Assessment Django Developer -- Data Science focus by Spotter
*Library Assessment: Create a Django RESTful API to manage books and authors, including user authentication, search functionality, and recommendation system.
✓ Requirements: ✓ 1. API Endpoints: -Books: ✓ GET /books - Retrieve a list of all books. ✓ GET /books/:id - Retrieve a specific book by ID. ✓ POST /books - Create a new book (protected). ✓ PUT /books/:id - Update an existing book (protected). ✓ DELETE /books/:id - Delete a book (protected).
-Authors: ✓ GET /authors - Retrieve a list of all authors. ✓ GET /authors/:id - Retrieve a specific author by ID. ✓ POST /authors - Create a new author (protected). ✓ PUT /authors/:id - Update an existing author (protected). ✓ DELETE /authors/:id - Delete an author (protected).
✓ 2. Authentication: ✓ Use JWT for user authentication. ✓ Implement registration (POST /register) and login (POST /login) endpoints. ✓ Protect endpoints for creating, updating, and deleting books/authors.
✓ 3. Database Schema: ✓ Design a relational database schema with tables for books, authors, users and any other model you need.
✓ 4. Search Functionality: ✓ Implement search functionality to find books by title or author name (GET /books?search=query).
- Recommendation System Now that you have built your library models and allow the user to lookup any book, it is time to build a "suggested books" endpoint. ✓ User can add/remove a book from their favorites list ✓ As a user marks a favorite book, the system should provide the user with a list of 5 recommended titles. *You are welcome to use a similarity algorithm for determining recommended titles. *Each new favorites addition should recommend titles that are similar to the entire favorites list. ✓ Max of 20 favorite book titles. *Endpoint should return favorites in less than 1 second.
Download the dataset:
- Make a loom video explaining: 1. How your models are designed, and the logic behind your design. 2. Walking through your similarity algo. 3. Testing response times of your end-point.
- Share the GitHub repository.
Please ensure all required information and documentation are accurately compiled and submitted for review to my email [email protected]