UCI Chess Engine
Special thanks to:
- github.com/Disservin for their continual support and inspiration.
- github.com/nkarve for their magic bitboard generation.
- Peter Jones for their guide on legal move generation.
- github.com/dshawul for their NNUE probe.
- The Chess Programming Wiki.
Compile with the makefile:
not-carlsen uses the Universal Chess Interface (UCI) protocol. Aside from the standard commands, not-carlsen also supports:
- Prints out the divided perft results for the initialized position for depth [x].
- Prints out the evaluation score for the initialized position.
- Prints out the evaluation score for the FEN position.
- FEN board initialization
- UCI communication protocol
- Magic bitboard legal move generator (92 million nps)
- NNUE evaluation
- Thread pool
- Principal variation search (PVS)
- Fail soft alpha-beta negamax
- Quiescence search
- Lockless transposition table
- Iterative deepening
- MVV-LVA move ordering
- History heuristic
- Null move pruning
- Late move reduction
- Delta pruning
- Static exchange evaluation (SEE)
- Triangular PV
- Time manager
- Material score evaluation
- PSQT evaluation
- Tapered evaluation
- Threefold repetition hashtable
2/11/24 v3.0.2
Fixed NNUE returning incorrect results due to faulty input vector initializations.
2/11/24 v3.0.1
Added evaluation UCI option for direct FEN input.
Changed node counting logic to just count search calls.
2/11/24 v3.0
Implemented NNUE evaluation with probing library. Thank you dshawul!
Rolled back parallel search due to tech debt and unfamiliarity after months of non-development, now only single threaded.
Fixed bug in perft causing nothing to be outputted due to incorrect timing in copying main thread's state.
8/8/23 v2.6
Heavily improved time management with dynamic time control techniques, allocating less or more time to a search based on the confidence of a result. This is done by computing a stability percentage, the percent of nodes the current best move has been the best move. The higher the stability, the higher the confidence.
Implemented UCI
command.Fixed bug in move generation which failed to remove castling rights when appropriate rook is captured and generated castling moves in quiescence search.
7/31/23 v2.5.6
Discovered crashes were consistent on searching for the 14th move, and found cause was mistakenly did not reset the transposition table's size after clearing it, resulting in the capacity growing dramatically. Goodbye bug from December '22.
7/30/23 v2.5.5
Optimized setting up a new position and moved searching to another thread to allow main thread to listen for input.
Fixed issue with GUI output where statements weren't being properly registered due to improper buffer flushing.
UCI functionality, telling the engine to stop calculating as soon as possible.Turned off null move pruning in pv nodes.
functionality to reduce code clutter and lack of helpfulness.
7/23/23 v2.5.4
Disabled double null moves.
Refactoring: changed thread syntax to C17 and moved type definitions to
.Crash position has changed, and believe issue is slow response time due to lack of separate thread taking in input instead of segfault.
6/26/23 v2.5.3
Moved struct initialization to run on
command and temporary disabled multithreading and seed randomization to better debug. Consistent crash position found inc4 Nh6 2. Nc3 e5 3. e3 Nf5 4. d4 exd4 5. exd4 c6 6. Nf3 Be7 7. g3 a5 8. Bg2 d6 9. Bf4 g5 10. Bd2 g4 11. Nh4 Nxh4 12. gxh4 Bxh4 13. O-O (40 moves in 1 min)
6/6/23 v2.5.2
Resolved typo in returning exact transposition matches during search where instead of forcing the search to continue at a pv node, it was forcing it to terminate with the transposition result.
6/5/23 v2.5.1
Added new debug functionality through stdin.txt file. See feature spotlight above for more details.
Instead of using NNUE Half-KP, not-carlsen will move forward with a classical evaluation function which will be the focus of the next few updates.
2/11/23 v2.5
Implemented a thread pool so threads are saved and managed between searches instead of being unnecessarily destroyed just to be recreated. Special thanks to @bodokaiser for their excellent framework.
Cannot reproduce crashing issue from v2.4. Marking as resolved.
2/10/23 v2.4.2
New year, slightly new file structure. Improved consistency across files and moved multithreading operations, including multithreaded search, over to the new threading.c/.h files in preparation of adding a thread pool.
12/25/22 v2.4.1
In move ordering, switched non-captures to be sorted by history heuristic, instead of history heuristic being a separate category.
12/22/22 v2.4
Cannot manage to reproduce crash in cmd or gdb, on any compile configuration. Crash only seems to occur when playing in GUI on time controls of < 1 min. Shelving issue for now.
Unsure what change did it, but quiescence search no longer stack overflows without depth limits in place. Removed depth limits from code.
Added const modifers to parameters where appropriate.
