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Alternative calendar module for MagicMirror.

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Module: MMM-MyCalendar

This calendar module is functionally the same as the default calendar app, however its presentation is different.

This module displays events from a public .ical calendar. It can combine multiple calendars.


  1. Navigate to the MagicMirror/modules directory.
  2. Execute git clone
  3. Configure the module as per below
  4. Restart MagicMirror

Using the module

NOTE: Some configuration parameters have changed. See below if you are updating from a previous version.

To use this module, add it to the modules array in the config/config.js file:

modules: [
		module: "MMM-MyCalendar",
		position: "top_left",	// This can be any of the regions. Best results in left or right regions.
		config: {
			// The config property is optional.
			// If no config is set, an example calendar is shown.
			// See 'Configuration options' for more information.

Configuration options

The following properties can be configured:

Note if you are updating, some of the configuration options have changed, as follows:

  • timeFormat no longer refers to whether you would like to see 'relative' or 'absolute' dates. You now use useRelativeDates and specifiy either true or false.
  • timeFormat is now used to specify the display format for time (e.g.: "h:mm A" for 12 hour time, "HH:mm" for 24 hour time, etc.)
  • dateFormat is now just used for specifying how date portions of the display should format (e.g.: "MMMM D" for January 1, "DD-MMM" for 01-Jan, etc.).
  • dayOfWeekFormat is new and allows you to specify a format for weekday names (e.g. "dddd" for Tuesday, "ddd" for Tue, etc.)
  • joiningWord is new and allows you to specify the word to be displayed between the day/date and time of the event (e.g.: specify "at" for Tuesday at 1:15 PM). If you do not want a joining word, then specify an empty string (i.e.: "").
Option Description
maximumEntries The maximum number of events shown. / Possible values: 0 - 100
Default value: 10
maximumNumberOfDays The maximum number of days in the future.

Default value: 365
maxTitleLength The maximum title length.

Possible values: 10 - 50
Default value: 25
fetchInterval How often does the content needs to be fetched? (Milliseconds)

Possible values: 1000 - 86400000
Default value: 300000 (5 minutes)
animationSpeed Speed of the update animation. (Milliseconds)

Possible values:0 - 5000
Default value: 2000 (2 seconds)
fade Fade the future events to black. (Gradient)

Possible values: true or false
Default value: true
fadePoint Where to start fade?

Possible values: 0 (top of the list) - 1 (bottom of list)
Default value: 0.25
calendars The list of calendars.

Possible values: An array, see calendar configuration below.
Default value: An example calendar.
titleReplace An object of textual replacements applied to the tile of the event. This allow to remove or replace certains words in the title.

Example: {'Birthday of ' : '', 'foo':'bar'}
Default value: { "De verjaardag van ": "", "'s birthday": "" }
displayRepeatingCountTitle Show count title for yearly repeating events (e.g. "X. Birthday", "X. Anniversary")

Possible values: true or false
Default value: false
dayOfWeekFormat Format to use for weekday names.

Possible values: See Moment.js formats
Default value: dddd (e.g. Tuesday)
timeFormat Format to use for time display.

Possible values: See Moment.js formats
Default value: h:mm A (e.g. 1:15 PM)
dateFormat Format to use for the date of events (when using absolute dates)

Possible values: See Moment.js formats
Default value: MMMM D (e.g. January 18)
joiningWord Word to display between the day/date and the time of the event (e.g.: Tuesday at 1:15 PM). If you do not want one, you need to explicitly specify an epmty string (i.e.: "")
Default value: at
useRelativeDates Display event times as relative time (true) or absolute dates (false)

Possible values: true or false
Default value: false
NOTE This used to be named timeFormat, but I felt that din't make a lot of sense. So timeFormat is now used to specify the format for time display (as one would expect).
getRelative How much time (in hours) should be left until calendar events start getting relative?

Possible values: 0 (events stay absolute) - 48 (48 hours before the event starts)
Default value: 6
urgency When using a timeFormat of absolute, the urgency setting allows you to display events within a specific time frame as relative. This allows events within a certain time frame to be displayed as relative (in xx days) while others are displayed as absolute dates

Possible values: a positive integer representing the number of days for which you want a relative date, for example 7 (for 7 days)

Default value: 7
broadcastEvents If this property is set to true, the calendar will broadcast all the events to all other modules with the notification message: CALENDAR_EVENTS. The event objects are stored in an array and contain the following fields: title, startDate, endDate, fullDayEvent, location and geo.

Possible values: true, false

Default value: true
hidePrivate Hides private calendar events.

Possible values: true or false
Default value: false
excludedEvents An array of words / phrases from event titles that will be excluded from being shown.

Example: ['Birthday', 'Hide This Event']
Default value: []
showLocation Whether to show the event's location.

Possible values: true or false.
Default value: true

Calendar configuration

The calendars property contains an array of the configured calendars. The colored property gives the option for an individual color for each calendar.

Default value:

config: {
	colored: false,
	calendars: [
			url: '',
			symbol: 'calendar',
			auth: {
			    user: 'username',
			    pass: 'superstrongpassword',
			    method: 'basic'

Calendar configuration options:

Option Description
url The url of the calendar .ical. This property is required.

Possible values: Any public accessble .ical calendar.
color The font color of an event from this calendar. This property should be set if the config is set to colored: true.

Possible values: HEX, RGB or RGBA values (#efefef, rgb(242,242,242), rgba(242,242,242,0.5)).
repeatingCountTitle The count title for yearly repating events in this calendar.

Example: 'Birthday'
maximumEntries The maximum number of events shown. Overrides global setting. Possible values: 0 - 100
maximumNumberOfDays The maximum number of days in the future. Overrides global setting
auth The object containing options for authentication against the calendar.

Calendar authentication options:

Option Description
user The username for HTTP authentication.
pass The password for HTTP authentication. (If you use Bearer authentication, this should be your BearerToken.)
method Which authentication method should be used. HTTP Basic, Digest and Bearer authentication methods are supported. Basic authentication is used by default if this option is omitted. Possible values: digest, basic, bearer Default value: basic


Alternative calendar module for MagicMirror.






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