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Multi-Cryptocurrency Rest API.

Bitprim Insight is a Rest API written in C# with .NET Core 2.1 which exposes methods matching the insight API interface

Bitprim Insight supports the following cryptocurrencies:

Installation Requirements

In case there are no pre-built binaries for your platform, conan will automatically try to build from source code. In such a scenario, the following requirements must be added to the previous ones:

  • C++11 Conforming Compiler.
  • CMake building tool, version 3.4 or newer.

Building Procedure

The Bitprim libraries can be installed using conan (see below) on Linux, macOS, FreeBSD, Windows and others. These binaries are pre-built for the most usual operating system/compiler combinations and are downloaded from an online repository. If there are no pre-built binaries for your platform, conan will attempt to build from source during the installation.

  1. Build

In the project folder run:

For Bitcoin Cash

dotnet build /p:BCH=true -c Release -v normal

For Bitcoin

dotnet build /p:BTC=true -c Release -v normal
  1. Run
dotnet bin/Release/netcoreapp2.0/bitprim.insight.dll --server.port=3000 --server.address=

or you can publish the app and run over the published folder

dotnet publish /p:BTC=true -c Release -v normal -o published
dotnet bin/Release/netcoreapp2.0/published/bitprim.insight.dll --server.port=3000 --server.address=

Command line arguments

--server.port: Defines the listening TCP port.

Default value:1549

--server.address: Defines the listening IP address.

Default value:localhost

Configuration Options

You need to create an appsettings.json file in the build directory to run the application. You can use appsettings.example.json as a starting point.


  "ApiPrefix" : "api",
  "AcceptStaleRequests" : true,
  "AllowedOrigins": "http://localhost:1549",
  "Connections": 8,
  "DateInputFormat": "yyyy-MM-dd",
  "EstimateFeeDefault": "0.00001000",
  "ForwardUrl" : "http://localhost:1234",
  "InitializeNode" : true,
  "LongResponseCacheDurationInSeconds": 86400,
  "MaxBlockSummarySize": 500,
  "MaxCacheSize": 50000,
  "MaxSocketPublishRetries": 3,
  "NodeConfigFile": "config.cfg",
  "NodeType": "bitprim node",
  "PoolsFile":  "pools.json", 
  "ProtocolVersion": "70015",
  "Proxy": "",
  "RelayFee": "0.00001",
  "ShortResponseCacheDurationInSeconds": 30,
  "SocketPublishRetryIntervalInSeconds": 1,
  "TimeOffset": "0",
  "TransactionsByAddressPageSize": 10,
  "Version": "170000",
  "HttpClientTimeoutInSeconds" : 5,
  "WebsocketForwarderClientRetryDelay": 10,
    "Using": ["Serilog.Sinks.Console", "Serilog.Sinks.File"],
      "Default": "Information",
        "Microsoft": "Warning"
        "Name": "Console",
          "outputTemplate" : "[{Timestamp:yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss} {TimeZone}] {Level:u3} {SourceIP} {RequestId} {HttpMethod} {RequestPath} {HttpProtocol} {HttpResponseStatusCode} {HttpResponseLength} {ElapsedMs} {Message:lj}{NewLine}{Exception}"
        "Name": "File",
           "path": "log-.txt",
           "rollingInterval": "Day",
           "fileSizeLimitBytes": null,
           "retainedFileCountLimit" : 5, 
           "outputTemplate" : "[{Timestamp:yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss} {TimeZone}] {Level:u3} {SourceIP} {RequestId} {HttpMethod} {RequestPath} {HttpProtocol} {HttpResponseStatusCode} {HttpResponseLength} {ElapsedMs} {Message:lj}{NewLine}{Exception}"
    "Enrich": ["FromLogContext"]

All the settings can be passed as command line arguments prefixing the name with '--'


dotnet bin/x64/Release/netcoreapp2.0/published/bitprim.insight.dll --server.port=3000 --server.address= --MaxBlockSummarySize=1000

The application has two different operation modes. As a Full Node or a Forwarder.