12/21/22 v2.3.2
Error in SEE causing multithreaded searches to crash has returned. Changed SEE from recrusive to iterative search, and resolved issue in most multithreaded searches. However, crashes still persist in rare cases. Still investigating cause. Nonetheless, currently very happy with the strength of the single-threaded search, even with the extremely rudimentary evaluation function.
Made piece scoring functions case agnostic.
Changed scoring of promotion captures in MVV-LVA to use the value of the promoting target rather than the pawn.
12/17/22 v2.3.1
Tracked down misplays to incomplete searches being considered in the final evaluation. Once those results are thrown out, engine stability and strength has massively improved.
12/16/22 v2.3
Implemented triangular PV (using a stack-based scheme) to help hunt down the misplays. Current observations:
- The deepest depth searched will always return a move with score 0, and a single PV entry--likely a transposition move.
- This move is usually the blunder. Depth - 1 searches are usually normal moves.
- Shorter search times (ie playing with 1 minute vs 5 minutes) yields better moves.
Also reverted UCI printing to iterative instead of printing all at once as only main line prints move info now.
12/15/22 v2.2.1
Traced engine crash to SEE returning attackers from empty squares. Solved issues, but issues persist where multithreading makes the engine play worse.
Switched zobrist table to use names instead of magic numbers. Cleaned up various code.
11/26/22 v2.2
Implemented improvements to concurrent hashtable access: pushed resizing to subsequent iterations to avoid rehashing and threading access issues and more checksum techniques to better adhere to Robert Hyatt's lockless technique.
This brings the necessary stability to Lazy SMP to push the search depth from 13 -> 21 running on 12 threads.
Investigating odd crashes and engine stalling (not disconnect but won't respond) on extended engine runtime. For some reason I cannot reproduce this in terminal or GDB, but happens frequently in the GUI.
11/25/22 v2.1
Switched to clear scheme instead of free and re-alloc scheme to reduce overhead costs.
Created UCI option to set the number of threads to be used.
11/23/22 v2.0
Implemented Lazy SMP! Tracked down the issue to __thread macro not creating a deep copy of allocated memory, such as in the move stack and repetition table. Set each thread to use its own allocated versions of these structures.
To facilitate the above, switched the move stack's backing from a singly-linked list to an array.
Changed history heuristic table to explicitly 1D instead of "3D" to ease in thread-local support.
10/26/22 v1.5.10
Numerous refactoring changes and cleaned up deprecated code, including removing unused Kogge-Stone move generation functions and turning function-specific globals static.
Attempted to fix possible memory issues causing multithreading to crash by using conditional memory cleanup in structure (repetition table, stack, transposition table) initailizations.
10/23/22 v1.5.9
Made explicit checkmates in search and distinguishing between different mate depths (M1 vs M2 vs M3 vs ...)
Refactoring and code cleanup while continuing to investigate Lazy SMP crashes.
10/20/22 v1.5.8
Resolved quiescence search crash by increasing stack size (yay).
Removed transposition table use in quiescence search due to blunders.
10/17/22 v1.5.7
Added history heuristic to support Lazy SMP branch differences.
Merged Lazy SMP branch into main.
9/7/22 v1.5.6
Resolved multithreading crashes and successfully allocated thread-local storage variables. Code begins to crash around 3 threads on some compiles, with chance of crash increasingly as number of threads does. Not going to look into it until after the next update implementing full LazySMP, as cause of crash may be due to the spaghetti state of the iterative deepening that I've been using to test.
9/6/22 v1.5.5
Resolved multithreading crashes and updated printing info to be one operation to avoid threading complications from multiple threads' prints overlapping with each other.
9/1/22 v1.5.4
Updated global variables like Board, Stack, and Rtable to use thread-local storage (TLS) macros to support multithreading.
7/21/22 v1.5.3
Rolled back PV changes as it was causing weird evaluation history issues.
7/19/22 v1.5.2
Modified the transposition table for lockless multithreaded access.
Switched to OpenMP from Pthreads for multithreading as Pthreads seems to struggle with the search functions.
Fixed bugs involving time searched being rounded to the nearest second and transposition entries incorrectly being overridden.
7/18/22 v1.5.1
Attempted several things to prevent overflow in quiescence search: delta pruning, transposition table access, and static exchange evaluation (SEE). With SEE, overflow seems to have been greatly minimized.
Updated the PV line to spit out less nonsense. Move sequences of actual moves are longer, but still some issues that need to be ironed out.
7/16/22 v1.5
Switched negamax to principal variation search. Tournament results give an elo difference of 108.4 +/- 658.1, in favor of PVS.
Added move ordering and depth limiting factor to try to limit quiescence search to prevent stack overflow. More testing required.
Added stalemate detection.
7/15/22 v1.4
Added null move pruning and late move reduction.
7/14/22 v1.3
Added quiescence search.
