This module is a python wrapper for the OpenAM API. With this module you can easy make use of the OpenAM API. The goal is to fully configure an OpenAM instance via the API.
- Github page:
- PyPi page:
- Docker container:
This python module should work with the following versions of OpenAM:
- 12.0.0
- 13.0.0
Tests will validate that the module works on these versions. There is no plan yet to update the module so it can also handle older "legacy" versions.
What is working in the current version of this module. The following (json/) endpoints work:
endpoint | OpenAM 12 | OpenAM 13 |
/authenticate | V | V |
/users | V | V |
/groups | V | V |
/agents | V | V |
/realms | V | V |
/dashboard | . | . |
/sessions | V | V |
/serverinfo/* | V | V |
/applications | . | . |
/resourcetypes | n.a. | V |
/policies | . | . |
/applicationtypes | . | . |
/conditiontypes | . | . |
/subjecttypes | . | . |
/subjectattributes | . | . |
/decisioncombiners | . | . |
/subjectattributes | . | . |
V = Works
. = Not working (yet)
The following (xacml/) endpoints work:
endpoint | OpenAM 12 | OpenAM 13 |
/policies | . | . |
The following (frrest/) endpoints work:
endpoint | OpenAM 12 | OpenAM 13 |
/token | . | . |
/client | . | . |
Installation is very simple, execute the following command:
pip install python-openam
Module is installed and can be used.
The following is a basic example for authenticating and doing an logout on OpenAM:
import openam
am = openam.Openam(openam_url="")
am.authenticate(username="amadmin", password="password_openam")
You'll have to update the 'openam_url' and both the 'username' and 'password' for your setup.
Creating an identity
import openam
am = openam.Openam(openam_url="")
auth_data = am.authenticate(username="amadmin", password="password_openam")
user_data = {"username": "bjensen", "userpassword": "secret12", "mail": "[email protected]"}
{u'username': u'bjensen', u'dn': [u'uid=bjensen,ou=people,dc=openam,dc=forgerock,dc=org'], u'realm': u'/'..}
{u'reason': u'Conflict', u'code': 409, u'message': u'Resource already exists'}
Of course there are issues, please let me know. Also if you want to help me add functionality to the module, let me know and create a Pull Request.
All help is welcome. :-)