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Damien edited this page May 27, 2016 · 1 revision
let vimeo: Provider = .Vimeo(
    clientID: "***",
    clientSecret: "***",
    redirectURL: "foo://callback"
 "access_token": "TOKEN",
 "token_type": "Bearer",
 "scope": "private interact create edit upload delete public",
 "user": { USER }
Parameter Description
access_token The token you use to make an API request
token_type The type of token (Vimeo only supports Bearer at the moment)
scope The final scopes the token was granted. This list MAY be different from the scopes you requested. This will be the actual permissions the token has been granted.
user This is the full user response for the authenticated user. If you generated your token using the client credentials grant, this value is left out.
private View private videos
public View public videos
purchased View Vimeo On Demand purchase history
purchase Purchase Vimeo On Demand videos
create Create new videos, groups, albums, etc.
edit Edit videos, groups, albums, etc.
delete Delete videos, groups, albums, etc.
interact Interact with a video on behalf of a user, such as liking a video or adding it to your Watch Later list
upload Upload a video
video_files Access additional video files owned by the authenticated user
Authorization Request Parameters
Field Required Description
response_type Yes MUST be set to "code"
client_id Yes Your client identifier
redirect_uri Yes This field is required, and must match one of your application’s redirect URI’s
scope No Defaults to "public" and "private"; this is a space-separated list of scopes you want to access
state Yes A unique value which the client will return alongside access tokens
Token Request Parameters
Field Required Description
grant_type Yes Must be set to "authorization_code"
code Yes The authorization code received from the authorization server
redirect_uri Yes Must match the redirect uri from the previous step
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