It is a bundle that provides a web interface for managing cron table.
- Displays cron table with time expression, command, output file, error file and comment
- Can guess last execution time and status (based on log files)
- Can display log files
- Support edit/add cron entry
- Includes shortcuts to easily get common time expression, symfony command and symfony log directory
- Translated in english, french and german
Add to your /deps
file :
And make a php bin/vendors install
// app/autoload.php
'BCC' => __DIR__.'/../vendor/bundles',
// your other namespaces
// app/AppKernel.php
public function registerBundles()
return array(
// ...
new BCC\CronManagerBundle\BCCCronManagerBundle(),
// ...
Add to your routing.yml
#BCCCronManager routing
resource: "@BCCCronManagerBundle/Resources/config/routing.xml"
prefix: /cron-manager
You can customize the prefix as you wish.