This template works as a skeleton for any new Rails application (using Rails 2.3) that aims to provide authentication with subdomain support.
To install and run this template perform following actions:
git clone git://
cp config/database.yml.example config/database.yml
rake gems:install
rake gems:install RAILS_ENV=test
rake db:migrate
This template sets up a working application with support for authentication and subdomain.
- Guest access a public section of the site (http://localhost:3000)
- Guest chooses to register new account (http://localhost:3000/account/new), including itself as user, and becomes account’s owner
- Accounts owner goes to his account (subdomain) url (http://useraccount.localhost:3000/login) and logs into his account
- Accounts owner can add more users to it’s account (http://useraccount.localhost:3000/users/new)
- Each created user can log into the account they belong
Here’s a list of what this template sets up:
- jQuery as javascript framework instead of prototype
- Blueprint as css framework
- BDD testing support using RSpec, Cucumber, and FactoryGirl