In Full Node mode, the application starts a full Bitprim node, generating a copy of the blockchain.

In Forwarder mode, the application only relays the request to a Full Node application.


ApiPrefix: Defines the name of the url segment where you expose the api methods.[ApiPrefix]/blocks/

Default value:api

AcceptStaleRequests: Allows the API to respond to requests even if the chain is stale (the local copy of the blockchain isn't fully synchronized with the network). Default value:true

AllowedOrigins: Configure the allowed CORS origins. For multiple origins, separate them with semicolon (;). Default value:*

Connections: Configures the value returned in the connection element of the /status request. Default value:8

DateInputFormat: Defines the date format used by /blocks and other requests that require dates. Default value:yyyy-MM-dd

EstimateFeeDefault: Sets the value returned by /utils/estimatefee. Default value:0.00001000

ForwardUrl: When you use the application in Forwarder mode, this settings defines the Full Node's URL. Default value:""

InitializeNode: This setting defines the node's working mode: True for Full Node, False for Forwarder Node. Default value:true

LongResponseCacheDurationInSeconds: Duration of the long cache responses. Used to cache results for the following requests:

  • /rawblock
  • /rawtx Default value:86400

MaxBlockSummarySize: Defines the max limit of the /blocks method. Default value:500

MaxCacheSize: Configures the cache size limit; this is an adimensional value, because measuring object size is not trivial. The size for each cache entry is also adimensional and arbitrarily set by the user. The total size sum will never exceed this value. Default value:50000

MaxSocketPublishRetries: Defines how many times the server retries when publishing websocket messages before throwing an exception.
Default value:3

NodeConfigFile: Node config file path; can be absolute, or relative to the project directory. Only use in Full Node mode. Default value:""

NodeType: The value returned in type element by the /sync method. Default value:bitprim node

PoolsFile: Path to the json file with the mining pool information. Default value:pools.json

ProtocolVersion: The value returned in protocolversion element by the /status method. Default value:70015

Proxy: The value returned in proxy element by the /status method. Default value:""

RelayFee: The value returned in relayfee element by the /status method. Default value:0.00001

ShortResponseCacheDurationInSeconds: Duration of the short cache responses. Used to cache results for the following requests:

  • /txs
  • /addrs/{paymentAddresses}/txs
  • /addrs/txs
  • /tx/{hash}
  • /txs
  • /rawblock-index/{height}
  • /blocks
  • /block/{hash}
  • /block-index/{height}
  • /sync
  • /status
  • /addr/{paymentAddress}/balance
  • /addr/{paymentAddress}/totalReceived
  • /addr/{paymentAddress}/totalSent
  • /addr/{paymentAddress}/unconfirmedBalance
  • /addr/{paymentAddress}/utxo
  • /addrs/{paymentAddresses}/utxo
  • /addrs/utxo
  • /addr/{paymentAddress}
  • /peer
  • /version Default value:30

SocketPublishRetryIntervalInSeconds: Delay in seconds between retries for "Publish" websocket messages. Default value:1

MaxSocketPublishRetries: Maximum number of retries for a "Publish" websocket message Default value:3

TimeOffset: The value returned in timeoffset element by the /status method. Default value:0

TransactionsByAddressPageSize: The max page limit used by the /txs method. Default value:10

Version: The value returned in version element by the /status method. Default value:""

HttpClientTimeoutInSeconds: Defines HttpClient timeout. Used in forwarder mode. Default value:5

WebsocketForwarderClientRetryDelay: The delay in seconds beetween retries when the websocket connection to the fullnode fails. Default value:10

Serilog: The Serilog configuration. For more detailed documentation, check

API HTTP Endpoints

To view the full api methods documentation please go here

Web Socket API

To view the websocket api documentation please go here