A basic gulp build-kit, including our in-house scss starter template, based on the generator-gulp-webapp
Same features as generator-gulp-webapp:
- CSS Autoprefixing
- BrowserSync
- libsass
- jslint
- Image optimization
- Bower
- pixrem for automatic rem -> px fallback!
npm install -g generator-fed-up (Not added to yeoman community generators as of yet)
(First time only): To use this generator, from the fed-up folder, run the following as sudo:
npm link
Then, start the generator with yo:
yo cdd
If you get any errors, you might have to re-run npm install with sudo!
When you start the build you need to tell gulp-pixrem the base font size, so that it can automatically generate px fallback values for <IE8. Look for the pixrem task and update to match your base font size.
Once this is done, use the following commands when developing:
- Run
gulp serve
to preview and watch for changes - Run
bower install --save <package>
to install frontend packages using Bower - Run
to minify and build your application into the /dist folder