Tests with MTD(f) have been unsuccessful. Compared with normal negamax, tournament results give an elo difference of 173.5 +/- 274.1, in favor of negamax.
Added custom free() function for stacks to properly free every node instead of just the head.
7/11/22 v1.2
Added PSQT and tapered evaluation. For now, this will be all the evaluation features, focusing on a higher depth paradigm.
Switched multithreading frameworks from OpenMP to Pthreads to take in UCI input while a search is running.
Fixed bug involving bad moves being played due to an incomplete search from running out of time.
7/8/22 v1.1
Adapted the repetition hashtable interface to a transposition table.
This allowed me to add iterative deepening and a time manager as well.
Implemented a move ordering scheme.
7/7/22 v1.0
Implemented the Universal Chess Interface (UCI) engine-to-GUI communication protocol.
Quickly put together a basic negamax and material evaluation function. Engine officially able to play chess!
7/6/22 v0.4.5
Using compiler optimizations discovered in the makefile process, perft speeds was increased to 52 million nps for the starting position and 92 million nps for Kiwipete.
Fixed bug where a black king in double check was incorrectly allowed to castle.
Increased speed allows me to test higher depth perfts. Passed all of Steven Edwards's (Chess Programming Wiki) challenge positions.
7/5/22 v0.4.4
Added a makefile.
Started adding in UCI commands.
6/30/22 v0.4.3
Started saving the square the king is on rather than bit scanning it for every operation.
Stopping move generation optimizations for now. Lower bound at ~22 million nps for positions like the starting one. Upper bound at ~40 million nps for positions like Kiwipete.
6/27/22 v0.4.2
Minor pinmask generation optimizations.
Added Kogge-Stone setwise sliding piece move generation to attempt to speed up attackmask generation. Strangely the algorithim seems slower, and requires additional castling checks, so rolling back changes.
6/23/22 v0.4.1
Completely replaced pseudolegal move generator with the legal one.
Fixed all known perft errors. Focusing on optimizations before further testing as lack of speed makes testing difficult on high depths.
Switching to perft bulk counting adjusts speed to 24 million nps.
6/22/22 v0.4
Successfully implemented a legal move generator. Optimizations and bug fixes still need to be made, but I am extremely happy with the speed at which I was able to implement this considering my previous attempt failed after a few days worth of effort. The coming updates will focus on speeding up this generator and squashing perft mismatches.
6/21/22 v0.3
Added threefold repetition and 50-move rule detection.
6/15/22 v0.2.6
Added zobrist hash to the position.
6/10/22 v0.2.5
Continuing to squash perft bugs:
Duplicate moves caused by an improper last move flag in the pseudo-legal move list due to a reliance on default uninitialized values.
Missing castling moves for black as the move legality was checking for the existence of white rooks instead of black.
Undefined behavior due to oversight where promotion moves that were also captures were not being properly considered captures.
Undefined behavior due to knight promotions mistakingly being marked 'K' instead of 'N'.
Several positions still have errors, but default position has no errors up to depth 7 (3.2 billion nodes). First speed test clocks in at ~6.5 million nodes per second.
6/8/22 v0.2.4
Fixed major perft bugs by using a non-static pseudo-legal move array. In recurisve perft calls, said array was erroneously being changed mid-call such that the array would be different after a recursive call and keep the changes after the sub-function finished executing.
Perft errors reduced to ~10%.
6/7/22 v0.2.3
Fixed bug with move generation where the victim piece in captures was incorrectly tagged due to it being checked after the attacker square was updated.
Continuing to run into error where all "perft 1" numbers match the unit tests, but deeper depths give results larger than what they should be.
6/6/22 v0.2.2
Started perft testing with the move generator. This determines the accuracy of the move generation as well as the speed at different depths.
Added function to determine if king is in check.
6/5/22 v0.2.1
Changed make/unmake to make/copy for move pushing and popping.
6/2/22 v0.2
Implemented a pseudolegal move generator and move stack.
Changed pawn move generator from setwise to individual.
5/9/22 v0.1.4
Added pawn move (single push, double push, capture, and en passant) wrapper functions.
4/30/22 v0.1.3
Added wrapper functions for the move generation of all pieces besides pawns.
Board structure now includes a "mailbox" representation of the board to easily determine what piece is on a given square.
4/27/22 v0.1.2
Implemented sliding move generation using magic bitboards. Thank you github.com/nkarve!
3/27/22 v0.1.1
Defined bitboard constants for all squares, files, and ranks.
Defined bit attack maps for knights, bishops, and rooks from all squares.
3/26/22 v0.1
Implemented complete board initialization.
3/22/22 v0.0.1
Began writing board representation "class".
Given a FEN string, function will pull information regarding turn, castling rights, en passant squares, halfmove clock, and fullmove number. Bitboard parsing not yet implemented.