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davewasmer committed Apr 28, 2017
1 parent 8bb0271 commit c6e9637
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Showing 4 changed files with 318 additions and 236 deletions.
26 changes: 26 additions & 0 deletions src/constants.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
import * as path from 'path';
import * as mkdirp from 'mkdirp';

export const isMac = process.platform === 'darwin';
export const isLinux = process.platform === 'linux';
export const isWindows = process.platform === 'win32';

// use %LOCALAPPDATA%/devcert on Windows otherwise use ~/.config/devcert
export let configDir: string;
if (isWindows && process.env.LOCALAPPDATA) {
configDir = path.join(process.env.LOCALAPPDATA, 'devcert', 'config');
} else {
let uid = process.getuid && process.getuid();
let userHome = (isLinux && uid === 0) ? path.resolve('/usr/local/share') : require('os').homedir();
configDir = path.join(userHome, '.config', 'devcert');
export const configPath: (...pathSegments: string[]) => string = path.join.bind(path, configDir);

export const opensslConfTemplate = path.join(__dirname, '..', 'openssl.conf');
export const opensslConfPath = configPath('openssl.conf');
export const rootKeyPath = configPath('devcert-ca-root.key');
export const rootCertPath = configPath('devcert-ca-root.crt');
export const caCertsDir = configPath('certs');

264 changes: 28 additions & 236 deletions src/index.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,48 +7,43 @@ import {
} from 'fs';
import * as path from 'path';
import * as getPort from 'get-port';
import * as http from 'http';
import { exec, execSync, ExecSyncOptions } from 'child_process';
import * as tmp from 'tmp';
import * as glob from 'glob';
import * as Configstore from 'configstore';
import * as mkdirp from 'mkdirp';
import * as createDebug from 'debug';
import * as eol from 'eol';
import { sync as commandExists } from 'command-exists';

const debug = createDebug('devcert');

const isMac = process.platform === 'darwin';
const isLinux = process.platform === 'linux';
const isWindows = process.platform === 'win32';

// use %LOCALAPPDATA%/devcert on Windows otherwise use ~/.config/devcert
let configDir: string;
if (isWindows && process.env.LOCALAPPDATA) {
configDir = path.join(process.env.LOCALAPPDATA, 'devcert', 'config');
} else {
let uid = process.getuid && process.getuid();
let userHome = (isLinux && uid === 0) ? path.resolve('/usr/local/share') : require('os').homedir();
configDir = path.join(userHome, '.config', 'devcert');
const configPath: (...pathSegments: string[]) => string = path.join.bind(path, configDir);

const opensslConfTemplate = path.join(__dirname, '..', 'openssl.conf');
const opensslConfPath = configPath('openssl.conf');
const rootKeyPath = configPath('devcert-ca-root.key');
const rootCertPath = configPath('devcert-ca-root.crt');
const caCertsDir = configPath('certs');

import {
} from './constants';
import installCertificateAuthority from './root-authority';
import { openssl, generateKey } from './utils';

export interface Options {
installCertutil?: boolean;
const debug = createDebug('devcert');

export default async function devcert(appName: string, options: Options = {}) {
* Request an SSL certificate for the given app name signed by the devcert root certificate
* authority. If devcert has previously generated a certificate for that app name on this machine,
* it will reuse that certificate.
* If this is the first time devcert is being run on this machine, it will generate and attempt to
* install a root certificate authority.
* Returns a promise that resolves with { keyPath, certPath, key, cert }, where `key` and `cert` are
* Buffers with the contents of `keyPath` and `certPath`, respectively.
export default async function devcert(appName: string, options: { installCertutil?: boolean } = {}) {
debug(`development cert requested for ${ appName }`);

if (!isMac && !isLinux && !isWindows) {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -83,42 +78,7 @@ export default async function devcert(appName: string, options: Options = {}) {


