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MongoDB backup


This script allows you to dump full or specific databases using the native mongodump command. Furthermore, at each execution, the obsolete backups are deleted, according to the specifications of the specified retention. Retention can be specified for TIME-WINDOWS (i.e. time check) or REDUNDANCY (i.e. number of copies).


Listed below are the parameters that must be entered in order for the script to work.

Parameter Type Default value Comment
MDBCK_BACKUPDIR string N/A Identifies the root directory which will be responsible for the hourly, daily, weekly and monthly backups, as well as the logs
MDBCK_DBUSERNAME string N/A Identify the username. It can be omitted only in case authentication is not enabled on the mongo
MDBCK_DBPASSWORD string N/A Identify the password associated with the username. It can be omitted only in case authentication is not enabled on the mongo
MDBCK_DBAUTHDB string N/A Identifies the database used to certify the credentials used during login. It can be omitted only in case authentication is not enabled on the mongo
MDBCK_DBHOST string N/A Identifies the hostname database to connect to for information retrieval and/or data dump. It is usually used to indicate the primary node
MDBCK_DBPORT integer N/A Identifies the communication port the mongo is listening on. May be omitted if parameter MDBCK_DBPORT_TRY_DEFAULT="yes". In this case, the communication port will be automatically set to 27017
MDBCK_DOHOURLY string no Identifies whether to carry out (yes) or not (no) the hourly backup
MDBCK_HOURLYRETENTION_TYPE mixed N/A Identifies whether to enable or disable the retention check. The selection can take place either numerically, by index, or via string. Possible values are: 0 or "disabled", 1 or "redundancy", 2 or "time-window"
MDBCK_HOURLYRETENTION integer 1 Numerically identify the retention threshold. For example, if the retention were of type 1 (redundancy) and MDBCK_HOURLYRETENTION had value 4, it would be understood that the script should keep the 4 most recent copies of the backups present on disk. If instead the retention were of type 2 (time-window) and MDBCK_HOURLYRETENTION had value 6, it should be understood that the script should delete backups older than 6 hours
MDBCK_DODAILY string no Identifies whether to carry out (yes) or not (no) the backup on a daily basis
MDBCK_DAILYRETENTION_TYPE mixed N/A Identifies whether to enable or disable the retention check. See previous description
MDBCK_DAILYRETENTION integer 1 Numerically identify the retention threshold. See previous description
MDBCK_DOWEEKLY string no Identify whether to perform (yes) or not (no) the weekly backup
MDBCK_WEEKLYDAY integer N/A Identifies the day of the week on which the backup should take place. The range goes from 1 to 7, where 1 identifies the first day of the week: Monday
MDBCK_WEEKLYRETENTION_TYPE mixed N/A Identifies whether to enable or disable the retention check. See previous description
MDBCK_WEEKLYRETENTION integer 1 Numerically identify the retention threshold. See previous description
MDBCK_DOMONTHLY string no Identify whether to perform (yes) or not (no) the backup on a monthly basis
MDBCK_MONTHLYRETENTION_TYPE mixed N/A Identifies whether to enable or disable the retention check. See previous description
MDBCK_MONTHLYRETENTION integer 1 Numerically identify the retention threshold. See previous description


This means that the period that is found to be valued first will be the one that will trigger the typology of backups to perform. The priority is (highest to lowest): MDBCK_DOMONTHLY, MDBCK_DOWEEKLY, MDBCK_DODAILY, and MDBCK_DOHOURLY.

Therefore, if you want to make a backup of different types in conjunction with two configurations, you will have to make use of a diversified crontab programming and/or use an external parameter file. MDBCK_DOMONTHLY also only fires on the first day of each month.

Optional parameters

Below is the list of optional parameters.

