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Contrast Scripts

This repository holds a few example Python scripts that use Contrast's REST APIs.


  • Python 3.10 (other versions may work but are untested)
  • Ability to install Python libraries from requirements.txt


You can run these scripts locally with a Python install, or, in a container with the provided Dockerfile

Container use

docker build . --tag contrast-scripts # Build the container
docker run -it --env-file=contrast.env -v $PWD/output:/usr/src/app/output contrast-scripts python <> <...args...> # Run the container

Local use

Use of a virtual environment is encouraged

python3 -m venv venv # Create the virtual environment
. venv/bin/activate # Activate the virtual environment
pip3 install -r requirements.txt # Install dependencies
. contrast.env # Setup environment
python3 <> <args> # Run scripts

Usage of available scripts

Each script requires the following environment variables at minimum:

  • CONTRAST__API__URL - the URL to your Contast instance, e.g.: https://contrast_instance.your_domain.tld/Contrast
  • CONTRAST__API__API_KEY - an API key with permission to access that instance
  • CONTRAST__API__AUTH_HEADER - authorization header for a user with permission to access that instance (base 64 of username:service_key)

There are also the following optional environment variables:

  • INSECURE_SKIP_CERT_VALIDATION - set to true or 1 to skip TLS certificate validation on network requests
  • HTTP_PROXY - set to your proxy URL if a proxy is needed to reach Contrast

Create application access group

Creates an application access group with the specified name, allowing applications to be onboarded to that group with the specified role. Does not manage users, as most will map users to groups automatically via SSO.

Requires additional options:

  • Group name
  • Role
  • Organization ID

Full usage information:

usage: [-h] -n GROUP_NAME -r
                                {NO_ACCESS,VIEW,EDIT,RULES_ADMIN,ADMIN} -o

Create an application access group on Contrast.

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -n GROUP_NAME, --group-name GROUP_NAME, --group-name GROUP_NAME
                        Name of the group you want to create.
                        Role to give users allocated to this group's applications.
  -o ORG_ID, --org-id ORG_ID, --organization-id ORG_ID
                        ID of the organization to create this group in.

Creates an application with the specified name and language.

Note, it is not required to create an application up-front, as the agents will do that when loaded into a new application, however, it may be beneficial to create custom named applications, e.g. when merging. See Knowledge Base.

Requires additional options:

  • Application name
  • Language of application
  • Organization ID

Full usage information:


Create an application on Contrast.

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -n APP_NAME, --app-name APP_NAME, --application-name APP_NAME
                        Name of the application you want to create.
                        Agent language for the application you want to create.
  -o ORG_ID, --org-id ORG_ID, --organization-id ORG_ID
                        ID of the organization to create this application in.
  -c CODE, --code CODE, --app-code CODE, --application-code CODE
                        Optional 'application code' / 'short name' for this application.
  -g [GROUPS ...], --groups [GROUPS ...]
                        Optional list of application access groups to add this application to. Group(s) must exist prior to the application for this to work.
  -m METADATA, --metadata METADATA
                        Optional key/value pairs of application metadata / custom fields to set on this application.
  -t [TAGS ...], --tags [TAGS ...]
                        Optional list of tags to add to this application.

List applications to CSV

Given a superadmin set of credentials, this script will loop through all organizations accessible on the TeamServer, listing applications and outputting a CSV file with the following information:

application_name application_id application_code parent_application_id archived metadata_appname metadata_parentictoid metadata_appictoid license score organization_id organization_name language created last_seen tags total_modules routes_discovered routes_exercised
WebGoat 46da4e47-d8f9-404d-abe7-29a2baf22a80 False webgoat 12345 54321 Licensed F 2139f92a-c115-4e05-8b49-c1f52df33a5d Demo Java 2022-03-02T16:08:00 2022-03-02T16:08:00 webgoat,demo,lab,intentionally-vulnerable 1 79 46

List vulnerabilities (traces) to CSV

Given a superadmin set of credentials, this script will loop through all organizations accessible on the TeamServer, listing vulnerabilities and outputtting a CSV file with the following information:

application_name application_id organization_id organization_name vuln_uuid title type severity confidence impact status first_time_seen last_time_seen closed_time
WebGoat 46da4e47-d8f9-404d-abe7-29a2baf22a80 2139f92a-c115-4e05-8b49-c1f52df33a5d Demo K3PU-B3SN-RY4O-OOK0 SQL Injection from "account_name" Parameter on "/WebGoat/attack" page SQL Injection Critical High High Reported 2022-02-18T11:21:00 2022-03-02T10:58:00

Set status of a vulnerability

Requires additional options:

  • Vulnerability (trace) ID(s)
  • Status
  • Organization ID

Full usage information:

usage: [-h] -t [TRACE_ID ...] -s
                                        [-b {FP,EC,SC,OT,URL}] -o ORG_ID
                                        [-m MESSAGE]

Set the status of Contrast vulnerabilities with an optional comment.

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -t [TRACE_ID ...], --trace-id [TRACE_ID ...]
                        ID(s) of the trace(s) you want to update.
  -s {Reported,Suspicious,Confirmed,NotAProblem,Remediated,Fixed}, --status {Reported,Suspicious,Confirmed,NotAProblem,Remediated,Fixed}
                        Status to mark these vulnerabilities.
  -b {FP,EC,SC,OT,URL}, --sub-status {FP,EC,SC,OT,URL}
                        Substatus to mark these vulnerabilities when using
                        NotAProblem. Allowed values: {'FP': 'False Positive',
                        'EC': 'Attack is defended by an external control',
                        'SC': 'Goes through an internal security control',
                        'OT': 'Other', 'URL': 'URL is only accessible by
                        trusted power users'}
  -o ORG_ID, --org-id ORG_ID, --organization-id ORG_ID
                        ID of the organization with the trace(s).
  -m MESSAGE, --message MESSAGE, --explanation MESSAGE
                        Optional comment to add to these vulnerabilities with
                        the status change.

Grant or revoke SuperAdmin role

Grant or revoke the SuperAdmin role from an existing user. SuperAdmin credentials must be used for this to succeed.

Full usage information:

usage: [-h] action account

Grant or revoke superadmin from a user in Contrast.

positional arguments:
  action      Action to take - grant|revoke superadmin.
  account     ID of Account to act on - email address/username.

  -h, --help  show this help message and exit

Development Setup

Various tools enforce code standards, and are run as a pre-commit hook. This must be setup before committing changes with the following commands:

python3 -m venv venv # setup a virtual environment
. venv/bin/activate # activate the virtual environment
pip3 install -r requirements-dev.txt # install development dependencies (will also include app dependencies)
pre-commit install # setup the pre-commit hook which handles formatting


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