The purpose of this project was to create a JavaScript file that would allow the users to filter our UFO sightings dataset by 5 different criteria, which are Date, City, State, Country, and Shape of sighting.
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The first step was to select the tbody tag where our data will be appended to using D3. Once we inserted the data into the HTML, I then proceeded to create the input boxes for the five different criteria. .
Once the input fields and data table were inserted, I then proceeded to create a function that would filter the data. This function would use D3 to select all the individual input fields and store each input in an array. I then used a forEach statement to loop through each input value and check to see if the input value is in the dataset. If the value is in the dataset, then I proceeded to filter the dataset by that value. I did this for each input value that was given. Once I have the new filtered data, I cleared the tbody element so that I can append the new filtered data and called a function I created to append the new filtered table data.
- Lastly, I created event handlers that would execute the function I created to filter and append the new data, so that when the filter button is clicked the new filtered data would be outputted.