Given a list of Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Solana addresses associated to a userId
(assume 1 per chain for example), create a microservice in Golang that monitors the blockchains for any transactions involving those addresses. In summary, the service should:
Connect via RPC to the Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Solana blockchains using Blockdaemon (feel free to use another provider if you prefer).
Consume the appropriate information to detect all future transactions that involve the specified addresses.
For the filtered transactions, process the payload and output the following information:
- Source
- Destination
- Amount
- Fees
This output should be in the form of an event emitted by a Kafka producer.
The service should be designed for scalability, capable of processing blocks in real time (be mindful of Solana's speed!).
Not mandatory, but appreciated:
Bonus 1: Add a Mermaid diagram to illustrate your solution. Bonus 2: Explain (no need to code) how you would handle edge cases like retry situations, block reorganization, how to not lose any txs in a 1h downtime scenario, and any other scenarios you want to showcase.
You can use any RPC provider you want. If you need an example or reference