Blogger is a web application that allows users to view blog posts without authentication. On the other hand, authenticated users have access to additional features such as creating, viewing, and deleting posts..
Check out the live site here.
The application has the following pages:
- Home: Represents the landing page. It displays a welcome message and some information about the app.
- Create Post: Allows authenticated users to create new posts
- Blog: Displays a list of all posts, allows authenticated users to delete their own posts
- Single Post: Displays the full content of a post when a user clicks on the title of a post on the Blog page.
- Login: Allows users to log in using their Google account
- JavaScript
- React
- React-router
- Firebase
- Clone the repository:
git clone
- Install dependencies:
npm install
- Create a Firebase project and add the configuration details to
- Start the app:
npm run dev
Feel free to submit a pull request if you find a bug or want to improve the app.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details.