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Overhaul (#6077)
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crusaderky committed Apr 7, 2022
1 parent 6e30766 commit c4e07a1
Showing 1 changed file with 202 additions and 97 deletions.
299 changes: 202 additions & 97 deletions distributed/tests/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,128 +1,233 @@
from __future__ import annotations

import asyncio
from contextlib import asynccontextmanager

import pytest

import dask
from dask import delayed, persist
from dask.core import flatten
from dask.utils import stringify

from distributed import Worker, wait
from distributed.utils_test import gen_cluster, inc, slowdec, slowinc

@gen_cluster(client=True, nthreads=[])
async def test_submit(c, s):
low = c.submit(inc, 1, priority=-1)
futures =, range(10), delay=0.1)
high = c.submit(inc, 2, priority=1)
async with Worker(s.address, nthreads=1):
await wait(high)
assert all(s.processing.values())
assert s.tasks[low.key].state == "processing"

@gen_cluster(client=True, nthreads=[])
async def test_map(c, s):
low =, [1, 2, 3], priority=-1)
futures =, range(10), delay=0.1)
high =, [4, 5, 6], priority=1)
async with Worker(s.address, nthreads=1):
await wait(high)
assert all(s.processing.values())
assert s.tasks[low[0].key].state == "processing"

@gen_cluster(client=True, nthreads=[])
async def test_compute(c, s):
da = pytest.importorskip("dask.array")
x = da.random.random((10, 10), chunks=(5, 5))
y = da.random.random((10, 10), chunks=(5, 5))

low = c.compute(x, priority=-1)
futures =, range(10), delay=0.1)
high = c.compute(y, priority=1)
async with Worker(s.address, nthreads=1):
await wait(high)
assert all(s.processing.values())
assert s.tasks[stringify(low.key)].state in ("processing", "waiting")

@gen_cluster(client=True, nthreads=[])
async def test_persist(c, s):
da = pytest.importorskip("dask.array")
x = da.random.random((10, 10), chunks=(5, 5))
y = da.random.random((10, 10), chunks=(5, 5))

low = x.persist(priority=-1)
futures =, range(10), delay=0.1)
high = y.persist(priority=1)
async with Worker(s.address, nthreads=1):
await wait(high)
assert all(s.processing.values())
assert all(
s.tasks[stringify(k)].state in ("processing", "waiting")
for k in flatten(low.__dask_keys__())

async def test_annotate_compute(c, s, a, b):
from dask import delayed

from distributed import Client, Event, Scheduler, Status, Worker, wait
from distributed.utils_test import gen_cluster, inc, slowinc

dinc = delayed(inc)
dslowinc = delayed(slowinc)
dwait = delayed(lambda ev: ev.wait())

async def block_worker(
c: Client,
s: Scheduler,
w: Worker,
pause: bool,
ntasks_on_scheduler: int | None = None,
ntasks_on_worker: int | None = None,
"""Make sure that no tasks submitted inside this context manager start running on
the worker until the context manager exits.
Must be used together with the ``@gen_blockable_cluster`` test decorator.
pause : bool
When entering the context manager, pause the worker. At exit, wait for all
tasks created inside the context manager to be added to Scheduler.unrunnable
and then unpause the worker.
When entering the context manager, send a dummy long task to the worker. At
exit, wait for all tasks created inside the context manager to reach the
scheduler and then terminate the dummy task.
ntasks_on_scheduler : int, optional
Number of tasks that must appear on the scheduler. Defaults to the number of
futures held by the client.
ntasks_on_worker : int, optional
Number of tasks that must appear on the worker before any task is actually
started. Defaults to the number of futures held by the client.
if pause:
w.status = Status.paused
while s.workers[w.address].status != Status.paused:
await asyncio.sleep(0.01)
ev = Event()
clog = c.submit(lambda ev: ev.wait(), ev, key="block_worker")
while "block_worker" not in w.tasks:
await asyncio.sleep(0.01)


if ntasks_on_scheduler is None:
ntasks_on_scheduler = len(c.futures)
if ntasks_on_worker is None:
ntasks_on_worker = len(c.futures)
while len(s.tasks) < ntasks_on_scheduler:
await asyncio.sleep(0.01)

if pause:
assert len(s.unrunnable) == ntasks_on_worker
assert not w.tasks
w.status = Status.running
while len(w.tasks) < ntasks_on_worker:
await asyncio.sleep(0.01)
await ev.set()
await clog
del clog
while "block_worker" in s.tasks:
await asyncio.sleep(0.01)

def gen_blockable_cluster(test_func):
"""Generate a cluster with 1 worker and disabled memory monitor,
to be used together with ``async with block_worker(...):``.
return pytest.mark.parametrize(
pytest.param(False, id="queue on worker"),
pytest.param(True, id="queue on scheduler"),
nthreads=[("", 1)],
config={"distributed.worker.memory.pause": False},

async def test_submit(c, s, a, pause):
async with block_worker(c, s, a, pause):
low = c.submit(inc, 1, key="low", priority=-1)
ev = Event()
clog = c.submit(lambda ev: ev.wait(), ev, key="clog")
high = c.submit(inc, 2, key="high", priority=1)

await wait(high)
assert all(s.processing.values())
assert s.tasks[low.key].state == "processing"
await ev.set()
await wait(low)

async def test_map(c, s, a, pause):
async with block_worker(c, s, a, pause):
low =, [1, 2, 3], key=["l1", "l2", "l3"], priority=-1)
ev = Event()
clog = c.submit(lambda ev: ev.wait(), ev, key="clog")
high =, [4, 5, 6], key=["h1", "h2", "h3"], priority=1)

