- Video Downloader: Download videos using the yt-dlp library on macOS.
- Zsh Setup Script: Automate the setup of Zsh shell with useful plugins and Powerlevel10k theme on macOS.
- Audio Extractor: extract audio from a video file and checks if the size of the audio file exceeds 15MB.
This script is designed to download videos using the yt-dlp library. It is specifically tailored for macOS.
- macOS operating system
- Python 3
- Homebrew (optional, for installing Python 3)
Install Homebrew (if not already installed):
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/HEAD/install.sh)"
Install Python 3:
brew install python@3
Install yt-dlp using Python 3:
python3 -m pip install yt-dlp
You can download videos or extract audio either from a list of URLs provided in a text file or directly from a single URL.
The setup_zsh.sh
script automates the setup of Zsh shell with useful plugins and Powerlevel10k theme on macOS.
- macOS operating system
- Homebrew package manager (automatically installed if not present)
- Bash shell
- Download the script to your macOS system.
- Make the script executable:
chmod +x setup_zsh.sh
- Run the script:
- Checks if Homebrew is installed, if not, installs it.
- Installs zsh-autosuggestions and zsh-syntax-highlighting plugins using Homebrew.
- Installs Oh My Zsh shell framework if not already installed.
- Downloads Powerlevel10k theme and adds it to the .zshrc file.
- Reloads .zshrc to start Powerlevel10k configuration.
- Make sure to review the script before running it to ensure it meets your requirements.
- After running the script, you may need to restart your terminal or run
source ~/.zshrc
for the changes to take effect. - Powerlevel10k configuration can be further customized by following the prompts during the first launch.
This shell script extracts audio from a video file and checks if the size of the extracted audio file exceeds 15MB. If the size exceeds the limit, it displays a warning message and deletes the output audio file.
- Bash shell
- ffmpeg (to install:
brew install ffmpeg
- Clone the repository or download the shell script.
- Make the script executable:
chmod +x audio_extractor.sh
- Run the script with a video file as a command-line argument
./audio_extractor.sh <video_file>