- Connecto is a result of the stress took upon me while sharing my Pre-Saved Notes or Document File to my Client or Multiple Clients.
- Uptil now, I use save my regulars in Google Keep Notes and in future if I need to send those notes or Doucument to any clients where I have to navigate out of my messenger application and goto my Google Keep Note, Long-Press my particular note and then goto share to my Platform, After that I am able to share my info.
- What If, This all hectic process can be done in a single tap while chating only without even breaking your cursor blink.
- Connecto is a messenger application which is a mixture of two separate application Alpha Note and Beta Messenger.
- The most unlikely thing which is really unique with this application is SwitchSlider which switchs between different application.
- And the classic Search Bar where slider turn into SearchBar is miraculous.
- Alpha Notes also have two different section with "All Notes" and "Vault Notes".
- All Notes : Comprises of Notes, All type of Document File, Images ,GIFs etc.
- Vault Notes : It comprises all different files which user don't wont to access on tap.
- Beta Messenger is most likely other messengers but with more interseting design and easy to use.
- And the most interesting thing in it is "Type Here....".