FisheyeDewarp dewarps fisheye distortion in images.
Use go get
to install this package:
go get
Check cmd/fisheyedewarp/main.go for more details.
- For help
./fisheyedewarp --help
Usage of ./fisheyedewarp:
-fov float
Input fisheye field of view in degrees. Must be between 0 and 180. (default 180)
-img string
Path to the input fisheye image file. (default "images/fisheye.jpg")
-pfov float
Output perspective field of view in degrees. Must be between 0 and 180. (default 120)
-ptype string
Type of projection to apply. Options: 'Linear', 'EqualArea', 'Orthographic', 'Stereographic' (default "Linear")
Original Fisheye | Linear projection, 120 PFOV |
Linear projection, 130 PFOV | Linear projection, 140 PFOV |