provides a Flask API server and client to generate text embeddings using either OpenAI's embedding model or the SentenceTransformers library. The API server now supports in-memory LRU caching for faster retrievals, batch processing for handling multiple texts at once, and a health status endpoint for monitoring the server status.
SentenceTransformers supports over 500 models via HuggingFace Hub.
- POST endpoint to create text embeddings
- sentence_transformers
- OpenAI text-embedding-ada-002
- In-memory LRU cache for quick retrieval of embeddings
- Batch processing to handle multiple texts in a single request
- Easy setup with configuration file
- Health status endpoint
- Python client utility for submitting text or files
To run this server locally, follow the steps below:
Clone the repository: 📦
git clone
cd vector-embedding-api
Set up a virtual environment (optional but recommended): 🐍
virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python3.10 venv
source venv/bin/activate
Install the required dependencies: 🛠️
pip install -r requirements.txt
Modify the server.conf configuration file: ⚙️
openai_api_key = YOUR_OPENAI_API_KEY
sent_transformers_model = sentence-transformers/all-MiniLM-L6-v2
use_cache = true/false
Start the server: 🚀
The server should now be running on
A small Python client is provided to assist with submitting text strings or files.
python3 -t "Your text here" -m local
python3 -f /path/to/yourfile.txt -m openai
Submits an individual text string or a list of text strings for embedding generation.
Request Parameters
- text: The text string or list of text strings to generate the embedding for. (Required)
- model: Type of model to be used, either local for SentenceTransformer models or openai for OpenAI's model. Default is local.
- embedding: The generated embedding array.
- status: Status of the request, either success or error.
- elapsed: The elapsed time taken for generating the embedding (in milliseconds).
- model: The model used to generate the embedding.
- cache: Boolean indicating if the result was retrieved from cache. (Optional)
- message: Error message if the status is error. (Optional)
Checks the server's health status.
- cache.enabled: Boolean indicating status of the cache
- cache.max_size: Maximum cache size
- cache.size: Current cache size
- models.openai: Boolean indicating if OpenAI embeddings are enabled. (Optional)
- models.sentence-transformers: Name of sentence-transformers model in use.
"cache": {
"enabled": true,
"max_size": 500,
"size": 0
"models": {
"openai": true,
"sentence-transformers": "sentence-transformers/all-MiniLM-L6-v2"
Send a POST request to the /submit endpoint with JSON payload:
"text": "Your text here",
"model": "local"
// multi text submission
"text": ["Text1 goes here", "Text2 goes here"],
"model": "openai"
You'll receive a response containing the embedding and additional information:
"embedding": [...],
"status": "success",
"elapsed": 123,
"model": "sentence-transformers/all-MiniLM-L6-v2"
"embedding": [...],
"status": "success",
"elapsed": 123,
"model": "openai"
"embedding": [...],
"status": "success",
"elapsed": 123,
"model": "openai"