// Install the once-per-machine trusted root CA. We'll use this CA to sign per-app certs, allowing
// us to minimize the need for elevated permissions while still allowing for per-app certificates.
async function installCertificateAuthority(installCertutil: boolean): Promise<void> {
debug(`generating openssl configuration`);

debug(`generating root certificate authority key`);

debug(`generating root certificate authority certificate`);
openssl(`req -config ${ opensslConfPath } -key ${ rootKeyPath } -out ${ rootCertPath } -new -subj "/CN=devcert" -x509 -days 7000 -extensions v3_ca`);

debug(`adding root certificate authority to trust stores`)
await addCertificateToTrustStores(installCertutil);

// Copy our openssl conf template to the local config folder, and update the paths
// to be OS specific
function generateOpenSSLConfFiles() {
let confTemplate = readFileSync(opensslConfTemplate, 'utf-8');
confTemplate = confTemplate.replace(/DATABASE_PATH/, configPath('index.txt').replace(/\\/g, '\\\\'));
confTemplate = confTemplate.replace(/SERIAL_PATH/, configPath('serial').replace(/\\/g, '\\\\'));
confTemplate =;
writeFileSync(opensslConfPath, confTemplate);
writeFileSync(configPath('index.txt'), '');
writeFileSync(configPath('serial'), '01');

// Generate a cryptographic key, used to sign certificates or certificate signing requests.
function generateKey(filename: string): void {
debug(`generateKey: ${ filename }`);
openssl(`genrsa -out ${ filename } 2048`);
chmodSync(filename, 400);

// Generate a certificate signed by the devcert root CA
// Generate an app certificate signed by the devcert root CA
function generateSignedCertificate(name: string, keyPath: string): void {
debug(`generating certificate signing request for ${ name }`);
let csrFile = configPath(`${ name }.csr`)
Expand All @@ -127,171 +87,3 @@ function generateSignedCertificate(name: string, keyPath: string): void {
let certPath = configPath(`${ name }.crt`);
openssl(`ca -config ${ opensslConfPath } -in ${ csrFile } -out ${ certPath } -outdir ${ caCertsDir } -keyfile ${ rootKeyPath } -cert ${ rootCertPath } -notext -md sha256 -days 7000 -batch -extensions server_cert`)

// Add the devcert root CA certificate to the trust stores for this machine. Adds to OS level trust
// stores, and where possible, to browser specific trust stores
async function addCertificateToTrustStores(installCertutil: boolean): Promise<void> {

if (isMac) {
// Chrome, Safari, system utils
debug('adding devcert root CA to macOS system keychain');
run(`sudo security add-trusted-cert -r trustRoot -k /Library/Keychains/System.keychain -p ssl "${ rootCertPath }"`);
// Firefox
try {
// Try to use certutil to install the cert automatically
debug('adding devcert root CA to firefox');
await addCertificateToNSSCertDB(path.join(process.env.HOME, 'Library/Application Support/Firefox/Profiles/*'), {
checkForOpenFirefox: true
} catch (e) {
// Otherwise, open the cert in Firefox to install it
await openCertificateInFirefox('/Applications/');

} else if (isLinux) {
// system utils
debug('adding devcert root CA to linux system-wide certificates');
run(`sudo cp ${ rootCertPath } /etc/ssl/certs/devcert.pem`);
run(`sudo cp ${ rootCertPath } /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/devcert.cer`);
run(`sudo update-ca-certificates`);
// Firefox
try {
// Try to use certutil to install the cert automatically
debug('adding devcert root CA to firefox');
await addCertificateToNSSCertDB(path.join(process.env.HOME, '.mozilla/firefox/*'), {
checkForOpenFirefox: true
} catch (e) {
// Otherwise, open the cert in Firefox to install it
await openCertificateInFirefox('firefox');
// Chrome
try {
debug('adding devcert root CA to chrome');
await addCertificateToNSSCertDB(path.join(process.env.HOME, '.pki/nssdb'), { installCertutil });
} catch (e) {
WARNING: Because you did not pass in \`installCertutil: true\` to devcert, we
are unable to update Chrome to automatically trust generated development
certificates. The certificates will work, but Chrome will continue to warn you
that they are untrusted.`);

