For list of latest changes, please see the Change Log at the main GitHub repository.
This extension adds rich language support for HPCC Systems ECL language (for the HPCC-Platform) to VS Code, including:
- Syntax highlighting
- Auto completion
- Client tools discovery and integration
- HPCC-Platform server support
- Install Visual Studio Code.
- In VS-Code, open the command palette (
ctrl/cmd + shift + p
) and selectInstall Extension
. Enterecl
to filter the available extensions and chooseECL Language by HPCC Systems
. - Locate and install the appropriate ECL Client Tools from
The following ECL specific commands are available. Note: These commands will not be active until an ECL file has been opened (as this triggers the extension to load). To activate a command either use its associated hotkey or press ctrl/cmd + shift + p
and type ECL
this will present a filtered list of the ECL specific commands:
- Syntax Check all files [shift + F7] - Save All + check syntax of all files.
- Syntax Clear [ctrl + F7] - Clear all previously reported ECL Syntax Check results.
- Language Reference Website - Opens the ECL language reference website in external browser.
- Terminal - Opens ECL Client Tools Terminal Session.
- Syntax Check [F7] - Save + check syntax of current file.
- Language Reference Lookup [shift + F1] - For the currently selected text, search the online ECL language reference.
Right click on item
- Workunit Details - Opens ECL Watch Workunit Details for the selected Workunit.
Click on ECL Client Tools Version
- Select Client Tools Version: Select Client Tools Version from available options.
The following Visual Studio Code settings are available for the ECL extension. These can be set in user preferences (ctrl/cmd + ,
) or directly in your current workspace (.vscode/settings.json
// eclcc syntax check arguments.
"ecl.syntaxArgs": ["-syntax"],
// Run 'eclcc -syntax' on save.
"ecl.syntaxCheckOnSave": true
// Run 'eclcc -syntax' on load.
"ecl.syntaxCheckOnLoad": true
// Additional folders to use when resolving IMPORT statements.
"ecl.includeFolders": []
// Override eclcc auto detection.
"ecl.eclccPath": ""
// Add '-legacy' argument to eclcc.
"ecl.legacyMode": false
// Open Workunits in external browser.
"ecl.WUOpenExternal": true
// Automatically open Workunits on creation.
"ecl.WUAutoOpen": false
// Debug level logging (requires restart).
"ecl.debugLogging": false
Submitting ECL using VS-Code requires specifying the target environment within the VS Code launch.json
(pressing F5
will prompt you to auto create a skeleton file if none exists):
// Default ECL Launch Configuration
"name": "play-hthor-submit",
"type": "ecl",
"request": "launch",
"mode": "submit",
"workspace": "${workspaceRoot}",
"program": "${file}",
"protocol": "https",
"serverAddress": "",
"port": 18010,
"rejectUnauthorized": false,
"targetCluster": "hthor",
"eclccPath": "${config:ecl.eclccPath}",
"eclccArgs": [],
"includeFolders": "${config:ecl.includeFolders}",
"legacyMode": "${config:ecl.legacyMode}",
"resultLimit": 100,
"timeoutSecs": 60,
"user": "vscode_user",
"password": ""
To set up a development environment for debugging the ECL for VS Code extension:
cd /Some/Dev/Folder/
git clone
cd vscode-ecl
npm install
At which point you can open the vscode-ecl
folder within VS Code.
Next start the background build process by running the following command within a terminal session:
npm run watch
At which point you can edit the sources and launch debug sessions via F5 and included launch configurations.
KEL is an optional language that can generate ECL.
The following KEL specific commands are available. Note: These commands will not be active until a KEL file has been opened (as this triggers the extension to load). To activate a command either use its associated hotkey or press ctrl/cmd + shift + p
and type KEL
this will present a filtered list of the KEL specific commands:
- Syntax Check [F7] - Save + check syntax of current file.
- Generate ECL [Ff] - Save + generate ECL files.
Click on KEL Client Tools Version
- Select Client Tools Version - Select Client Tools Version from available options.
The following Visual Studio Code settings are available for the KEL extension. These can be set in user preferences (ctrl/cmd + ,
) or directly in your current workspace (.vscode/settings.json
// Java runtime arguments (e.g. -Xmx12G).
"kel.javaArgs": []
// Override KEL auto detection
"kel.kelPath": ""
// Check syntax on save.
"kel.syntaxCheckOnSave": true
// Generated ECL location (Same Folder | Child Folder)."
"kel.generateLocation": "Same Folder"
// "Generate ECL on save."
"kel.generateOnSave": false
// Check syntax on load.
"kel.syntaxCheckOnLoad": false