ENTD, Encrypted Network Traffic Detector, is a Python 3 program for analyzing packet captures (pcaps) and distinguishing between benign and malicious traffic in the packet via port 443 (SSL/TLS).
Currently the features that are supported are as follows:
- Reading Packet Capture and Extracting the Server Hello Information
- Able to distinguish between Malicious and Benign Traffic
You can use the program in Python 3 with
./main.py -f "path/to/packet/capture/file.pcap"
./main.py -f "Sample PCAPs/malicious_packet.pcap"
- Python 3.6.1 or newer
- dpkt via
pip install dpkt
- mlxtend via
pip install mlxtend
- scikit-learn via
pip install scikit-learn
- mysqlclient via
pip install mysqlclient
- Currently the SVM shows a hyperplane due to the ciphersuites. Need more data to fill our feature space.
- Currently builds the SVM model every run through.
- There is a bug in dpkt with reading packets. Therefore, I have hand constructed the JSON features from the malicious packet we have.