An implementation of the suggested Stationeers IC system. This was developed for a feature on, but is available for use by others if they wish.
npm install
npm test
You may need to globally install eslint depending on your npm environment. Pull requests are happily taken, however all submissions must include unit tests for functionality added/altered.
To use in your project, ensure you have a working node and npm environment:
npm install --save
// Require IC, legacy.
const IC = require('stationeers-ic');
// Require IC, ES6.
import IC from 'stationeers-ic';
// Create new IC.
let ourIC = new IC();
// Load a program, a string seperated by new line characters. "\n"
// Load a program, however more visible in code.
"move r0 99",
"move r1 90
// Get any program errors, array of objects.
var errors = ourIC.getProgramErrors();
Error object format:
"line": <line number>,
"error": <error_name>,
"field": <(optional) field number at fault, 0 indexed after instruction>,
"type": warning|error
Current Error Types:
- INVALID_FIELD_NO_SUCH_REGISTER - The register number you have specified does not exist.
- INVALID_FIELD_UNKNOWN_TYPE - The register is invalid, or the alias has not been created.
- INVALID_FIELD_NOT_READABLE - Instruction requires a source which can be read from, either a register or a literal number.
- INVALID_FIELD_NOT_REGISTER - Instruction requires the field to be a register
- INVALID_FIELD_NOT_DEVICE - Instruction requires the field to be a device.
- MISSING_FIELD - Instruction requires an additional field in this position.
- UNKNOWN_INSTRUCTION - The instruction you have specified does not exist, check the spelling.
- LINE_TOO_LONG - The line is more than 64 characters, reduce the length.
- PROGRAM_TOO_LONG - The program is too long, only 128 instructions/lines are permitted.
- INVALID_JUMP_TAG_DUPLICATE - A duplicate jump tag has been found.
- INVALID_JUMP_TAG_CONTENT_AFTER - Content was found after a jump tag, this is currently ignored.
Any error objects of type "error" will prevent the program from running.
// Retrieve a copy of the internal registers, array of floating point numbers.
var registerState = ourIC.getInternalRegisters();
// Get all labels for the internal registers, only populated once label instructions have executed.
var registerLabels = ourIC.getInternalLabels();
// Set register 5 to 9.999.
ourIC.setInternalRegister(5, 9.999);
// Retrieve a copy of the whole stack, array of floating point numbers.
var stack = ourIC.getStack();
// Setting the stack values is not supported.
// Get the device names for each register, names aligned to array orders. (d0..d5,db)
var deviceNames = ourIC.getIONames();
// Get current IO/Device registers, array of objects, [{ "field": <value> }]
var deviceRegisters = ourIC.getIORegisters();
// Get any aliases that have been set for device registers, only populated once aliases have been executed.
var deviceLabels = ourIC.getIOLabels();
// Set a device register, set d2.Setting to 1.
ourIC.setIORegister(2, "Setting", 1) {
// Step the IC forward one instruction.
// Move the IC forward 128 instructions or until error/yield.
var total = 0;
var lastResult = ourIC.step();
while(!lastResult && total < 128) {
lastResult = ourIC.step();
will return an error if the program can not continue.
- YIELD - Yield instruction was run, halt until new power tick.
- INVALID_REGISTER_LOCATION - Attempt to access a register which does not exist.
- END_OF_PROGRAM - Program counter has gone beyond end of program.
- INVALID_PROGRAM_COUNTER - Program counter is less that 0.
- INVALID_PROGRAM - Program is not valid.
// Restart program counter to 0.
// Ignore any program errors, execute as a no op.