NOTICE: No longer maintained. Superseded by
Poll widget for Yii 2.x allows you to create basic custom polls for authenticated users to vote on.
- Run composer
require davidjeddy/yii2poll
on the terminal in your {project root}, OR add"davidjeddy/davidjeddyyii2poll": "~2"
to your projects composer.json in the "required": [...] section then runcomposer update
. - Enbable the module in your apps config/web.config module list
echo \davidjeddt\yii2poll\Poll::widget([
'pollName' => 'Do you like PHP?',
'answerOptions' => ['Yes', 'No'],
echo \davidjeddt\yii2poll\Poll::widget([
'pollName' => 'Do you like PHP?',
'answerOptions' => ['Yes', 'No'],
'params' => [
'backgroundLinesColor' => '#DCDCDC',// html hex
'linesColor' => '#DC0079' // html hex
'linesHeight' => 20, // in pixels
'maxLineWidth' => 200, // in pixels