This project was developed as part of the iOS App: [My Things - Where Are They?] [link]
Provides a clean interface to capture multiple photos (up to 8) from user. Allows Add / Delete / Rearrange (Drag & Drop) Photos.
[Screenshot] [ss] [ss]:
- You could use this screen in your app by assigning a Delegate object that conforms to MultiPhotoDelegate Protocol.
- Provide your own mechanism (like adding "Done" UIBarButton) to pop the multiphoto screen
- Before popping, call the method 'returnFinalPicArray' which would return an NSArray of UIImage of the photos through the Delegate
Copyright (c) 2012 Dhanush Balachandran
Licensed under the MIT license.
##Contact [My Things Support] [support] or [Support Email] [email] [support]: [email]: mailto:[email protected]