See the script in action, animations and everything else can be customized, you just need a basic knowledge of JavaScript.
Start by putting the latest Bootstrap on your site.
Then add my script to the site. It should come at the end of the body, behind the Bootstrap script.
<script src="" integrity="sha384-eHEyolGs5+4+fpMEEcNsT22uT/gvfdbYi7ILP66pDf3JIDHcinTASicxy7BS9RFC" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
- Now put this button somewhere in your code to make it work.
<button id="theme-toggler" class="btn btn-secondary">π</button>
- You're done! Now enjoy a simple dark theme switch.
I created this script because I was very confused by the Bootstrap docs and wanted to make something very simple and functional for others right out of the box. There is also a version written directly by the Bootstrap team, which you can find in the source code of their Example pages.