This plugin allows you to disable the editor for some CPTs, templates or specific pages.
composer require dartmoon/wordpress-disable-editor
Download and install a MU plugin loader that lets you use MU plugins that reside inside folders. For example you could use Bedrock Autoloader.
Download the latest release of this plugin and extract it inside the mu-plugins folder of your WordPress installation.
add_filter('drtn/disable_gutenberg', function ($can_edit, $post_id, $post_type) {
* Post types for which to enable Gutenberg
if ($post_type == 'post') {
return true;
* Templates for which we need to disable Gutemberg
$excludedTemplates = [
* Specific Post IDs for which we need to disable Gutenberg
$excludedIds = [
// Retrieve the template of the current post id
$template = basename(get_page_template());
return !(in_array($post_id, $excludedIds) || in_array($template, $excludedTemplates));
}, 10, 3);
add_filter('drtn/disable_editor', function ($can_edit, $post_id, $post_type) {
* Post types for which to enable the classic editor
if ($post_type == 'post') {
return true;
* Templates for which we need to disable the classic editor
$excludedTemplates = [
* Specific Post IDs for which we need to disable the classic editor
$excludedIds = [
// Retrieve the template of the current post id
$template = basename(get_page_template());
return !(in_array($post_id, $excludedIds) || in_array($template, $excludedTemplates));
}, 10, 3);
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details