This script was based on Creare's 'Implied Consent' EU Cookie Law Banner v:2.4 but was heavily altered and refactored for more options and to use jQuery.
Just include the cookie-banner.js file. Or if you are using bower, you can run:
bower install [email protected]:danny-allen/cookie-banner.git --save
//instantiate cookie
var cookieBanner = new namespace.CookieBanner({
//configure options here - see below
duration: 28,
//when the close element of the cookie banner is clicked
cookieBanner.closeElement.on('click', function(e){
//dont follow the anchor
//remove the banner (setting a cookie to remember)
Option | Default value | Description |
dropColumn | true | False disables the Cookie, allowing you to style the banner |
duration | 14 | Number of days before the cookie expires, and the banner reappears |
cookieName | 'complianceCookie' | Name of our cookie |
cookieValue | 'on' | Value of cookie |
parentElement | $('body') | Selector within which to insert the cookie notice |
prepend | true | Prepend to the selector element (if false, append) |
content | *(HTML string) | Content for the cookie banner |
closeElementSelector | '.cookie-banner' | Close element selector |
closeElementContent | *(HTML string) | Content for the close elemenent |
bannerClass | 'cookie-banner' | Class to attach to the banner |
* HTML string - not an actual value, but represents the type of value, see the object for actual value.