Table of Contents
ChRIS Plugin for Explainable AI visualization using the Grad-CAM algorithm
python \ [-h] [--help] \ [--man] \ [--meta] \ [-v <level>] [--verbosity <level>] \ [--version] \ [--modelname <modelname>] \ --imagefile <imagefile> \ --predmatrix <predmatrix> \ <inputDir> \ <outputDir>
[-h] [--help] If specified, show help message and exit. [--man] If specified, print (this) man page and exit. [--meta] If specified, print plugin meta data and exit. [-v <level>] [--verbosity <level>] Verbosity level for app. Not used currently. [--version] If specified, print version number and exit. [--modelname] The name of the model being used, this is optional (default is COVIDNet-CXR4-B). [--imagefile] The name of the input image in the input directory, this is required [--predmatrix] The name of the prediction matrix file in the input directory, this is required
DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 docker build -t local/pl-covidnet-grad-cam .
docker run --rm -v $PWD/in:/incoming -v $PWD/out:/outgoing \
darwinai/covidnet-grad-cam-pl covidnet-grad-cam \
--imagefile ex-covid.jpg --predmatrix raw-prediction-matrix-default.json \
/incoming /outgoing
The COVIDNet-CXR4-B model is downloaded from For more information, visit
Grad-CAM largely depends on the provided reference model, so make sure that the model that is used to determine the result that is used as input exactly matches the provided reference model.
Insik Kim(insikk) for initial Grad-CAM implementation for ResNet and VGG using tensorflow: