- Share available RF bandwidth between several independent clients:
- Total bandwidth can be 2016000 samples/sec at 436,600,000 hz
- One client might request 48000 samples/sec at 436,700,000 hz
- Another client might request 96000 samples/sec at 435,000,000 hz
- Several clients can access the same band simultaneously
- Output saved onto disk or streamed back via TCP socket
- Output can be gzipped (by default = true)
- Output will be decimated to the requested bandwidth
- Clients can request overlapping RF spectrum
- Rtl-sdr starts only after first client connects (i.e. saves solar power &etc). Stops only when the last client disconnects
- MacOS and Linux (Debian Raspberrypi)
- Each client has its own dsp thread
- Each dsp thread executes Frequency Xlating FIR Filter
- Only RTL-SDRs are supported
- Defined in the api.h
- Clients can connect and send request to initiate listening:
- center_freq - this is required center frequency. For example, 436,700,000 hz
- sampling_rate - required sampling rate. For example, 48000
- band_freq - first connected client can select the center of the band. All other clients should request center_freq within the currently selected band
- destination - "0" - save into file on local disk, "1" - stream back via TCP socket
- To stop listening, clients can send SHUTDOWN request or disconnect
The data between rtl-sdr worker and the dsp workers is passed via queue. This is bounded queue with pre-allocated memory blocks. It has the following features:
- Thread-safe
- If no free blocks (consumer is slow), then the last block will be overriden by the next one
- there is a special detached block. It is used to minimize synchronization section. All potentially long operations on it are happening outside of synchronization section.
- Consumer will block and wait until new data produced
Sample configuration can be found in tests:
Is good. Some numbers in test/perf_xlating.c
sdr-server depends on several libraries:
- librtlsdr. Version >=0.5.4 is required.
- libairspy
- libhackrf
- libconfig
- libz. Should be installed in every operational system
- libm. Same
All dependencies can be easily installed from leosatdata APT repository:
sudo apt-get install curl lsb-release
curl -fsSL https://leosatdata.com/r2cloud.gpg.key | sudo gpg --dearmor -o /usr/share/keyrings/r2cloud.gpg
sudo bash -c "echo 'deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/r2cloud.gpg] http://apt.leosatdata.com $(lsb_release --codename --short) main' > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/r2cloud.list"
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install librtlsdr-dev libconfig-dev
To build the project execute the following commands:
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
sdr-server can be installed from leosatdata APT repository:
sudo apt-get install sdr-server