// Windows
} else if (isWindows) {
// IE, Chrome, system utils
debug('adding devcert root to Windows OS trust store')
run(`certutil -addstore -user root ${ rootCertPath }`);
// Firefox (don't even try NSS certutil, no easy install for Windows)
await openCertificateInFirefox('start firefox');


// Try to use certutil to add the root cert to an NSS database
async function addCertificateToNSSCertDB(nssDirGlob: string, options: { installCertutil?: boolean, checkForOpenFirefox?: boolean } = {}): Promise<void> {
let certutilPath = lookupOrInstallCertutil(options.installCertutil);
if (!certutilPath) {
throw new Error('certutil not available, and `installCertutil` was false');
if (options.checkForOpenFirefox) {
let runningProcesses = run('ps aux');
if (runningProcesses.indexOf('firefox') > -1) {
console.log('Please close Firefox before continuing (Press <Enter> when ready)');
await waitForUser();
debug(`trying to install certificate into NSS databases in ${ nssDirGlob }`);
glob.sync(nssDirGlob).forEach((potentialNSSDBDir) => {
debug(`checking to see if ${ potentialNSSDBDir } is a valid NSS database directory`);
if (existsSync(path.join(potentialNSSDBDir, 'cert8.db'))) {
debug(`Found legacy NSS database in ${ potentialNSSDBDir }, adding devcert ...`)
run(`${ certutilPath } -A -d ${ potentialNSSDBDir } -t 'C,,' -i ${ rootCertPath } -n devcert`);
} else if (existsSync(path.join(potentialNSSDBDir, 'cert9.db'))) {
debug(`Found modern NSS database in ${ potentialNSSDBDir }, adding devcert ...`)
run(`${ certutilPath } -A -d sql:${ potentialNSSDBDir } -t 'C,,' -i ${ rootCertPath } -n devcert`);

// Launch a web server and open the root cert in Firefox. Useful for when certutil isn't available
async function openCertificateInFirefox(firefoxPath: string): Promise<void> {
debug('adding devert to firefox manually - launch webserver for certificate hosting');
let port = await getPort();
let server = http.createServer((req, res) => {
res.writeHead(200, { 'Content-type': 'application/x-x509-ca-cert' });
debug('certificate is hosted, starting firefox at hosted URL');
await new Promise((resolve) => {
console.log(`Unable to automatically install SSL certificate - please follow the prompts at http://localhost:${ port } in Firefox to trust the root certificate`);
console.log('See for more details');
console.log('-- Press <Enter> once you finish the Firefox prompts --');
exec(`${ firefoxPath } http://localhost:${ port }`);

// Try to install certutil if it's not already available, and return the path to the executable
function lookupOrInstallCertutil(installCertutil: boolean): boolean | string {
debug('looking for nss tooling ...')
if (isMac) {
debug('on mac, looking for homebrew (the only method for install nss supported by devcert');
if (commandExists('brew')) {
let nssPath: string;
let certutilPath: string;
try {
certutilPath = path.join(run('brew --prefix nss').toString().trim(), 'bin', 'certutil');
} catch (e) {
debug('brew was found, but nss is not installed');
if (installCertutil) {
debug('attempting to install nss via brew');
run('brew install nss');
certutilPath = path.join(run('brew --prefix nss').toString().trim(), 'bin', 'certutil');
} else {
return false;
debug(`Found nss installed at ${ certutilPath }`);
return certutilPath;
} else if (isLinux) {
debug('on linux, checking is nss is already installed');
if (!commandExists('certutil')) {
if (installCertutil) {
debug('not already installed, installing it ourselves');
run('sudo apt install libnss3-tools');
} else {
debug('not installed and do not want to install');
return false;
debug('looks like nss is installed');
return run('which certutil').toString().trim();
return false;

function openssl(cmd: string) {
return run(`openssl ${ cmd }`, {
stdio: 'ignore',
env: Object.assign({
RANDFILE: path.join(configPath('.rnd'))
}, process.env)

function run(cmd: string, options: ExecSyncOptions = {}) {
debug(`exec: \`${ cmd }\``);
return execSync(cmd, options);

function waitForUser() {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
process.stdin.on('data', resolve);

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