Dart & Flutter Packages by DevCetra.com & contributors.
A command-line tool to perform bulk replacement of file names, folder names, and file contents within a specified directory.
- The script scans the specified directory recursively and finds all files and folders.
- It replaces the occurrences of the
pattern with thewith
pattern in the file contents, file names, and folder names. - The script supports using capture groups in the replacement pattern using double curly braces
dart pub global activate df_bulk_replace
dart pub global deactivate df_bulk_replace
# Basic replacment.
bulkreplace --input test --replace "foo" --with "bar"
bulkreplace -i test -r "bar" -w "foo"
bulkreplace -i test -r "replace_me" -w "vervang_my"
bulkreplace -i test -r "vervang_my" -w "replace_me" # change back
bulkreplace -i test -r "replace_me" -w "vervang_my" && bulkreplace -i test -r "vervang_my" -w "replace_me"
# Using handlebars.
bulkreplace -i test -r "replace_me_(\\w)_(\\w)_(\\w)" -w "replace_me_{{2}}_{{1}}_{{0}}" --no-file-names --no-folder-names
# Whitelisting or blacklisting files.
bulkreplace -i test -r "foo" -w "bar" --blacklisted-files "blacklist_me_1.txt, blacklist_me_2.txt"
bulkreplace -i test -r "foo" -w "bar" --whitelisted-files "whitelist_me_1.txt, whitelist_me_2.txt"
# Whitelisting or blacklisting folders.
bulkreplace -i test -r "foo" -w "bar" --blacklisted-folders "_blacklist_me" -v
bulkreplace -i test -r "foo" -w "bar" --whitelisted-folders "_whitelist_me" -v
# For those familiar with RegExp, you can use regular expressions and capture groups.
bulkreplace --i . --replace "my_project_template(.*)" --with "hello_world{{1}}"
Prints help: -h or --help
Specifies the directory to search in: -i or --input
Specifies the regex pattern to replace: -r or --replace
Specifies the replacement string: -w or --with
Enables verbose output: -v or --verbose
Runs the program in dry-run mode (no files will be renamed): --dry-run
Specifies whether to replace file names or not. Default is true: -f or --file-names
Specifies whether to replace folder names or not. Default is true: -d or --folder-names
Specifies whether to replace file content or not. Default is true: -c or --content
Specifies whether to replace content in binary files or not. Default is false: -b or --binary-content
Include file name patterns to whitelist. Separate multiple patterns with commas: --whitelisted-files
Include file name patterns to blacklist. Separate multiple patterns with commas: --blacklisted-files
Specifies whether to add the default file whitelist or not. Default is true: --default-whitelisted-files
Specifies whether to add the default file blacklist or not. Default is true: --default-blacklisted-files
Include folder name patterns to whitelist. Separate multiple patterns with commas: --whitelisted-folders
Include folder name patterns to blacklist. Separate multiple patterns with commas: --blacklisted-folders
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📧 Email Robert Mollentze at [email protected]
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This project is released under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.