await wait(high)
assert all(s.processing.values())
assert all(s.tasks[fut.key].state == "processing" for fut in low)
await ev.set()
await clog
await wait(low)

async def test_compute(c, s, a, pause):
async with block_worker(c, s, a, pause):
low = c.compute(dinc(1, dask_key_name="low"), priority=-1)
ev = Event()
clog = c.submit(lambda ev: ev.wait(), ev, key="clog")
high = c.compute(dinc(2, dask_key_name="high"), priority=1)

await wait(high)
assert all(s.processing.values())
assert s.tasks[low.key].state == "processing"
await ev.set()
await clog
await wait(low)

async def test_persist(c, s, a, pause):
async with block_worker(c, s, a, pause):
low = dinc(1, dask_key_name="low").persist(priority=-1)
ev = Event()
clog = c.submit(lambda ev: ev.wait(), ev, key="clog")
high = dinc(2, dask_key_name="high").persist(priority=1)

await wait(high)
assert all(s.processing.values())
assert s.tasks[low.key].state == "processing"
await ev.set()
await wait(clog)
await wait(low)

async def test_annotate_compute(c, s, a, pause):
with dask.annotate(priority=-1):
low = delayed(inc)(1)
low = dinc(1, dask_key_name="low")
ev = Event()
clog = dwait(ev, dask_key_name="clog")
with dask.annotate(priority=1):
high = delayed(inc)(2)
many = [delayed(slowinc)(i, delay=0.1) for i in range(10)]
high = dinc(2, dask_key_name="high")

async with block_worker(c, s, a, pause):
low, clog, high = c.compute([low, clog, high], optimize_graph=False)

low, many, high = c.compute([low, many, high], optimize_graph=False)
await wait(high)
assert s.tasks[low.key].state == "processing"
await ev.set()
await wait(clog)
await wait(low)

async def test_annotate_persist(c, s, a, b):
async def test_annotate_persist(c, s, a, pause):
with dask.annotate(priority=-1):
low = delayed(inc)(1, dask_key_name="low")
low = dinc(1, dask_key_name="low")
ev = Event()
clog = dwait(ev, dask_key_name="clog")
with dask.annotate(priority=1):
high = delayed(inc)(2, dask_key_name="high")
many = [delayed(slowinc)(i, delay=0.1) for i in range(4)]
high = dinc(2, dask_key_name="high")

async with block_worker(c, s, a, pause):
low, clog, high = c.persist([low, clog, high], optimize_graph=False)

low, high, x, y, z, w = persist(low, high, *many, optimize_graph=False)
await wait(high)
assert s.tasks[low.key].state == "processing"
await ev.set()
await wait(clog)
await wait(low)

@gen_cluster(client=True, nthreads=[("", 1)])
async def test_repeated_persists_same_priority(c, s, w):
xs = [delayed(slowinc)(i, delay=0.05, dask_key_name="x-%d" % i) for i in range(10)]
ys = [
delayed(slowinc)(x, delay=0.05, dask_key_name="y-%d" % i)
for i, x in enumerate(xs)
zs = [
delayed(slowdec)(x, delay=0.05, dask_key_name="z-%d" % i)
for i, x in enumerate(xs)
async def test_repeated_persists_same_priority(c, s, a, pause):
xs = [delayed(slowinc)(i, delay=0.05, dask_key_name=f"x{i}") for i in range(10)]
ys = [delayed(slowinc)(xs[i], delay=0.05, dask_key_name=f"y{i}") for i in range(10)]
zs = [delayed(slowinc)(xs[i], delay=0.05, dask_key_name=f"z{i}") for i in range(10)]

ys = dask.persist(*ys)
zs = dask.persist(*zs)
async with block_worker(c, s, a, pause, 30, 10):
ys = dask.persist(*ys)
zs = dask.persist(*zs)

while (
sum(t.state == "memory" for t in s.tasks.values()) < 5
): # TODO: reduce this number
await asyncio.sleep(0.01)

assert any(s.tasks[y.key].state == "memory" for y in ys)
assert any(s.tasks[z.key].state == "memory" for z in zs)
assert 0 < sum(s.tasks[fut.key].state == "memory" for fut in xs) < 10
assert 0 < sum(s.tasks[fut.key].state == "memory" for fut in ys) < 10
assert 0 < sum(s.tasks[fut.key].state == "memory" for fut in zs) < 10

@gen_cluster(client=True, nthreads=[("", 1)])
async def test_last_in_first_out(c, s, w):
xs = [c.submit(slowinc, i, delay=0.05) for i in range(5)]
ys = [c.submit(slowinc, x, delay=0.05) for x in xs]
zs = [c.submit(slowinc, y, delay=0.05) for y in ys]
async def test_last_in_first_out(c, s, a, pause):
async with block_worker(c, s, a, pause, 15, 5):
xs = [c.submit(slowinc, i, delay=0.05, key=f"x{i}") for i in range(5)]
ys = [c.submit(slowinc, xs[i], delay=0.05, key=f"y{i}") for i in range(5)]
zs = [c.submit(slowinc, ys[i], delay=0.05, key=f"z{i}") for i in range(5)]

while len(s.tasks) < 15 or not any(s.tasks[z.key].state == "memory" for z in zs):
while not any(s.tasks[z.key].state == "memory" for z in zs):
await asyncio.sleep(0.01)

assert not all(s.tasks[x.key].state == "memory" for x in xs)

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