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tmux shortcuts

tmux sessions

tmux                                            start new session
tmux new -s [name]                              start new session with name
tmux a                                          attach to last session
tmux a -t [name]                                attach to named session
tmux ls                                         list sessions
tmux kill-session -t [name]                     kill session with name
ctrl s s                                        list sessions
ctrl s d                                        detach session
ctrl s $                                        rename session

tmux windows

ctrl s c                                        create new window
ctrl s ,                                        rename cur window
ctrl s n/p                                      go to next/prev window
ctrl s w                                        list windows
ctrl s &                                        kill window

tmux panel

ctrl (hjkl)                                     move between panels (VIM keybindings)
ctrl s "                                        open panel (stack vertically)
ctrl s %                                        open panel (stack horizontally)
ctrl s x                                        close panel
ctrl s z                                        toggle panel full screen

in tmux

ctrl s [                                        scroll
q                                               quit scroll
ctrl m                                          toggle mouse mode (iterm)

nvim shortcuts

tabs management

ctrl t (in file manager or normal mode)         open new tab
gt                                              move to next tab to right
gT                                              move to next tab to left

ctrl w                                          close tab
ctrl (hjkl)                                     move between splits (VIM keybindings)

vim panes

<Ctrl-w> s                                      split window horizontally
<Ctrl-w> v                                      split window vertically
<Ctrl-w> q                                      close window


zz, zt, zb                                      put line as center, top, bottom
ctrl ]                                          go to tag
ctrl o                                          go back
ctrl i                                          go forward

m[char]                                         mark cursor location as [char]
'[char]                                         go to marked cursor location

{ or }                                          go to next/prev blank line
* or #                                          go to next/prev word under cursor

f/F [char]                                      go to next/prev [char] in line
t/T [char]                                      go to next/prev [char] in line before [char]


v                                               characterwise visual mode
V                                               linewise visual mode
O                                               add line above

]p                                              paste with correct indentation
.                                               repeat last command
v/c/d ip                                        highlight/change/delete inside _ (paragraph, words, quotes, etc.) pos does not matter
v/c/d ap                                        highlight/change/delete around _ (paragraph, words, quotes, etc.) pos does not matter
v/c/d t/f [char]                                highlight/change/delete until/forward _ (words, quotes, etc.)

=ap                                             auto indent paragraph

o                                               switch highlight position (visual mode)
K                                               move block of code up
J                                               move block of code down
space d                                         delete line (visual mode)
space dd                                        delete line (normal mode)


space e                                         open diagnostics list on line
space q                                         open all diagnostics
[/] d                                           go to next/prev diagnostic


% makes in file
/g makes global (within a scope)
/c makes confirmation

:s/foo/bar                                      replace first foo with bar in line
:s/foo/bar/g                                    replace all foo with bar in line
:#,#s/foo/bar/g                                 replace all foo with bar in range of (#, #)
:%s/foo/bar/g                                   replace all foo with bar in file
:%s/foo/bar/gc                                  replace all foo with bar in line with confirmation


tab                                             autocomplete for copilot
ctrl j/k                                        move down/up in suggestions
enter                                           select suggestion
ctrl e                                          close suggestions

harpoon shortcuts

harpoon commands

space m                                         open harpoon menu
space a                                         harpoon file
space h                                         go to file 1
space h                                         go to file 2
space h                                         go to file 3
space h                                         go to file 4
space n/N                                       go to next/prev file

telescope shortcuts

telescope commands

space ft                                        toggle file tree
space gf                                        search files in dir (just git files)
space sf                                        search files in dir (hidden files)
space sg                                        search by grep in dir
space sG                                        search by grep in dir (git dir)
space ut                                        open undo tree
space s/                                        search in open files
space sd                                        search diagnostics

space space                                     search files in buffer
space /                                         search words in current buffer
space d s                                       search for symbols in document
space w s                                       search for symbols in buffer

space w a                                       add folder in buffer
space w r                                       remove folder from buffer
space w l                                       list folders in buffer

gd/gD                                           go to definition/declaration of thing under cursor
gr                                              go to references of thing under cursor
leader D                                        go to definition of type
K                                               show documentation (shorter) of thing under cursor
ctrl k                                          show documentation (longer) of thing under cursor

ctrl x (in some file manager)                   split screen horizontally (stack vertically) 
ctrl v (in some file manager)                   split screen vertically (stack horizontally)

oil shortcuts

oil commands

-                                               open oil
- (in oil)                                      go back one dir
enter                                           go into dir
_                                               go back into working dir
ctrl c                                          exit oil
ctrl p                                          preview
`                                               change working dir
g.                                              toggle hidden


my nvim and tmux configs






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