Client library with example code for using the Open API Version 4. If you need a client/example for Version 3 of the Open API you can use
If you want to contribute to this library. You can do a Fork and a Pull request on this repo.
- Ping request
- Product request
- Recommendation request
- RelatedProducts request
- Offer request
- Lists request
- Search request
- Sessions request
- Basket requests
- Wishlist requests
- setReferrer request (You need to ask extended permission from Developer Center team for this request)
- Auth requests (You need to ask extended permission from Developer Center team for this request)
- Request.php:
- Setup connection with the server
- Send session with header
- Client.php:
- Example code todo a request
- Accessories.php, Basket.php, BasketItem.php, BasketItemProduct.php, Category, CategoryRefinement.php, Offers.php, Product.php, ProductFamilies.php and Product.php
- Example classes for getting the objects
- Example.php
- Main class to run the application
- index.php
- Call to the class "Example" with key, format and debug_mode and a global function to load the classes
- PHP 5.6 (or higher)
- Get the code by forking or downloading the zip or installing Composer
- Upload all files (keep the directory structure) to a web-server
- Edit the example file "examples/Example.php" to add the right AccessKeyID (request this key at, response format (xml/json) and debug mode bool (0/1)
- Open the browser and call the URL where your index.php file is located
See the examples/ directory for examples of the key client features.
function __autoload($className)
$fileName = preg_replace('/^BolCom\\\\(\w+)/', 'src/bolcom/$1.php', $className);
if (file_exists($fileName)) {
return require_once $fileName;
$apiClient = new BolCom\Client('YOUR_APP_KEY', 'json');
$response = $apiClient->getProduct('1002004010708531');
composer require "bolcom/bolcom-openapi-php-client" "~2.3"
When using composer, classes are autoloaded automatically.