighbors★⇒✓` preserves length so `neighbor✓` is the same length as `Neighbors★.list neighbors★`
length-neighbors★⇒✓ : {neighbors} neighbors-valid★ List.length (neighbors★⇒✓ {neighbors} neighbors-valid★) ≡ List.length neighbors
Expand All @@ -215,12 +158,66 @@ Neighbors★-alreadyFull grid grid′ coords other guess neighbors★ every grid
neighbors✓-complete : neighbor✓ neighbor✓ ∈ neighbors✓
neighbors✓-complete = Enum.long-list-complete every neighbors✓ neighbors✓-unique (begin
List.length neighbors✓
≡⟨ length-neighbors★⇒✓ (Neighbors★.guess-valid★ neighbors★)
List.length (Neighbors★.list neighbors★)
≡⟨ length-neighbors★⇒✓ neighbors↝✓guess
List.length neighbors
≡⟨ lengths-agree ⟩
List.length (Enumeration.list every) ∎)
where open ≡-Reasoning

-- `other` is not of type `guess`: it isn't in `neighbors`, so it isn't in `neighbors✓`, which is complete
¬other↦guess : ¬ guess ⚐✓ lookup (proj₁ other) grid′
¬other↦guess other↦guess = All¬⇒¬Any (Neighbors★.exclusion neighbors★) ( (cong proj₁) (∈-neighbors★⇒✓⁻ _ (neighbors✓-complete (other , other↦guess))))
¬other↦guess other↦guess = All¬⇒¬Any other∉neighbors ( (cong proj₁) (∈-neighbors★⇒✓⁻ _ (neighbors✓-complete (other , other↦guess))))

-- from this we get that, given a safe tile with as many adjacent mines as it can have, its other neighbors must be safe
otherNeighborIsSafe : {bounds} (grid : Board Tile bounds) neighborMineCount otherNeighbor
(safeCoords : (known (safe neighborMineCount) ≡_) Neighboring otherNeighbor on grid)
(neighborMines : List (Neighbor (proj₁ (proj₁ safeCoords))))
( {neighbor} (ix₁ ix₂ : neighbor ∈ neighborMines) ix₁ ≡ ix₂)
All (λ neighbor grid [ proj₁ neighbor ]↝✓ mine⚐) neighborMines
All (λ neighbor otherNeighbor ≢ proj₁ neighbor) neighborMines
List.length neighborMines ≡ neighborMineCount
grid [ otherNeighbor ]↝✓ safe⚐
otherNeighborIsSafe grid neighborMineCount otherNeighbor ((safeCoords , safeCoords-Adj) , safeCoords-safe) neighborMines neighborMines-unique neighborMines↝✓mine⚐ otherNeighbor∉neighborMines neighborMines-length grid′ grid↝⊞grid′ grid′✓
with known-safe-✓ safeCoords grid grid′ (sym safeCoords-safe) grid↝⊞grid′ grid′✓
... | mineEnumeration , neighborMineCount≡enumLength =
neighborsAlreadyFull grid grid′ safeCoords (otherNeighbor , Coords.Adjacent-sym otherNeighbor safeCoords safeCoords-Adj) mine⚐ mineEnumeration neighborMines neighborMines-unique neighborMines↝✓mine⚐ otherNeighbor∉neighborMines grid↝⊞grid′ grid′✓ enoughMines
enoughMines : List.length neighborMines ≡ List.length (Enumeration.list mineEnumeration)
enoughMines = trans neighborMines-length neighborMineCount≡enumLength

-- and likewise, given a safe tile with as many adjacent safe tiles as it can have, its other niehgbors must be mines
otherNeighborIsMine : {bounds} (grid : Board Tile bounds) neighborMineCount otherNeighbor
(safeCoords : (known (safe neighborMineCount) ≡_) Neighboring otherNeighbor on grid)
(neighborSafes : List (Neighbor (proj₁ (proj₁ safeCoords))))
( {neighbor} (ix₁ ix₂ : neighbor ∈ neighborSafes) ix₁ ≡ ix₂)
All (λ neighbor grid [ proj₁ neighbor ]↝✓ safe⚐) neighborSafes
All (λ neighbor otherNeighbor ≢ proj₁ neighbor) neighborSafes
List.length neighborSafes + neighborMineCount ≡ List.length (Enumeration.list (neighbors (proj₁ (proj₁ safeCoords))))
grid [ otherNeighbor ]↝✓ mine⚐
otherNeighborIsMine grid neighborMineCount otherNeighbor ((safeCoords , safeCoords-Adj) , safeCoords-safe) neighborSafes neighborSafes-unique neighborSafes↝✓safe⚐ otherNeighbor∉neighborSafes neighborSafes-length grid′ grid↝⊞grid′ grid′✓
with known-safe-✓ safeCoords grid grid′ (sym safeCoords-safe) grid↝⊞grid′ grid′✓
... | mineEnumeration , neighborMineCount≡enumLength =
neighborsAlreadyFull grid grid′ safeCoords (otherNeighbor , Coords.Adjacent-sym otherNeighbor safeCoords safeCoords-Adj) safe⚐ safeEnumeration neighborSafes neighborSafes-unique neighborSafes↝✓safe⚐ otherNeighbor∉neighborSafes grid↝⊞grid′ grid′✓ enoughSafes
-- since the number of safe neighbors a tile has is defined by how many are left when you take away the mines,
-- we need to do a bit of arithmetic--splitting all of safeNeighbor's neighbors into safe tiles and mines--to see that our list really has all of them
splitNeighbors : Enumeration ((safe⚐ ⚐✓_) Neighboring safeCoords on grid′) × Enumeration ((mine⚐ ⚐✓_) Neighboring safeCoords on grid′)
splitNeighbors = Enum.partition ⚐✓-irrelevance ⚐✓-irrelevance (tileType ∘ flip lookup grid′ ∘ proj₁) guessesDisjoint (neighbors safeCoords)

safeEnumeration : Enumeration ((safe⚐ ⚐✓_) Neighboring safeCoords on grid′)
safeEnumeration = proj₁ splitNeighbors

enoughSafes : List.length neighborSafes ≡ List.length (Enumeration.list safeEnumeration)
enoughSafes = +-cancelʳ-≡ (List.length neighborSafes) (List.length (Enumeration.list safeEnumeration)) length-splitNeighbors where
open ≡-Reasoning
length-splitNeighbors : List.length neighborSafes + neighborMineCount ≡ List.length (Enumeration.list safeEnumeration) + neighborMineCount
length-splitNeighbors = begin
List.length neighborSafes + neighborMineCount
≡⟨ neighborSafes-length ⟩
List.length (Enumeration.list (neighbors safeCoords))
≡⟨ Enum.length-partition ⚐✓-irrelevance ⚐✓-irrelevance (tileType ∘ flip lookup grid′ ∘ proj₁) guessesDisjoint (neighbors safeCoords) ⟩
List.length (Enumeration.list safeEnumeration) + List.length (Enumeration.list (proj₂ splitNeighbors))
≡⟨ cong (List.length (Enumeration.list safeEnumeration) +_) (Enum.enumeration-length-uniform (proj₂ splitNeighbors) mineEnumeration) ⟩
List.length (Enumeration.list safeEnumeration) + List.length (Enumeration.list mineEnumeration)
≡⟨ cong (List.length (Enumeration.list safeEnumeration) +_) (sym neighborMineCount≡enumLength) ⟩
List.length (Enumeration.list safeEnumeration) + neighborMineCount ∎

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