demo of coconut-shy scene running in preview.
A coconut shy built using cannon.js physics engine. This scene demonstrates interactions between multiple dynamic objects. To view the scene, please visit here. Note: You can press the P key to adjust the graphics settings.
Grab a ball using the E key, then use your mouse to aim in the direction you want to throw the ball. Press and hold the Left Mouse Button to trigger the 'power' meter to the bottom right of the screen, which controls how hard you throw the ball. To release the ball, let go of the Left Mouse Button as soon as the meter reaches your desired 'power' level. In terms of basic movement: W A S D keys on your keyboard to move forward, left, backward and right respectively. Finally, pressing the Space key will make your avatar jump.
Install the CLI Download and install the Decentraland CLI by running the following command:
$ npm i -g decentraland
Previewing the scene Download this example and navigate to its directory, then run:
$ dcl start
- All sound effects are from Mordi