This is an instagram bot that was developed to follow, like, and comment on different instagram posts. This was a comissioned project I developed. With this project you will be able to easily auto assign proxies to different instagram accounts, create jobs for instagram accounts to gain a specific number of likes/follows/comments.
The following instructions will help you get you running this software.
To install the python requirements please run the command below.
pip install -r requirements.txt
You need to have firefox installed. Download here
sudo apt install firefox
You also need to download geckodriver and include it in your path. Download it here
wget -O /tmp/geckodriver.tar.gz
tar -C /opt -xzf /tmp/geckodriver.tar.gz
sudo chmod 755 /opt/geckodriver
sudo ln -fs /opt/geckodriver /usr/bin/geckodriver
sudo ln -fs /opt/geckodriver /usr/local/bin/geckodriver
or the combined command
wget -O /tmp/geckodriver.tar.gz && tar -C /opt -xzf /tmp/geckodriver.tar.gz && sudo chmod 755 /opt/geckodriver && sudo ln -fs /opt/geckodriver /usr/bin/geckodriver && sudo ln -fs /opt/geckodriver /usr/local/bin/geckodriver
First download the geckodriver here, tested with version v0.24.0
Then add geckodriver to your path here's a tutorial on how to do that.
To run the software you first need to add information into the inputs/accounts.json, inputs/proxies.json, jobs.json, and settings.json. Examples of these files are below.
"username": "instagramUsername",
"password": "instagramPassword",
"defaultComment": "defaultMessageThisAccountComments"
"username": "instagramUsername2",
"password": "instagramPassword2",
"defaultComment": "defaultMessageThisAccountComments2"
username - This is where the instagram account's username goes.
password - This is where the instagram account's password goes.
defaultComment - This is what the default comment string will be for the instagram comments. Comment order is defaultComment + globalCommentString (mentioned later)
"proxy-address": "",
"proxy-port": "xxxx"
"proxy-address": "",
"proxy-port": "xxxx"
proxy-address - This is the proxy IP that you want to be auto assigned to the new accounts in inputs/accounts.json.
proxy-port - This is where the proxy port goes for the proxy server
Note - It seems that the proxy servers work with only https servers.
"globalCommentString": "End_Of_Every_Comment",
"headless": "False"
globalCommentString - This is the variable that will be added onto EVERY comment by any account at the end.
headless - Either True or False, tells the browser to do either headless or not. Default is False, because at least for chrome you can detect chrome headless browsers
"url": "",
"amount_of_followers_to_gain": "1"
"url": "",
"amount_of_likes_to_gain": "1",
"amount_of_comments_to_gain": "1"
url - Either a link to a specific user or a post. With a post you can specifiy like/comment, with an account you can follow as well.
amount_of_followers_to_gain - The amount of followers you want that account to gain.
amount_of_likes_to_gain - The amount of likes you want a post to gain.
amount_of_comments_to_gain - The amount of comments you want a given post to gain.
Note - Make sure you have enough accounts in data/pairedAccounts.json to handle the amount of followers/likes/comments to gain. It is limited to 1 per user.
Once you have all of the json files configured as you would like simpily run the command below.
Then the bot will auto assign new accounts and proxies to eachother adding them to data/pairedAccounts.json and removing them from the input json files.
After that the bot will then log into accounts in random orders and complete the jobs.
- Python 3.7 - The language used
- David Teather - Initial work - davidteather
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details