Note: This library is no longer actively maintained. OpenAQ has released its own Python wrapper for its new API. Details can be found by visiting their website or Github Organization.
This project contains the python wrapper for the Open AQ API.
Full documentation can be found here!
pip install py-openaq
Documentation is generated using sphinx and auto-doc. Please see their respective documents for help. Docs are automatically built for each new release, but you can build them locally by navigating to the /docs
directory and then issuing the following commands:
>>> make clean
>>> make notebooks
>>> make html
You can then go ahead and navigate to the /docs/_build/html
directory and open them up by clicking on index.html
. There is a brief explanation on how to better contribute to docs, which can be found in the file within the docs/ directory!
If there is a feature you would like to see added, please submit as an Issue. Feel free to send pull requests if you are comfortable, otherwise another developer will try to reply to any issue requests.
To run the tests locally:
python test
To run the tests locally with coverage:
coverage run --source openaq test
# View the report
coverage report -m
import openaq
api = openaq.OpenAQ()
status, resp = api.cities()