The sound dataset was gathered from this git repository -> Free Spoken Digit Dataset (FSDD):
The is using MNIST (Modified National Institute of Standards and Tehchnology) as a dataset for pre-analysis purpose; dataset of handwritten digits.
Youtube tutorials on music generation:
step 0 - Understand vanilla autoencoder which consists of both an encoder and a decoder.
- build an encoder
- build a decoder
- combine and make the autoencoder
- train the autoencoder
- test the autoencoder with mnist dataset
- plot the testing results
step 1 - Implement Variational Autoencoder (VAE)
- modify encoder component (modify the bottleneck -> z = u + sum(epsilon))
- modify loss function: RMSE + KL (Kullback-Leibler Divergence (closed form))
- train vae
step 2 - Preprocessing Audio Datasets
- use Free Spoken Digit Dataset (FSDD) (an audio preprocessing library)
- implement Loader and Padder for file processing
- implement LogSpectrogramExtractor to preprocess audio files as spectrograms
- implement MinMaxNormaliser
- implement the Preprocessing Pipeline
- implement Saver
step 3 - Training a VAE with speech data in Keras
- load Free Sound Digits Dataset (FSDD)
- reshape the data
- train the VAE
step 4 - Sound Generation with VAE
- build a SoundGenerator class
- Implement a script
- generate Sound from Spectrograms
- parameters and weights of the trained model in step 3 is saved in the model folder
- use the FSDD as the data for sound generation
- download and use step 4 folder as this is the final step and contains the final version of the files for running the model