The project is a study about API consumption with OpenFeign in Java. However, it also introduces new functionalities to the data obtained from the APIs. The aim of this project is not only to learn how to utilize SpringBoot functionalities, but also to understand and address user needs more effectively. An Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) was also applied.
- The User class will receive the user data from the Lastfm API.
- User data called username will be the param in some utilities on the program, like in the getTopArtists.
- Will have one subclass:
- UserResponse: To get "user" object in the json.
- The Artist class will receive the artist data from the Lastfm API. In this case, it has two functionalities: to retrieve the artist's name and the artist's profile URL on the Lastfm website.
- Used to get the most played artists in the user's profile and to show which artists perform specific songs.
- Will have three subclasses:
- ArtistWrapper: Make a artists list.
- ArtistResponse: To get the "topartists" object in the json response.
- SimilarArtistResponse: To get the "similarartists" object in the json response.
- The Album class will only be used to retrieve the top listened-to albums for the user.
- Will have two subclasses:
- AlbumWrapper: Make a albums list.
- AlbumResponse: To get "topalbums" object in the json response.
- The tracks class will be used to get track data from Lastfm API.
- Will be used to get most played tracks in user's profile.
- Will have three subclasses:
- TrackWrapper: Make a tracks list.
- TrackResponse: To get the "toptracks" object in the json response.
- SimilarTracksResponse: To get the "similartracks" object in the json response.
- TrackRecommender is a functionality within the LastfmController class.
- The recommender retrieves the user's top tracks and uses them to recommend new songs based on the user's preference.
- ArtistRecommender is a functionality within the LastfmController class.
- The recommender retrives the user's top artists and uses them to recommend new songs based on the user's preference.
The technologies used were:
- Clone repository:
git clone
- Install dependencies with Maven
- Create a
file inlastfm
folder puting your lastfm API Key
LASTFM_API_KEY = 1a1111a1a1aa11
LASTFM_SHARED_SECRET = a111a1a1111aaa1111
- Start application with Maven
- The API will be acessible at http://localhost8080
All the paths from API starts with the:
Action | Type | Path |
Get user infos | GET | /{username} |
Get user top albums | GET | /{username}/top-albums |
Get user top tracks | GET | /{username}/top-tracks |
Get user top artists | GET | /{username}/top-artists |
Get similar tracks | GET | /{artist}/{track}/similar-tracks |
Get similar artists | GET | /{artist}/similar-artists |
Get user recommended tracks | GET | /{username}/recommended-tracks |
Get user recommended artists | GET | /{username}/recommended-artists |
Developed by Marcelo Cimadon