Exercises from CSCA48 (Assignments are not included so the prof can reuse some parts of the projects for the future lmao)
- Prime Powers (loops, conditionals, functions) - print the prime powers of 1.4142 from 2 to 100
- Array Workout (arrays) - print the prime factors of the numbers from 2 to 100
- Fun with Pointers (pointers, strings, arrays) - reverse the words in a string
- Magic Squares - solves a magic square
- Elevation Maps (recursion) - detects and extracts the connected region in the map that has the same elevation as the initial coordinates
- Caesar Ciphar - reads an image and use the pixel values as the displacement values for each letter in the message, creating an encoded message
- Caesar break+ - perform a dictionary attack based on an encoded message from a caesar ciphar
- DNA translate - takes in a DNA sequence (a string made up of letters ATCG in some sequence) and determines the corresponding sequence of aminoacids, as well as whether or not sequences have the same number and type of aminoacids
- Sudoku - solves a standard sudoku puzzle
- Video game inventory system (linked lists, nodes, CRUD, querying, sorting) - Similar to CSCA48 Assignment 1: Movie Reviews Database, but applied to a different project idea. Features a very simple interface.
- Player Ranking System (Binary search trees, sorting)