Parameter Type Default value Comment
MDBCK_DBURI string N/A Identifies the mongo connection uri, especially in the replica configuration. Ex. MDBCK_DBURI="dblab01:27017,dblab01:27018,dblab02:27020". This parameter, among other things, is used to retrieve the information from mongo, despite having the MDBCK_DBHOST set
MDBCK_DBNAME string all Identifies the name of the database to dump. If left blank, it will be interpreted as "all",so all databases in the mongo will be dumped
MDBCK_COLLECTIONS string all Identifies the name of the collection to be dumped. If left blank, it will be interpreted as "all", so all collections present in the database specified in the MDBCK_DBNAME parameter will be dumped
MDBCK_EXCLUDE_COLLECTIONS string N/A Identifies the list of collections that should be excluded from dumping a specific database, indicated in the MDBCK_DBNAME parameter
MDBCK_DBPORT_TRY_DEFAULT string no If set to "yes" it will attribute the default port 27017 to the MDBCK_DBPORT parameter. This parameter should be used to overcome communication problems that might occur during the execution of the script, perhaps due to incorrectly assigned ports or MDBCK_DBPORT not valued
MDBCK_MAILCONTENT string N/A Identifies where output redirection should occur. It is currently work in progress
MDBCK_MAXATTSIZE integer N/A Identifies the maximum size of the log to be attached to the notification email. It is currently work in progress

Advanced parameters

Below are the parameters that identify the advanced features of the script:

Parameter Type Default value Comment
MDBCK_COMP string N/A Identifies the type of compressor that will be used at the end of the dump process, in order to reduce its occupation space on disk. Possible values are gzip and bzip2
MDBCK_CLEANUP string no Identifies whether to delete the directory where the dump resides from disk. It will be deleted only if the parameter MDBCK_COMP is filled in and if the archive was created correctly
MDBCK_LATEST string no Identifies whether to create a copy of the last created backup in a dedicated folder. Requires parameter MDBCK_COMP
MDBCK_LATESTLINK string no Identifies whether to create a hard link instead of a copy of the last created backup
MDBCK_MONGOCOMP string yes Identifies whether compression will be used during the mongodump. Not to be confused with the creation of a valued archive via parameter MDBCK_COMP
MDBCK_OPLOG string no Indicates whether the mongodump should contemplate oplogs during the full backup phase
MDBCK_PURGE_BCKDIR_SPACE string no Identifies the forced cleanup action (deleting the oldest backup) to free up space to accommodate a new backup
MDBCK_REPLICAONSLAVE string yes Indicates that the mongodump will draw from a replica node instead of the primary node
MDBCK_REQUIREMDBCK_DBAUTHDB string no Indicates that authentication must occur by checking the --authenticationDatabase option. Requires MDBCK_DBAUTHDB to be set
MDBCK_MAXFILESIZE integer N/A Identifies the maximum size that the dump must have and if this is exceeded, a split will be performed
MDBCK_PREBACKUP string N/A Identifies a command/script that must be executed before the backup is performed
MDBCK_POSTBACKUP string N/A Identifies a command/script that needs to be executed after the backup is performed

Configuring Retention

The script, is able to verify the number of backups present on disk or, alternatively, the outdated state of the dumps.

There must be 2 fundamental conditions for which the script would proceed with the retention test:

  1. The dump has been performed (MDBCK_DO="yes") and is consistent;
  2. Retention is enabled (parameter MDBCK_RETENTION_TYPE is valued other than 0 or "disabled").

if these conditions are met, the backups to be deleted will be identified (if any).

The parameters that must be used for retention management are:


where PERIOD could be HOURLY, DAILY, WEEKLY, MONTHLY and therefore refer to hourly, daily, weekly or monthly backups.

The RETENTION_TYPE can assume, as mentioned above, three values (with indication of index or string type):

0 = "disabled" --> i.e. no retention verification action or cancellations will be performed; 1 = "redundancy" --> i.e. a retention check will be performed on the number of backups present on disk; 2 = "time-window" --> i.e. a retention check will be carried out regarding the obsolescence of the backups on disk.

Based on the latter, the script will act by maintaining the most recent N backup copies (in the case of retention = 1) or by deleting the oldest backups of N periods (hours, days, weeks or months) (in the case of retention = 2). The number N will be set with the MDBCK_RETENTION parameter.

