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Frequently asked questions

NimbusBP1729 edited this page Nov 21, 2012 · 6 revisions

How do you drop items from your inventory?

Currently we don't support dropping items, but hopefully we will soon.

If you go just below the dealer's table and walk into the wall you jump straight in.

This is a known issue that we haven't fully addressed yet. It will require a reworking of how we handle floorspaces.

When a new release comes out do you need to re-download it?

You have to download each version as they are updated in its entirety not just the updated parts unless you download the code and manually update it

Why don't we add ______ as a character?

First check for the character on the Sprite Spreadsheet. If you haven't found the character, then it may be an entirely knew idea, so post it on /r/hawkthorne.

If the character is on the spreadsheet and isn't in the game it is probably because not all of their frames have been completed. Submit the new necessary frames and submit your progress to /r/hawkthorne for feedback

I can’t go through Doors in the village. But I can enter the Tavern.

The rest of the town isn’t programmed in yet. Chill.

Why isn’t my costume in the game yet?

Just relax, I promise to get to your costume. There are a lot of them.

Help! Something happened!

Chances are you’ve run into some sort of bug. Report it here:

I want to help.

You can help by making a costume, picking out the needed sprites from the spreadsheet, or testing bugs.

But I don’t wanna make a costume. Can I do something else?

We need help making sprites. Post them here:

Um. I don’t have artistic qualities. But I still want to help!

Are you good with writing? Then join the story dev team here:

I’m not really a “writing person” per se. Can I do something else:

You can 16bit-ize songs and post them on the subreddit.