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Converting and quering weather data in parquet format



File Description
Pipfile Specifies python libraries
Pipfile.lock pipenv environment locked reads weather data from CSV file, concats, prints data quality checks, applies some fixes, converts to parquet format and saves to 'weather.2016.parquet'
weather.2016.parquet parquet file with weather data; size: 1.1 MB; output of '' to query parquet file in pandas
query_parquet.sqlite commands to SQL-query parquet file in SQLite3


Concatenation, data checks, convertation to parquet

pipenv install
pipenv sync
pipenv shell
Output of
# Column "ObservationDate" converted to datetime type

# Checks for null values through all the columns
Column "ForecastSiteCode", int64 type: 0(0.0%) null values
Column "ObservationTime", int64 type: 0(0.0%) null values
Column "ObservationDate", datetime64[ns] type: 0(0.0%) null values
Column "WindDirection", int64 type: 0(0.0%) null values
Column "WindSpeed", int64 type: 0(0.0%) null values
Column "WindGust", float64 type: 151411(77.8%) null values
Column "Visibility", float64 type: 26493(13.6%) null values
Column "ScreenTemperature", float64 type: 0(0.0%) null values
Column "Pressure", float64 type: 14820(7.6%) null values
Column "SignificantWeatherCode", int64 type: 0(0.0%) null values
Column "SiteName", object type: 0(0.0%) null values
Column "Latitude", float64 type: 0(0.0%) null values
Column "Longitude", float64 type: 0(0.0%) null values
Column "Region", object type: 0(0.0%) null values
Column "Country", object type: 27760(14.3%) null values

# Checks for most frequent values through all the columns
Most frequent in column "ForecastSiteCode": 3266(0.7%), 3749(0.7%), 3853(0.7%)
Most frequent in column "ObservationTime": 22(4.3%), 18(4.2%), 21(4.2%)
Most frequent in column "ObservationDate": 2016-03-16T00:00:00.000000000(1.8%), 2016-02-25T00:00:00.000000000(1.7%), 2016-03-12T00:00:00.000000000(1.7%)
Most frequent in column "WindDirection": 12(12.2%), 11(10.2%), 10(8.5%)
Most frequent in column "WindSpeed": 8(7.2%), 6(6.9%), 7(6.5%)
Most frequent in column "WindGust": 29.0(9.6%), 31.0(8.3%), 30.0(7.8%)
Most frequent in column "Visibility": 30000.0(8.8%), 50000.0(8.1%), 35000.0(6.5%)
Most frequent in column "ScreenTemperature": -99.0(1.6%), 5.7(1.3%), 5.3(1.3%)
Most frequent in column "Pressure": 1016.0(3.5%), 1017.0(2.8%), 1015.0(2.8%)
Most frequent in column "SignificantWeatherCode": 8(26.6%), 7(21.2%), -99(12.5%)
Most frequent in column "SiteName": LINTON ON OUSE (3266)(0.7%), MIDDLE WALLOP (3749)(0.7%), YEOVILTON (3853)(0.7%)
Most frequent in column "Latitude": 57.206(1.5%), 55.05(1.5%), 51.15(1.4%)
Most frequent in column "Longitude": -1.25(1.5%), -2.64(0.7%), -1.57(0.7%)
Most frequent in column "Region": London & South East England(12.4%), South West England(12.2%), Wales(10.1%)
Most frequent in column "Country": ENGLAND(60.2%), SCOTLAND(24.5%), WALES(11.0%)

# Investigating on null values in 'Country' column: values of 'Region' when 'Country'=null
East Midlands                  1436
Grampian                       2827
Highland & Eilean Siar         4170
London & South East England    2775
North East England             2828
North West England             4093
Northern Ireland               5705
Orkney & Shetland              1424
Wales                          1267
Yorkshire & Humber             1235
dtype: int64

# fixing null values in 'Country' for Region='London & South East England' and Region='Northern Ireland'

# lastly, dataframe converted to parquet and saved as 'weather.2016.parquet'

Among the other issues found in the data is the value -99.0 in "ScreenTemperature" (most frequent value in this column). As "ScreenTemperature" columns contains degrees in Celsius, it seems '-99.0' represents the cases when a temperature value is not available for an observation (i.e., null value).

Querying parquet by pandas

pipenv install
pipenv sync
pipenv shell
Output (answer to the question):

ObservationDate: 2016-03-17 00:00:00
ScreenTemperature: 15.8
Region: Highland & Eilean Siar

Querying parquet by SQL (via SQLite3)

Commands are as follows (also see 'query_parquet.sqlite'):\

$ sqlite3
sqlite> -- load library to read parquet files
sqlite> .load ./libparquet
sqlite> -- create table out of parquet file and load data to it
sqlite> CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE weather USING parquet('weather.2016.parquet');
sqlite> select ScreenTemperature,DATETIME(ROUND(ObservationDate / 1000), 'unixepoch'),Region from weather where ScreenTemperature = (select max(ScreenTemperature) from weather);

Output: 15.8 | 2016-03-17 00:00:00 | Highland & Eilean Siar


Query parquet file with weather data






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