Command line syntax

The script gives the option of accepting parameters as input, listed below:

This command allows to execute the mongodump with retention management.

Usage: <option>

where option should be:

     --conf | -c : used to load an extetnal configuration file.
     --help | -? : this help.
     --test | -t : used to test the parameter assigned (dry-run).

  • --conf or -c option allows you to read a configuration file for which you will have an override of the parameters which, on the contrary, are set within the script itself.
  • --help rather than -? lists the syntax.
  • --test or -t option allows only the check of the parameters without the dump and related accompanying actions being performed. This option is very useful for catching parameter errors, without having to run into error messages or, even more so, inconsistent backups that you would notice later.


A. Calling up syntax help:

$> --help

************************************************** **
* AutoMongoBackup - ver. 4.4.1 (at 2023.02.16)
************************************************** **

This command allows to execute the mongodump with retention management.

Usage: <option>

where option should be:

--conf | -c : used to load an extetnal configuration file.
--help | -? : this help.
--test | -t : used to test the parameter assigned (dry-run).

B. Testing the configuration of a daily backup, via URI binding, with 2-copy redundancy retention:


$> /opt/backup/mongo/scripts/ --test
Loading parameters...done.
=================================================== ====================
* AutoMongoBackup v.4.4.1 (at 2023.02.16)
=================================================== ====================
Starting procedure at 2023.05.15 18:27:03

I: Checking parameters...
I: The path "/backup/mongo/backup" will be a regular directory. It could be better to use a dedicated mount point for the MDBCK_BACKUPDIR parameter.
I: MDBCK_DBURI is valorized (with 3 of 3 member(s)): "dblab01:27017,dblab01:27018,dblab02:27020". It will be used ratherthen MDBCK_DBHOST (for highest priority).
I: The MDBCK_REPLICAONSLAVE parameter is enabled. Secondary node identified: "dblab01:27017".
I: The daily backup has a redundancy retention of 2 copies.
I: All is ok.

Procedure completed at 2023.05.15 18:27:04

C. Backup execution with configuration from step B:

$> /opt/backup/mongo/scripts/

Loading parameters... done.
* AutoMongoBackup v.4.4.1 (at 2023.02.16)
Starting procedure at 2023.05.15 18:28:51
I: Checking parameters...
I: The path "/backup/mongo/backup" will be a regular directory. It could be better to use a dedicated mount point for theMDBCK_BACKUPDIR parameter.
I: MDBCK_DBURI is valorized (with 3 of 3 member(s)): "dblab01:27017,dblab01:27018,dblab02:27020". It will be used ratherthen MDBCK_DBHOST (for highest priority).
I: The MDBCK_REPLICAONSLAVE parameter is enabled. Secondary node identified: "dblab01:27017".
I: The daily backup has a redundancy retention of 2 copies.
I: All is ok.
I: AutoMongoBackup will execute a mongodump (it could take a while). A complete log report will be shown at the end of theprocedure.
* AutoMongoBackup v.4.4.1 (at 2023.02.16)
Starting procedure at 2023.05.15 18:28:51
I: Checking parameters...
I: MDBCK_DBURI is valorized (with 3 of 3 member(s)): "dblab01:27017,dblab01:27018,dblab02:27020". It will be used ratherthen MDBCK_DBHOST (for highest priority).
I: The MDBCK_REPLICAONSLAVE parameter is enabled. Secondary node identified: "dblab01:27017".
I: The daily backup has a redundancy retention of 2 copies.
I: All is ok.
Parameters....................................: Internal.
Connecting to.................................: mongodb://admin:********@dblab01:27017,dblab01:27018,dblab02:27020/authSource=admin
Backup type...................................: Full
Backup frequency & retention..................: Daily (Retention: keep the newest 2 backup copies)
Including oplogs..............................: Yes
Purge of backup destination...................: Yes
Try to connect to secondary node directly.....: Yes
Mongodump compression.........................: Yes
AutoMongoBackup compression...................: Tar and gzip
Link to latest backup.........................: Yes
Hardlink or copy to latest....................: Hard link
Clean up dump destination.....................: Yes
Backup home path..............................: /backup/mongo/backup
Mongodump destination.........................: /backup/mongo/backup/daily/dblab01-20230515-18h28m.monday.tgz
Logging AutoMongoBackup info to...............: /backup/mongo/backup/log/dblab01-20230515-18h28m.monday.log
Logging mongodump to..........................: /backup/mongo/backup/log/dblab01-20230515-18h28m.monday.mdb.log
Backup of Mongo databases 
Backup started - lun 15 mag 2023, 18.28.52, CEST
2023.05.15 18:28:52 - I: Checking disk space... It's ok.
2023.05.15 18:29:47 - I: Tar and gzip of "dblab01-20230515-18h28m.monday.tgz"... Done.
2023.05.15 18:29:53 - I: Setting the right owner and permissions to "dblab01-20230515-18h28m.monday.tgz"... Done.
2023.05.15 18:29:53 - I: Setting the right owner and permissions to "/backup/mongo/backup/daily/dblab01-20230515-18h28mmonday"... Done.
2023.05.15 18:29:53 - I: Cleaning the dump destination... Done.
2023.05.15 18:29:55 - I: Retention check... 1 obsolete copies found.
2023.05.15 18:29:55 - I: Deleting obsolete backup(s) and log(s)...
"/backup/mongo/backup/daily/bck_current.tgz" deleted
Backup finished successfully - lun 15 mag 2023, 18.29.55, CEST
* Backup space usage *
Size  - Path
278M	/backup/mongo/backup/daily

