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Publishing automation

Devon Carew edited this page Jun 26, 2024 · 7 revisions

Contributions, PRs, and publishing

When contributing to packages that use our publishing validation and automation bot:

  • if the package version is a stable semver version (x.y.z), the latest changes have been published to pub. Please add a new changelog section for your change, rev the service portion of the version, append -wip, and update the pubspec version to agree with the new version
  • if the package version ends in -wip, the latest changes are unpublished; please add a new changelog entry for your change in the most recent section. When we decide to publish the latest changes we'll drop the -wip suffix from the package version
  • for PRs, the Publish bot will perform basic validation of the info in the pubspec.yaml and files
  • when the PR is merged into the main branch, if the change includes reving to a new stable version, a repo maintainer will tag that commit with the pubspec version (e.g., v1.2.3); that tag event will trigger the Publish bot to publish a new version of the package to

If the dart pub publish --dry-run step is failing during PR validation, and it's for a reason that could legitimately be ignored (publishing using a pre-release SDK?), repo committers can add the publish-ignore-warnings label to the PR in order to ignore failures from a publishing dry-run.

More publishing conventions

For more information on dart-lang package publishing and maintenance conventions, see

For committers: publishing a release

TLDR: After merging a PR, create a new GitHub release to publish it. This is best done using the link that firehose creates in the 'Package publishing' comment.

Once a new release is ready to go - the latest bits have landed in the default branch - it can be published by tagging the commit with a well-formed tag. Generally this is in the form of package_name-v1.2.3; the publishing automation will indicate the correct tag to use in the PR.

There are two ways to do this. One is by tagging the commit via the command line and pushing the new tag to the repo. That's correct, but there's a better way.

The 2nd way to publish is by creating a github release (see the /releases url of your repo; e.g., Creating a new release there will tag the commit as a by-product, which will trigger a release. To create a release:

  • go to the<org>/<repo>/releases url
  • click 'draft a new release'
  • in 'choose tag', enter the tag of the correct publishing tag (you'll be creating a new tag)
  • in 'release title', enter the same text as the tag (by convention; this area is free-form)
  • in 'describe this release', enter the portion of the changelog entry for this release

Firehose will create a hyperlink in it's comment on the PR with all the release information filled out. After the PR is merged - and we're ready to publish - it is highly recommended to use this link to create the release (instead of manually filling in the information). This helps make our releases more standardized and less error-prone.