Give the Presidents your sentence. See how they would rephrase it.
US Presidential Speeches
Given a random sentence as input, the program outputs top 3 similar sentences from different presidents.
Unsupervised, Text Similarity, Chosen Solution: Semantic Similarity
WordEmbedding by gensim with GloVe algorithm VS Sentence Embedding with sentenceBERT
Soft Cosine Measure / Cosine Similarity
- The results were good! The top 3 sentences accurately conveyed the meaning of the input sentence.
- query = "I believe I our children are our future."
- The top 3 results gave a cosine similarity of 0.889 to 0.956
- The model took over 24 hours to run.
- The long run time of the model prevented further exploration of the model for example with different queries..
- The results did not resemble the query in spite of the soft cosine similarity being 0.982 to 1.0.
- query = 'I believe that the young people in America are our future.'
- The model was much less complex.
- The model did not convey the meaning of the input sentences.
- The dataset requires significant cleaning.
- Some cleaning was completed in the time aloted.