D. Configuration testing for daily and weekly backup, connecting to a URI, with time-window retention set to 2 for both the backup modes:


If the script is run on the same day set in MDBCK_WEEKLYDAY=1 parameter, i.e. Monday, there would be a weekly backup:

$> /opt/backup/mongo/scripts/ --test
Loading parameters...done.
=================================================== ====================
* AutoMongoBackup v.4.4.1 (at 2023.02.16)
=================================================== ====================
Starting procedure at 2023.05.15 18:46:44

I: Checking parameters...
I: The path "/backup/mongo/backup" will be a regular directory. It could be better to use a dedicated mount point for the MDBCK_BACKUPDIR parameter.
I: MDBCK_DBURI is valorized (with 3 of 3 member(s)): "dblab01:27017,dblab01:27018,dblab02:27020". It will be used rather then MDBCK_DBHOST (for highest priority).
I: The MDBCK_REPLICAONSLAVE parameter is enabled. Secondary node identified: "dblab01:27017".
I: The weekly backup has a time-window retention of 2 weeks.
I: All is ok.

If instead MDBCK_WEEKLYDAY were 6 (Saturday), you would have a daily backup:

$> /opt/backup/mongo/scripts/ --test
Loading parameters...done.
=================================================== ====================
* AutoMongoBackup v.4.4.1 (at 2023.02.16)
=================================================== ====================
Starting procedure at 2023.05.15 18:47:24

I: Checking parameters...
I: The path "/backup/mongo/backup" will be a regular directory. It could be better to use a dedicated mount point for the MDBCK_BACKUPDIR parameter.
I: MDBCK_DBURI is valorized (with 3 of 3 member(s)): "dblab01:27017,dblab01:27018,dblab02:27020". It will be used rather then MDBCK_DBHOST (for highest priority).
I: The MDBCK_REPLICAONSLAVE parameter is enabled. Secondary node identified: "dblab01:27017".
I: The daily backup has a time-window retention of 2 days.
I: All is ok.

Procedure completed at 2023.05.15 18:47:25
=================================================== ====================

E. Performing a daily backup with time-window retention:

$> /opt/backup/mongo/scripts/
Loading parameters...done.
=================================================== ====================
* AutoMongoBackup v.4.4.1 (at 2023.02.16)
=================================================== ====================
Starting procedure at 2023.05.15 18:50:58
I: Checking parameters...
I: The path "/backup/mongo/backup" will be a regular directory. It could be better to use a dedicated mount point for the MDBCK_BACKUPDIR parameter.
I: MDBCK_DBURI is valorized (with 3 of 3 member(s)): "dblab01:27017,dblab01:27018,dblab02:27020". It will be used rather then MDBCK_DBHOST (for highest priority).
I: The MDBCK_REPLICAONSLAVE parameter is enabled. Secondary node identified: "dblab01:27017".
I: The daily backup has a time-window retention of 2 days.
I: All is ok.
I: AutoMongoBackup will execute a mongodump (it could take a while). A complete log report will be shown at the end of the procedure.
=================================================== ====================
* AutoMongoBackup v.4.4.1 (at 2023.02.16)
=================================================== ====================
Starting procedure at 2023.05.15 18:50:58
I: Checking parameters...
I: MDBCK_DBURI is valorized (with 3 of 3 member(s)): "dblab01:27017,dblab01:27018,dblab02:27020". It will be used rather then MDBCK_DBHOST (for highest priority).
I: The MDBCK_REPLICAONSLAVE parameter is enabled. Secondary node identified: "dblab01:27017".
I: The daily backup has a time-window retention of 2 days.
I: All is ok.
=================================================== ====================
Parameters..................................: Internal.
Connecting to.................................: mongodb://admin:******** @dblab01:27017,dblab01:27018,dblab02:27020/?authSource=admin
Backup type.............................................: Full
Backup frequency & retention..................: Daily (Retention: delete backup older than 2 day(s))
Including oplogs..............................: Yes
Purge of backup destination...................: Yes
Try to connect to secondary node directly.....: Yes
Mongodump compression.........................: Yes
AutoMongoBackup compression...................: Tar and gzip
Link to latest backup.........................: Yes
Hardlink or copy to latest....................: Hard link
Clean up dump destination.....................: Yes
Backup home path..............................: /backup/mongo/backup
Mongodump destination.........................: /backup/mongo/backup/daily/dblab01-20230515-18h50m.monday.tgz
Logging AutoMongoBackup info to...............: /backup/mongo/backup/log/dblab01-20230515-18h50m.monday.log
Logging mongodump to..........................: /backup/mongo/backup/log/dblab01-20230515-18h50m.monday.mdb.log

Backup of Mongo databases 
Backup started - lun 15 mag 2023, 18.50.59, CEST
2023.05.15 18:50:59 - I: Checking disk space... It's ok.
2023.05.15 18:51:46 - I: Tar and gzip of "dblab01-20230515-18h50m.monday.tgz"... Done.
2023.05.15 18:51:52 - I: Setting the right owner and permissions to "dblab01-20230515-18h50m.monday.tgz"... Done.
2023.05.15 18:51:52 - I: Setting the right owner and permissions to "/backup/mongo/backup/daily/dblab01-20230515-18h50mmonday"... Done.
2023.05.15 18:51:52 - I: Cleaning the dump destination... Done.
2023.05.15 18:51:53 - I: Retention check... 1 obsolete backup found.
2023.05.15 18:51:53 - I: Deleting old backup(s) and log(s)...
"/backup/mongo/backup/daily/dblab01-20230313-17h44m.monday.tgz" deleted
"/backup/mongo/backup/log/dblab01-20230313-16h58m.monday.mdb.log" deleted
"/backup/mongo/backup/log/dblab01-20230313-17h36m.monday.mdb.log" deleted
"/backup/mongo/backup/log/dblab01-20230313-17h44m.monday.log" deleted
"/backup/mongo/backup/log/dblab01-20230313-17h44m.monday.mdb.log" deleted
Backup finished successfully - lun 15 mag 2023, 18.51.53, CEST

* Backup space usage *

Size  - Path
264M	/backup/mongo/backup/daily


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